Watergate pt.2

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|Eddie's POV|

Damn it Steve. Always trying to be the hero. Now what are we supposed to do. It was me, Robin, and y/n left in the boat. I looked over at y/n. She looked scared. I just wanted to go up to her and hug her. I wanted to keep her safe.

After we all let out our frustrations Robin whispered under her breath. "Shit" she scooted towards the edge of the boat. Me and y/n looked at each other. "Robin what are you doing" y/n said with worry in her voice. "She said wait" I continued. "Yeah I heard her" Robin said without a care. "She's in charge" I blurted out. "Are you kidding me? I made that shit up" she said grabbing her nose leaning backwards.

"Don't you go" I said. "Robin wait" y/n slightly yelled. "Goddamn it" we both said. Y/n looked at me and grabbed my hand witch gave me butterflies. "This is so stupid" she said letting go of my hand. "Y/n what are you doing" I said starting to get worried. She looked back at me, gave me one of her beautiful smiles and said. "Don't worry, Eddie my love, I'll be fine" then she jumped in the water. "Y/N!! GODDAMN IT! Y/N YOU BEAUTIFUL IDIOT!" I yelled before jumping in after y/n. I had to protect her. I had to know she was ok.

After swimming to and through the gate I seen Steve, Nancy, Robin, and my beautiful y/n. They were fighting these ugly bat looking things. I seen two bats attacking Steve from both sides. "Robin help" Nancy yelled as she ran to Steve. They were all around us. We all had an ore trying to fight these things off. "Nancy behind you" y/n yelled. "Robin help" Nancy screamed. I noticed Steve had gotten up from the bats so I figured they were good. I had turned around to fight the bats coming from the other side.

"Eddie! Help me!" I heard y/n scream. My heart shattered. I turn quickly to see a bat wrapped around y/n's neck. I sprint over to her fighting off the ugly thing. "Come on you son of a bitch let's go" I yelled. I broke my ore in half sticking on end in the bat till it died.

Steve was slamming the bat into the ground repeatedly. I didn't exactly like him but that was some totally metal shit.

"Jesus Christ" I shouted. "Is everyone ok" y/n's sweet voice projected.

Nancy was over with Steve and Robin examining Steve's wounds. I had walked over to y/n. I didn't say anything. I just hugged her tight. "I'm so glad your ok." I said with worry in my voice. Y/n starred up in my eyes and kissed me. " like I said no need to worry Eddie my love" she said with her face still close to mine. I felt Steve looking at us. Good I'm glad he saw that.

"Uh do you think these bats have rabies" Robin said. We all look at each other sharing the same look. "What?" Steve said. "It's just that rabies are like my number one greatest fear and I think we should get you to a doctor soon. Because once the symptoms set in, it's to late. Your already like dead." No one had time to speak after she finished because there was a loud screeching sound. We all looked up and saw more bats coming. "Alright there's not that many" Steve said. "We can take them. Right?" Y/n said. Another screeching sound came we looked up and there was a huge swarm of them coming. "You were saying?" Robin said. "The woods. Come on" Nancy yelled running towards the woods. We all followed her. I kept a close eye on y/n making sure she was okay.


Great more running. I thought as we headed towards the woods.

We ended up back at skull rock hiding until the bats passed by. Once they left we started getting up. "Okay. That was close." I said. "Yeah too close" Eddie added.

Robin and Nancy were with Steve after he had almost fell. I was with Eddie. "You okay" I asked asked looking at him with soft eyes. "Yeah I'm okay. But those bats won't be after what they did to my princess." He stopped in front of me gently placing his hand on my neck. I got chills from the way he was touching me. I looked at him. "Eddie Munson has a soft spot for me? Wow. I can die happy now." I said sarcastically with a smile. "Yeah yeah whatever" he said looking at me. " I care about you" he continued looking me in my eyes. He leaned in giving me a slow kiss. I felt sparks. It was magical. I never wanted it to stop. But of course Robin had to say something. I love her but come on Robin.

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