Help is here

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I wasn't even gonna say anything. I jumped in the boat and he covered us with a tarp. Our bodies are close together. I can feel his breath on my neck.

The door slowly creaks open.

"Hello?" I her Robins voice speak." Is anyone home" I wanted to get up but Eddie hadn't moved yet.

"What a dump" Steve said. I feel a little relived knowing Steve is here. We hear them moving around.

Someone starts poking at the tarp with an ore.

"What are you doing?" Dustin's voice spoke. "What are you doing" he said more stern.

"They might be in here"

"So take the tarp off"

"If your so brave, you take that tarp off"

These two are alway fighting. It hilarious.

Max's voice spoke. "Hey, look over here. Someone was here" I think she found our trash from last night. "Maybe they heard us, got spooked and ran" Robins voice chimes in.

"Don't worry. Steve will get them with his ore" Dustin said sarcastically. I almost let out a laugh. "I know you think your being funny Henderson, but considering everyone in this room has died nearly a thousand times, personal I don't find it funny in the slight—"

Eddie jumps up.

"Woah" we all said in sync

"WAIT, WAIT, WAIT" Steve yelled as Eddie was pushing him up against the wall with a broken bottle pointed at his neck. "Woah, woah,woah" he continued

"EDDIE, EDDIE, STOP, EDDIE" Dustin said. "It's me. It's Dustin, this is Steve. He's not gonna hurt you. Right Steve." He said trying to calm Eddie down. Steve nods agreeing.

"Steve why don't you drop the ore" as Steve is dropping the ore Eddie lifted the bottle a little higher.

"He's cool Eddie calm down" I say while I'm still sitting in the boat. "I'm cool man, I'm cool" Steve says trying not to get himself killed.

"What are you doing here" Eddie asks. "We came her to look for you guys. To help"

"Eddie these are my friends. You know robin from band. This is my friend max, the one who never wants to play DND with us. We're on your side man." A moment of silence goes by before Dustin starts talking again. "I swear on my mother. Guys?"

"Yes, yes we swear"

"On Dustin's mother"

"Yeah Dustin's...Dustin's mother"

Eddie drops the bottle. There's a sigh of relief form everyone.

Dustin speaks again. "Guys we just want to talk. We want to know what happened."

"You won't believe me" Eddie said. "Eddie you have no idea what we've been through the last couple years..they'll believe you" I said looking at him. He started explaining what happened. I zoned out. It was replaying in my mind.

The next thing I heard was Dustin and Eddie. "Vecna" silence and then Steve. "Who's vecna?"

"An undead creator of great power" said Dustin. Eddie continued " a spell caster"

"A dark wizard"....

It was the next day. Eddie was up before me. "Morning sunshine" he said with a smile. It was weird. He has a nice smile. " I took a shower so if you wanted to you can go take one, In the house."

I got up to check my bag for my gym clothes. These will do I guess. " thanks Munson, I'll be back" I said with a smile.

I take a good 30 minute shower. It felt nice to be clean. I go back to the shed and Eddie is just sitting there.

"Eddie? You okay"

"Yep, just lost in thought"

"Can I say something?"

"You already did"

"Ugh that's not what I meant idiot."


Omg he's so annoying. Why can't he just be nice to me. I'm really trying. My gosh.

I roll my eyes before speaking. "So I was thinking, and we're probably gonna be alone together for a while, I don't know but it would be nice if we could get along"

He starred at me for a minute before speaking. "But Y/N I don't think we could ever get along we're so...different."

"Being different isn't a bad thing. Munson I'm trying to be nice. Can you at least meet me half way?

Again he's silent before speaking. He lets out a big sigh " I guess" he said. I'm not sure why but that made me smile.

Right before I was about to speak again we hear a car. We look at the door and then at each other. Eddie runs to the window and sees nothing.


The door swings open. Dustin, Steve, Robin, and max walk in.

"Delivery service" Dustin says with a big smile. Me and Eddie just starred at them.

What the hell.

|Eddie's POV|

I'm relived that it was just Henderson but what the fuck.

"What the fuck man" I said " you scared the crap out of us"

He has a bag to Y/N and sets the rest on the floor. I grab a bag and start munching. "Thanks Dustin your a life saver" Y/N says with a pretty little smile. How I love her smile.

"So we got good new and bad news. How do you prefer."

"Bad news first always" Y/N says. It was like she read my mind or something.

"Okay we tapped into the Hawkins PD dispatch with our cerebro and they're definitely looking for you guys" he took a brief pause " also their pretty much convinced you guys killed Chrissy"

Me and Y/N look at each other. We're screwed.

"Like 100% convinced" Steve added

"And the good news" I said worried.

"Your guys names haven't been released yet" said Robin

"But if we found you it's only a matter of time before other people do to and then everyone and there mother is gonna be gunning for you" said max

"Hint of the murders, right" Y/N said. I can tell she's scared. I start to get this weird feeling. It makes me want to go hug her and tell her everything is ok.

"So before that happens we need to find vecna, kill him, and prove you guys are innocent."

"That's all Dustin? That's all?"

Y/N laughed. I got butterflies hearing her laugh. This can't be happening Eddie come on. This is y/n we're talking about.

"Eddie in dustin sounds crazy right now but we've done this before"

"Except we usually rely on this girl with super powers but those aren't working right now."

"So we're technically the brainstorming part"

All of a sudden we hear several cop cars. Y/n runs over to the boat and I pull the tarp over as she gets in. We're so close now... I..I love it.

Enemies to lovers| Eddie x reader|Where stories live. Discover now