Hawkins high

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Great...Monday morning. I hate Mondays. Just about as much as I hate Eddie Munson.

I dread getting ready. But I do it anyway. I throw on a pink t-shirt, my favorite jeans, and my white shoes. I brush my hair and teeth.

As I'm brushing my teeth I hear a car honking outside. I look out the blinds to see my besties. Steve and Robin. I rush to get my bag and run out the door.

"Impatient much" I say as I hop in the back seat.

"That what I was saying, he can't wait one second, everything has to be perfect for him like his hair" Robin says laughing. I laugh with her.

"Yeah yeah ok whatever, hurry up next time will you Y/N"

Jeez what happened to him this morning. I stay silent the whole ride thinking I did something to upset Steve.

"Did you hear me Y/N" Steve says taking me out of my thoughts.

"I'm sorry what?" I said clearly confused. " I said tell me if that punk Eddie messes with you again" Steve said with a serious look on his face.

I give him a small smile, a tiny kiss on the cheek and get out of the car.

Me and robin are walking in the hallway but she soon separated from me to go to class.

I go to my lock and hear my name being called. "Y/N!!" I look to see who it was. "Dustin what do you want" I say knowing what he's gonna ask. "Can you play DnD in replace of Lucas? PLEASE"  he's begging me. I feel bad but I ABSOLUTELY CANNOT. Eddie is the dungeon master. "I'm sorry buddy but you know I can't" I had sympathy in my eyes for Dustin. "But Y/N..." I felt terrible. "I'm so sorry dustin, but you know how I feel about Eddie. I'm not gonna spend hours in a room with him I just can't." I knew he understood but it didn't make me feel any better. "I understand Y/N" he said giving me a small smile.

Before I went to class I went to the restroom. I needed a minute to myself. Ever since my brother died... I can't stop thinking about it. The nightmares are the worse part, they feel so real.

I splash some water on my face before walking out.

I walk out not looking and bump into someone.

I thought everyone was in class

"I'm so sorry" I say before looking up to see Eddie " ugh it's you" I say as rolling my eyes. I start walking away and fall.

Did he just trip me?

"WHAT THE FUCK MUNSON" I get up ready to kick his ass

"Calm down princess you fine" he says laughing

"Go fuck yourself" I say walking off. I can feel him starring at me. He's so annoying ugh.

The day went by slow but at least there was a basket ball game today. I was looking forward to that. I just hope Lucas is able to play today. He tries so hard to fit in with those guys. But I have a good feeling about tonight.

I stand next to Steve during the game.

"Do you think Lucas is gonna play today?" I ask looking at Lucas from the crowd. "It would be nice to see him play" Steve says looking at me.

Towards the end of the game Lucas gets put in. HE MAKES THE WINNING BASKET!! I felt proud. All the boys feel like brothers so me. I felt like a proud big sister. I see Lucas look in the crowd. I think he's looking for dustin and mike...I noticed Lucas spotted me and Steve so we start cheering for him.


The game ends. Me, Steve, robin, and Lucas are walking out celebrating him. He sees Dustin and Mike walking out with the hell fire club. The rest of us sympathize for him patting him on the back. He walks towards them. Well sucks to be them.

"Hey Y/N need a ride" I hear Steve yell from his car.

"No thanks Steve I'm gonna walk, its a beautiful night" I yell back with a smile.

I wave bye to Robin and Steve.

Then a little bit later to Dustin, Mike, and Lucas.

I start walking. As I was walking near the trailer park. I seen Eddie's van stop all of a sudden

Oh shit.


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