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You saw your life crumble down with just an announcement that your parents made, an unexplainable wave of emotions coursed through your veins which made you feel uneasy to the point of throwing up.

"All hail to the new heir of the throne! Prince Athen Bernadotte!"

Happy cheers erupted from the huge crowd outside the empire, people anticipated your brother as the new heir. A fitting ruler as he is a man, that's what they said. Despite your struggles and efforts to be deserving for the throne, after leaving all of your innocent childhood to study politics and magic for the sake of the empire. You were still deemed unworthy enough to inherit the throne.

Even after all of the dreaded sacrifices you made for the people of this empire, you were still seen to be unfitting for the role of a ruler. And what made it worst was that your parents didn't even care about you anymore, they were all focused towards Athen leaving you all alone to wallow yourself in disbelief and betrayal.

How can they do this to their own daughter? What life were you going to have if you're not the empress of this empire? You weren't trained to have another life other than this, were they going to have you executed instead?

With that realization, you blanked out.

If you were no use for them anymore then they'll have you executed, but if you prove them that you're still capable of doing something for the sake of this country. For the sake of this empire, would they still keep you? Would you survive?

"What's with you and your wish to live?" you dryly asked yourself, a humourless laugh left your lips as you tried to get out of the sickening place full of nobles and royals.

The room was full of them that it makes you want to throw up.

What were you going to do after this? There's no such thing as a new path, there's no such thing as a new life. There's no such thing in your belief, your parents made you to be the ruler. You were going to be one, you were supposed to be one. Now that you've been kicked out of that life, there's nothing left for you anymore. Your life is done.

You have no purpose.

You're only a discarded puppet that is waiting to be burned by your owner.

This was the end of your journey, and you have to accept it.

Your feet stopped as you were now greeted by the peaceful scenery of the garden, there were a few nobles taking their stroll while talking to each other. You could hear them laugh as they share stupid stories and rumours.

Shaking your head, you immediately went back inside the palace with a heavy heart. It was clear that you didn't want to come in contact with the others, but going to your room will only make things worst. You were still a royal, a former crown princess. Your presence was still important tonight so that you will not bring shame to the family, if you were absent in this social gathering. They would definitely give you a hard time by giving you a punishment.

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