Planning time

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|Eddie's POV|

Everything was fine. We we're all going into the gate. When it was y/n's turn to go she stopped. She was frozen. I was sure it was vecna. This is how Chrissy's eyes looked before she died. God please don't take her away from me. Please.

"Y/n? Hey? Hey!? Stay with me y/n. Hey!" I yelled shaking her trying to wake her up. "Wake up y/n please wake up." Everyone on the other side was gathered around under the gate. They knew too.

"Eddie what's going on?" I heard Steve call to me. "Go run to my bedroom now. It's vecna" I said with tears in my eyes. They all shared the same concerned look with each other and ran.

Please don't take my beautiful girl away from me. Please there's so much I need to tell her still.

"Y/n can you hear me? Please come back. This can't be happening." I felt the tears start rolling down my cheeks. I was angry. "Leave y/n alone vecna! You hear me! SHE'S MINE! YOU STAY AWAY FROM HER ITS NOT HER TIME!" I yelled fully sobbing at this point. "Y/n stay with me okay!" I look up to see Erica standing under the gate. "Hey man hurry up!" I yelled to here she took off running. "Eddie said you guys need to hurry" I heard her yell to the others. They started arguing but I was to focused on y/n to pay attention.

"I found something!" I heard dustin yell. Right after that y/n took a deep breath. "Oh my god y/n. Your okay. It's okay." I say hugging her tightly. " your okay. I'm here" I say stroking her hair. "Let's get you back to the other side" I say letting go. Helping her through. After I knew she was there safely I went.

We we're all there in the living room. Me and y/n were sitting on the couch. Her head on my shoulder. She makes me so nervous.

"Y/n what happened" Steve asked. She looks at me say up and began talking.


"He showed me things that haven't happened yet" I said slowly. "The most awful things." I felt Eddie put his hand on my thigh. I look at him and then back at the others. "I saw a dark cloud spreading over Hawkins. Downtown on fire. Dead soldiers." I paused. "And a giant creature with a gaping mouth. And it wasn't alone. There was so many monsters. An army of them." I took a breath. "They we're coming into Hawkins. Into our neighborhoods. Into our homes. And he showed me my mom...and my family" I took another pause as I was on the verge of tears. "Dead" I finished.

"Ok but he's just trying to scare you y/n. Right? I mean it's not real." Steve said trying to make me feel better. "Not yet." I said looking at him. "There was something else.. he show me gates." They all look up at me. "Four gates. Spreading across Hawkins. These gates looks like the one at Eddie's trailer. But They didn't stop growing. This wasn't the upside down Hawkins. This was our Hawkins." Everyone looked worried.

"Four chimes" max said. We all turn and look at her. "Vecnas clock. It always chimes four times. Four exactly" she continued. "I heard them too." There was a moment of silence in the room. " he's been telling us his plan this whole time." Max said. "Four kills. Four gates. End of the world." Lucas said. "If that's true. He's only one kill away.

"Try them again max" Steve said. Max walked over to the phone and made a call. They talked about how there was no answer. Trying to call again.

"Whatever's happening in Lenora is connected to all of this" Nancy said looking out the window. " I'm sure of it. Vecna can't hurt them not if he's dead." She continued. "I think everyone should get some rest first. We'll come up with a plan first thing tomorrow morning". Thank god finally I can rest.

We all watched a movie and ordered pizza to calm some of the nerves. The kids fell asleep in the living room on the floor, Robin on the couch, and Nancy and Steve went off to one of the bedrooms.

"Come on" I said to Eddie getting up. "Let's go to the other room so we don't wake anyone" he got up and followed me to the room that wasn't occupied.

We sat for a bit watching another move in the room. Halfway through I got bored. "Eddie?" I asked waiting for a response. "Yes love" he replied making me blush. "Do you think we're gonna survive this." I say looking down at the bed. He lifted my chin and was looking me in my eyes. "Yes Y/n I do." I gave him a soft smile. "I'm not gonna let anything happen to you okay y/n. I promise." Our faces were inches apart. I couldn't take it no more. I smacked my lips on his. Giving him a deep passion kiss. I pull back taking a breath. Which didn't last long as he had pulled me back in. We made out for a while. Things started to get heated. Let's just say one thing lead to another.

After we had finished we were laying there cuddling. I started rubbing my eyes. " are you tired princess" Eddie said. I was to tired to speak so I just nodded. "Go to sleep" and before I new it I was sleep.

I woke up and noticed Eddie wasn't in the room anymore. I stretched and got up from the bed walking to the living room where everyone else was.

All eyes landed on me as I walked in the room. "Morning" I said still trying to wake up. "Morning   y/n. We we're just about to start planning." Steve said with a smile.

We all sit there talking figuring out what we're gonna do. "Okay but how are we gonna get guns and stuff" Erica said. "Hang on a minute" Eddie said running off to the frigid. He came back with an add. "The war zone. They got everything you need for killing things.". "Do you think fake Rambo has enough guns there? Is that a grenade? I mean how is any of this even legal?" Robin said. "Well lucky for us it is so this place is just far enough outside hawkins. As long as we steer clear of main roads we'll be able to avoid cops and angry hicks." Eddie said. "If we're trying to avoid angry hicks maybe we shouldn't go to a place called the war zone." Erica bluntly said. "Normally I'd agree but we need weapons. So I think it's worth the risk." Nancy said. "Yeah but is it worth the time? It'll take all day to bike there and back" dustin stated. "Who said anything about bikes" Eddie said. "What you got some sort of car we don't know about." Steve questioned. "It's not exactly a car and it's not exactly mine but it'll do." Eddie said standing straight. "Hey red" he said turning to max. "You gotta ski mask or a bandana or something like that?" He asked. She paused for a minute. "Something like that" she said running to her room. She came back with a Halloween mask from years ago. I couldn't help but laugh at the fact she still had it. She handed it to Eddie. "This will go I guess. Follow me" he said putting the mask on as he walked outside. What a weirdo. I was behind him holding his hands. He's soft hands make me feel like everything is ok.

We got to an rv. "Ready? We gotta do this fast" he said turning towards us we all nod. He opened on of the back windows quickly getting in. Steve jumped in after and helped the rest of us get in. By the time I had gotten in Eddie was already up front getting ready to Hotwire this thing. "Be careful" I spoke up. "Don't worry doll face I know what I'm doing." Although he wasn't looking at me I knew he was smiling. I stopped paying attention after Steve went up to talk to him. He got it started and the people outside started yelling. "Open this door" a woman yelled. I seen Eddie and Steve switch places. "It's just a car" I heard him whisper. "EVERYBODY HOLD ONTO SOMETHING" he yelled. We all were yelling at him to go. "DRIVE STEVE DRIVE." I heard dustin yell from the back. With that Steve took off. "Shit they look pissed" dustin said. "Well it's not everyday you lose your house and your car in one fell swoop.

We finally got out of the trailer park and onto the road. I was in the back gazing out the window. I suddenly felt someone sit next to me. I look up it was Eddie. " you ok?" He said with a concerned voice. "Yeah. Just tired." He smiled and gently pulled me to lay on his lap. I feel asleep soon after.

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