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You never knew how nasty was it to be greeted by the workers from a home you're now placed in, a home that you weren't familiar with in the first place.

Disgusting, frustrating, humiliating.

Those three words perfectly described what you felt the moment his maids and butlers bowed before you, the way they utter your name with warmth and hospitality was something you didn't want to hear. You hated every single bit of it, what they were doing was like a slap of reality.

It was like mocking your position right now, as if telling you that you're no longer the heir of a throne you worked hard for as a young girl.

Replaceable, nothing special, just a woman who's bound to be married and be protected, useless.



You looked up in surprise just to see Felix staring down at you in worry.

"Is something wrong your highness?" he asked.

Yes, everything is wrong. Can't you see? All of this, all of this is wrong!

A loveless marriage, stripped off as a heir to the throne, a woman who is now labeled as useless.

You're nothing now but a mere doll for Claude to have until death, though he doesn't seem to be interested in having you with him all the time. Which is the worst part, since it just says how useless you are for him just as you are back in your home.

Despite of these. You still managed to utter a few positive words the red headed knight.

"I'm fine Felix," was all you could muster along with a small smile.

The said male didn't seem to believe your words but didn't pry on it further as a respect, he only stood there with his mouth thinly shut.

This man was indeed kind, the way he handles the situation before him was great. Though you appreciate his action, it wasn't enough to ease the burning hatred in your chest.

You hated everything about this palace, you hate Claude for having this kind of life while you're here thrown away after being stripped off of your rightful title.

"Felix." The red haired knight bowed before you.

"Does her highness need something?"

Opening your mouth to say something, you then shut it back when the familiar shadow of a certain blonde tyrant loomed over your figure.

Your aura darkened.

"I was looking for you," Claude plainly said as he fixed his blank gaze to you.


Your brows furrowed, "Is there something you need from me?"

"Unfortunately there is." The nerve of this man!

Claude moved from the back to stop beside you, his head moving down to whisper something in your ear.

"Your parents sent a letter saying that they will be visiting us in a few days, make sure you behave accordingly and not make a fool of yourself. As someone who's trained to be a ruler, I'm sure you know what I'm talking about; don't embarrass me for choosing you as my bride."

With that, he lifted his head again while you looked up at him in disbelief and anger.

"You think of me as some mere girl who isn't doing her best while she was trained?" you asked in frustration.

Felix seemed to notice how triggered you were by his master's words making him flail his arms around the air in panic, blabbering some comforting words to the both of you in order for one of you to not pick a fight to the other.

Claude on the other hand stared back at you coldly, "Who knows what you've been doing, your parents even stripped you off your place as the heir. What does that tell you as a person?"

His words had you completely mute at the moment, everything was a blur for you as you tried to think of his question and criticism.

He was somehow right, what does that tell you as a person?

If you were such a perfect fit for the throne then why did your parents suddenly decided to give the title to your little brother who was pampered all of his life? Why were you here with him instead of staying back at your home and become the empress?

What are you even doing here in his home?

A palace you weren't familiar of, a place where you're pretty sure weren't welcomed by the person who rules this place.

That hurts your pride as the first born, that hurts your feelings as a daughter, what they did to you was something unforgivable.

Everything was a blur that you didn't even notice how you just turn your back at the two men and walk away from the scene, something that you never really do unless you're deeply humiliated in the situation you're in.

You close your eyes and sighed, "This isn't me."

You were supposed to be calm and collected, someone who accepts changes in any way, one who knows what to do when everything falls down. You were trained to be like that.

"I was.. I was trained to be someone who secures a country's future."

"Why is everyone belittling me? Haven't I proved my worth a long time ago? Was my efforts as a child until now nothing in the eyes of everyone?"

"Why am I so pitiful?" you whimpered, eyes brimmed with tears as you finally let yourself fall down the marbled floor.

"All of this, I hate all of this! I'd rather die than to be in the arms of someone who I cannot bare to see until my last breath."

"Why am I even here? I hate this!"


"Your highness I–"

"Don't go to her Felix," Claude ordered. His eyes observed your breaking form from afar, "It's for her own good, she shouldn't expect someone to boost her ego all the time."

"But her majesty is–"

"Do not let me repeat myself for you to understand my point Felix, never defy my orders."

"Yes, your highness."

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