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You ridiculously blinked and gave your father a shocked stare, the emotions you've felt from earlier started to come back while watching how your parents only stood there with a proud look.

First, you've been stripped off the position of being the crown princess. Second, they're kicking you off the country you devoted your life with by letting you marry the Obelian empire's emperor.

Wow, what a great idea to discard their daughter.

Were you really that useless to them? Even if you excelled in almost everything your parents pushed you to learn? Even if your magic was more powerful than your brother? Shouldn't you be more useful to them in future situations? Why were they giving you away?

Your eyes showed a hint of bitterness in them, as if it was mocking the decisions your parents made. But it was then replaced with curiosity when you accidentally made eye contact with the cold emperor.

He stood there like he was uninterested with the conversation, those same empty jewel eyes watched as you contemplated at your father's words.

Claude was observing you.

"My daughter is clearly suitable for his highness, as no one can surpass her in magic and politics. She was raised to be a proper princess for [First Name] was supposed to be the one to inherit the throne before, until we decided for Athen to become the heir instead of her." The blonde emperor just stared at your father for a short time before snapping his attention towards your uncomfortable form.

"What can your daughter do?"

Your eyes widen at the question, shame and bitterness swallowed you whole as you remembered the days and nights you struggled in studying almost everything you have to know about running an empire. Those times you studied to strengthen your magic, those times you pushed your body to its limit after practicing with one of the best knights your empire had. You couldn't help but think about it all, your hardships, your sacrifices, heck you didn't even had a normal childhood like playing or reading silly goodnight stories like other children experienced.

You gritted your teeth in anger.

"She can almost do anything your highness," your mother answered with a graceful smile in which you despise at this moment. You stood there, slowly hating your parents.

"I see," was all he replied before turning his back. Indicating that he's leaving and had enough with the conversation, "Then, I expect your daughter to be packing her things tonight as she will be leaving with my knight tomorrow early in the morning."

With that, Claude left the four of you without even formally excusing himself. It's not that you're bothered by his disrespect, your parents didn't really deserve his etiquette. Your father then excused himself with your mother as they greeted the other guests like the royals they are, smiling and laughing at them as if they didn't just throw their daughter away just like that.

Heck, they didn't even bother to ask what you felt about what happened!

You really wanted to make a fuss about it, break something, refuse, scream, burn the palace if possible, but you weren't doing any of that. Your love for the people of Esthonia was greater than your love for your family, even though Athen was a kind hearted brother. Because of this event, you became bitter of his existence. It was harsh for you to blame some part of this to him, as he was your replacement.

Now that you're going to be married with the Claude De Alger Obelia, your bitterness and hatred towards your family only increased. You just couldn't understand why your parents are desperate enough to send you off and get married to an emperor, was this another political stunt? For power?

You let out a laugh, of course it was all because of that. Why haven't you thought about that earlier? They were of course, using you to be their way for more power. With you marrying Claude, they'll gain plenty of benefits.

You're not sure about that though, the blonde male wasn't really the type to give your parents some benefits just by marrying you. It's not like he cares about you.

So now, you stood there in front of the crimson knight himself who seemed to be a bit uncomfortable by the scene he witnessed. Of course, Felix saw something more horrible than the one he saw earlier with your family. Still, the red head couldn't help but feel sick at how your parents easily shove you away. He wasn't the one to judge how royals decide, but your family was indeed worst.

"Your majesty," Felix started. Your [color] eyes immediately stared at his figure with a curious gaze.

"His highness is looking forward into marrying you, he isn't the one who shows his emotions towards everyone. But I assure you that his majesty is kind and loving when you get to know him," he assured.

You could only smile at his efforts in trying to comfort you, "Thank you sir Felix, I will keep that in mind."

"Her majesty deserves to hear how great her husband to be is, so she would not need to worry about being married into the wrong man."

Such a great guy, for a knight with a gruesome title and story. He's so kind and soft, almost as if he's a puppy. Felix would be a good company.

You sighed, the knights here couldn't be really like this with you due to strict orders before since you're still the crown princess back then. And now that you're not, they seemed to be a bit distant to you and is quite arrogant because you weren't the crown princess anymore. This only made you more bitter than you already were.

Even the knights here has the same mindset as your parents.

Though there were a few loyal ones to you, most of them were the senior knights. They were your father figured, as your biological father doesn't really care that much about you ever since you were a little girl. So they were the ones who filled that role and showered you with love, now that you're going to get married with Claude. You didn't know what will happen to the senior knights anymore, you also wondered if you could ask Claude about hiring them to be one of the Obelian empire's knights. You really didn't want to leave them here in Esthonia, it'll be too much for you to handle.

You sighed and shrugged the thought off before telling Felix that you're going to your chamber so that you can prepare the things you needed tomorrow morning, the read haired knight of course insisted to accompany you to your room in which you of course agreed. He was your soon to be husband's knight so there wasn't really any problem, and if he would ever shows a sign of threat you can easily kill him.

Even if he's the crimson knight himself.

As soon as you reached the doors of your chamber, you then stopped and turned to the knight behind you. A grateful smile plastered on your lips.

"This is where we part our ways sir Felix. Thank you for accompanying me," you told him.

He then smiled back and bowed, "No need to thank me my lady, as I am only doing my job as a knight. And please your highness, just call me Felix."

|• To be continued

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