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It felt like forever when you were sat inside the carriage alone as Felix had to sit beside the coach for some reason, you didn't have someone with you inside the fancy ride as your lady in waiting was ordered to stay in the palace so it was definitely lonely.

Was it really like this when you travel to another place? You don't want to experience this anymore, it was more better if you just teleported your way to Obelia.

You sighed, it was getting boring.

Suddenly the carriage slowed into a halt causing you to raise your head and look towards the window, you stared in confusion when the silver eyed male opened the door of your carriage.

"Why did we stop Felix?" you questioned the male, eyes looking at his bowing form before tilting your head.

"Your highness," Felix greeted as he bowed while holding the door's handle, "His majesty is here to take you with him in his carriage"

Well that was surprising, Claude wants you to be with him in his carriage. Wasn't he supposed to be back to Obelia after last night? Why was he taking you in his ride in the middle of you don't know, nowhere?

How did he even get here so fast?

Noticing your conflicted look, a smile formed on Felix's lips.

"His majesty has his ways, my lady. He isn't the ruler of Obelia if he isn't like this."

He was right though, Claude wouldn't be the emperor of this country if he wasn't someone who couldn't do the impossible. The man you were going to get married with was someone who could never fail to give you the unexpected, he was full of surprises.

Such a fine impression for someone who's entitled as a tyrant ruler.

"Is there any reason why the two of you are still talking and not taking action?" You turn your head towards the owner of the voice and saw the blonde emperor standing behind Felix, his jewel blue eyes still held nothing but indifference and coldness.

You shivered under his gaze.

Felix bowed towards the intimidating male, "Blessings and glory upon the Obelian empire."

The standing emperor hummed as he focused his gaze on your intimidated form while giving you a bored look.

"Are you not going out of that carriage?" Claude suddenly asked.

You blinked at him, was he talking to you?

"Uhm.. I–"

"This is getting boring," he suddenly said, "Are you planning to stay there until I force you out of that ride?"

You immediately went out of the carriage with Felix helping you by taking your hand, Claude who didn't seem to be bothered by what he witnessed turned his back at the two of you and walked away. The red head could only mutter apologies to you because of his master's sudden attitude, swearing that the blonde man wasn't usually like that.

The poor knight was really taking his time in defending his majesty even though you didn't really mind how Claude treated you.

You smiled at him in assurance, "I am not upset with his highness, you do not have to worry Felix."

"Thank you princess." The red headed knight smiled.

He then guided you to enter the carriage where Claude was already inside before gently closing the door, he glanced inside to check the both of you one last time before bowing before the carriage.

"I will meet their highnesses back at the palace, may the both of you be safe in your journey."

And with that, the carriage then moved forward. Passing by the carriage you once rode on before Claude snatched you away.

You wondered what was going on inside his head when he took you away in the middle of travelling, what was his purpose in having you ride on his carriage instead of the one you used earlier?

The continuing ride towards Obelia was silent as Claude didn't really have anything to say, and with you being awkward since you never really had someone to talk much with back in Esthonia aside from your lady in waiting or the brother you now despise– made it even worst.

Oh you wish you have socializing skills aside from talking about politics and bargain.

"Are you not angry about your sudden marriage?"

You turn your attention towards Claude as you bit your lip.

Of course you were mad, being kicked out of the place you were supposed to rule was something infuriating. Especially when you were replaced by your younger brother who wasn't to supposed to be the heir, and now that you're getting married. Your people thought about you as some prop that was used to be the Obelian emperor's plaything, not some empress-to-be in another country.

You clenched your fists as you sat there in silence, the blonde emperor seems to notice your deep thoughts and hummed. A ghost smirk appeared on his lips before it disappeared.

"So you are," he confirmed as he eyed your figure, "Interesting."

"How is that even interesting?" your sarcastic voice didn't fail to reach his hearing.

Some of your people lost respect in you, your parents don't want you anymore, you're only a mere tool now, you were getting married to the man beside you, your life was ruined. How can you be okay after this?

How can you even have another life for you when you already lost yourself in the way?

Claude averted his gaze on the window, "Seeing your pain and anger before me is interesting, how is it not?"

You didn't say anything more and kept silent, it was better to stay that way than answering his question. His amused expression didn't go unnoticed by you of course making you scoff at his attitude.

You were definitely taking back your fine impression of Claude.

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