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"Will she ever be enough to fulfill the duty of a heir?"

You were lost in your sleep, face scrunched up at the bitter dream while your eyes tried to open itself in attempts to save you from seeing it further.

"If we are to have a son, he will take over the empire. Even if she lived her life trying to be fit for the role."

That voice, it was your mother talking about how you'd be replaced. You overheard it when you entered their room as a child, in fear of the thunders flashing. With your father's hum of agreement, a cold shiver ran down your spine that time. They were certain to replace you, but of course you didn't understood it. You thought that if you'd do better and work harder then they'll change their minds about it.

But of course, they didn't change their minds.

Your brother was favored in every aspects, he was the real definition of pampered. Though even if he was pampered by your parents, Athen was still skilled and smart. Not your level smart, but good enough to run an empire. With a good training and education, he'll be able to manage a country without a sweat. You hate to admit it but your brother is a fast learner, he can adapt immediately whenever he's taught something.

He was also kind with you, making sure that you're happy and safe whenever you train. His eyes would watch you with pure happiness and admiration, one that your parents never gave you as they only have their attention towards Athen himself.

It was unfair, but what could you do? Your mother loathed you, your father couldn't even stand a daughter that'll possibly rule a kingdom. They wanted you out of their palace, the place that you thought was home. And now, you're here in another empire. Where maids would gossip about you, just how unlucky can you be?

Very unlucky.


"Your Grace, the princess still hasn't woken up."

The healer stood there in front of the cold emperor, his body shivering in fear as the blonde man stopped signing the papers and turned his attention towards him.

It was a reporting hour for the healer as he needed to discuss your health with the emperor who seems to be having a bad day, though he's always like that. Just it was your health they're talking about, the healer is already expecting the worst.

"I see, are there any signs of her waking up anytime this day?" he ask in wonder before going back to his papers, they weren't going to sign themselves if he were to stop any longer.

The healer adjusted his glasses "She tried to open her eyes earlier, but couldn't do it. I only observed her just in case she has a reaction with the medicine I gave her, it only lasted for a few minutes before her face relaxed. She might be having a nightmare."

Claude's quill broke between his fingers, a nightmare?

"And you just watched her?"

You could've died during that nightmare, what was that dumb man thinking?

Claude remained silent as he waited for the healer to answer his question, his cold eyes burned into the man's soul. Poor guy, if only he helped you when you had that nightmare.

Lost || Claude De Alger Obelia Where stories live. Discover now