The beginning of something special

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We've been in the boat for about 20 minutes now still hiding. The way he's laying next to me makes me feel some type of way. This can't be happening. I can't be falling for him.

"Do you think we're in the clear now" he said breaking the silence. "I would say so" I responded.

He lifts the tarp and we get up. Finally able to stretch.

I go to one of the bags dustin and then brought. I pull out two waters. "Here" i said as I hand Eddie the water bottle. "Thanks" he said with a smile.

God that smile. That beautiful beautiful smile. It's making me go crazy.

"Do you think we're gonna make it out of this y/n?" He asked. What am I supposed to say. There's no way for knowing it's not like I can tell the future. But I can't freak him out. " I believe so. This isn't our first time dealing with something crazy like this" I give him a small smile. "Well I guess that makes me feel a little better." We're just sitting there. Starring into each other's eyes.

God this cannot be happening.

|Eddie's POV|

We're sitting looking into each other's eyes. She has beautiful eyes. Everything about her is beautiful.

Some time goes by. We're actually talking to each other. Laughing, having a good time. I've never seen this side of y/n before. I like it.

"It's 12.30.You getting hungry" I asked

"A little" shorts answers I hate that. Open up to me love.

"I'll be back I'm gonna go check the house for food"

I walk into the house and search for something for her to eat. I grab a few things from the pantry and head back to the shed.

"Here, it's not much but it's something" I say handing her what I had found.

I start starring at her as she's grabbing something from one of the boxes I handed her.


We run over to the window ducking down enough to see what's going on.

"Fuck. It's Jason."

I run over to the walkie-talkie.

"Hey Henderson you there? It's Eddie. You remember me right." I pause waiting for a response. "If anyones there, I really think we might be in some trouble here. Okay? Wheeler?" I hit the walkie-talkie in frustration. "ANYBODY!?"

"No answer?" I can hear the fear in her voice. I just want to protect her. She deserves to be protected.

"No. No answer" I let out a sigh.

"What are we supposed to do now" she's scared. "I don't know yet. Give me a minute will you."

She's silent now. Damn it Eddie. You idiot.

"It's been hours why are they still here" she asked. "I'm not sure."

"Damn it" I duck down more from the window. "What?" She looks confused. "I think he saw me..we gotta go"

I grab two ore's and throw them in the boat.
"Come one sweetheart we don't got all day." I say holding my hand out helping her get in the boat.

"We're are we gonna go"

I'm not sure yet love.


"Try to stay low" he says giving me a forced smile.

We're pretty far out from the shore so I sit up a little.

"Hey freak! Where do you think your going" Jason yelled. We both turn back looking at him and his friend. "Shit" we both say. Eddie gets up to try and start the motor but it's not working. "Come on! You piece of shit" he noticed they started taking their clothes off and sat back down

"Paddle" I didn't even say anything back. We started paddling as fast as we could not looking back.

I looked back for one second and they were already halfway to us. " how the fuck are they that fast" I said panicking.

"Stay back man" Eddie said swinging around his ore

Jason stopped "come on man we almost have them" he turned to talk to his face. "Hey Patrick!"

He getting pulled under water.


He shoots back up in the are floating how Chrissy was. Me and Eddie both look at each other. I can tell we're thinking about the same thing.

Eddie stepped to far on his side causing the boat to flip. We get to the top of the water to see Patrick's bones snapping. We look at each other and start swimming away.

We get out of the water on the other side.

"You okay?" Eddie asked. "Not really" I say looking at the ground. "Where are we gonna go now" I ask.

"If I'm correct skull rock should me close. Follow me"

I start shivering for the water. I think Eddie noticed because he took his jacket off right away.

"Here. To keep you warm" he said as he put it over my shoulder. I started to blush and gave him a smile. "What about you though. Aren't you gonna get cold?"

"Wow. Y/n actually cares for me?" he said in a shocked voice but I can't tell if he was being serious or not.

"I guess I've sorta grown a soft spot for you being that we've been stuck together for 3 days" I say with a little smile.

"I'll be fine sweetheart. No need to worry about me" he said with a smile.

Sweetheart. I love when he calls me that. I love when he looks at me. I love being here with him. I think it's more then a little soft spot.

"We're here darling" he said. Finally I was able to sit down "I thought you said this place was close. That felt like we were walking forever." I joked. He let out a little laugh. It was nice hearing him laugh.

"I'm gonna be honest y/n it's been nice being with you and not arguing."

"I agree Munson. Your not that bad after all" we share a smile. After a moment of silence he speaks again "there's a contusion site near by I'm gonna go see if I can swipe a walkie. I'll be back" he said with the cutest little smile.

It feels like he's been gone forever. I'm starting to get worried. Please don't let anything happen to Eddie.

I start to hear the leave crumpling. "Eddie? Is that you?" No response. "Eddie this isn't funny"

"BOO" Eddie screams jumping from behind the rock.

"AHHH EDDIE WHAT THE FUCK" I screamed. He started laughing. What a punk. "That's wasn't funny Munson" I say going to punch him. Before I could he grabs me by my waist and pulls me close. We stand there looking in each other's eyes. He has such beautiful brown eyes. I could get lost in those things forever.

God I just want to kiss him. My lips crave his. My body craves his touch. I crave his presence.

"Found a walkie-talkie" he says letting me go. "Have you tried getting in contact with Dustin or anyone" I say. "Yep still no answer. I'll try again later."

We sat down on some rocks and started talking. I started yawning. "Are you tired princess" I love the nicknames he has for me. "Just a bit" I say rubbing my eye.

He stands up and walks over to me. He lays behind me and cuddles me. I love being close to him.

"To keep you warm" he said with a huge smile. "Bullshit" I say also smiling. I feel asleep after that. I was so comfortable in his arms. It felt right in a weird way.

Author note: guys if this story sucks please tell me. It's my first and I could use the feedback. Thanks!❤️

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