Watergate pt.1

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It's the next morning and Eddie was still behind me. I wasn't sure if he was awake or not because he hadn't moved yet, so I just sat there. I heard Eddie take a deep breath in. "Eddie?" I said softly.

"Good morning sweetheart" he sounded very happy. "How long have you been awake for" I said sitting up. "Oh not that long" he said. Thank god. I didn't want to feel like I had trapped him here.

"How'd you sleep love" he had a goofy smile on his face. "Uh good?" I said slightly smiling. "What's with all the smiling?" I asked anxious for an answer. "You just look so peaceful when you sleep". You start to blush. His smile grew even bigger. That beautiful smile.

God I can't believe there was a point in time where I couldn't stand him. A lot can happen when you're stuck with someone for 4 continuous days.

Eddie stood up to grab the walkie-talkie.

"Dustin can you hear me? Harrington?" He spoke into the walkie-talkie. Seconds later a response. "Eddie. Holy shit are you guys ok?". Dustin's voice came through.

"Nah man. We're pretty goddamn far from ok"

"Where are you guys? Are you safe?" . Robins voice said.

"Skull rock. Do you know it?"

"Uh yeah. That's near Cornwalls and Garret. Right?"

"Yep that's it"

"Ok well be there soon. Stay safe"

I was smiling. " we're finally saved" i said happily. Eddie just started at me like a dork. "What Munson." I said with a smile. He stated walking towards me. "Your just so beautiful y/l/n" as he reached me he put his hand on my face. I couldn't help but blush. I love his touch. I felt my self getting hot. The things he does to me.

I could feel his breath on my lips. We we're looking in each other's eyes. God I wish he would just kiss me already.

Next thing I know he slammed he lips onto mine. It was a nice long passionate kiss. I pulled away taking a breath. I had a huge smile on my face.

"You have no idea how long I've been waiting for that." He said with a smile. I stepped away. " I thought you hated me" I said kinda upset.

" I did" he said "but I look at you different now. Things have changed. Your not the bitchy princess I thought you were.

Right before I was going to reply. We heard leaf's crunching. We run to hide.

"Bada bing bada boom. There she is Henderson. Skull rock." we heard Steve's voice. "In your face man. In your stupid cocky little face" I look over at Eddie. He had his finger over his lip and a mischievous smile on his face.

"Doesn't make sense" dustin spoke. "Yeah yeah even with is starring you right in the face you still can't admit it. You can't admit that your wrong. You butthead." Steve said.

Eddie jumps out from behind the rock we were hiding behind. " I concur, you dustin Henderson, are a butthead". I stood up with a smile. "Total butthead" I added. This time they had Lucas and Nancy with them.

"Jesus guys. We thought you were goners" dustin walked towards us and gave us a hug. Me and Eddie were both looking at each other. "Yeah. So did we." I said with a forced smile. I looked at Steve and he looked upset. Is he jealous. I walk up to him to hug him. " I missed you Harrington" he squeezed me tightly. " I'm so glad your ok" he said looking at me. We noticed they had started talking and headed over to the group.

"When we got to show i grotto call you guys but uh our walkie was busted." Eddie started explaining. "Soaked. So we did the thing we do now. We ran."

"Do you know what time the attack happened?" Nancy asked. I had noticed dustin pacing around in the back. But I didn't think anything of it. "Yeah I know exactly what time it was. Our walkie wasn't the only thing that got busted." I said while taking of my wrist watch to give to here. She read off the time "9:27". "Same time our flashlights went kablooey" Robin said. "What" I asked. "We went one a little adventure of our own last night" Steve said looking at you. They kept talking but Dustin's pacing had my attention. "Hey uh Hendersons not cursed is he" I said interrupting them. "Cursed? No he's fine. Mental? Absolutely." Steve said looking at me.

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