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Felix couldn't explain the emotions he felt after seeing your body laying down on the muddy ground, drenched with mud and wet because of the rain. He also saw some cuts on your skin which made him wince in worry, just why did you have to experience all of this?

He didn't even hesitate when he carried you bridal style, Felix wanted you out of the forest already. Claude and him have separated because it was beneficial for the both of them to search separately in order to find you immediately, and good thing luck was on their side as you're now safe in the crimson haired Knight's arms.

"I came here as soon as I heard you screaming" was the first thing Claude have said when he suddenly appeared out of nowhere, his eyes trailed down to look at your wounded figure in Felix's hold.

You were pale and was having a hard time breathing, you couldn't even open your eyes due to how weak your body is in, Claude could also feel how your mana is slowly fading. This made his eyes widen when he realized you were slowly dying.

"The princess needs to be healed immediately or she won't be opening her eyes anymore" the knight confirmed his suspicions "Please do something!"

He knew the only solution in this was to teleport the three of them inside the palace as there is no time for the both of them to run around, you were already knocking on death's door and it wasn't a good sign. Claude then used his magic to teleport the three of you inside his palace where the peasants waited in worry.

The blonde emperor's eyes looked at the servants in impatience, "What are you looking at? Call a healer!"

He watch them scurry off to wherever they are supposed to go and call, his bubbling anger towards the servants weren't even helping the situation while Felix kept an eye towards your figure in case you aren't breathing anymore. Claude never really imagined that you'll end up like this as you were someone who was trained for battle and survival, that's why when he saw you in that state he couldn't help but be mad at everyone.

Claude's fingers hovered your wet forehead with a faint light, he was trying to make you feel at ease until proper healers came. Which was taking so long than he expected, the blonde man was getting impatient with everything and not even the crimson knight can stop it when started.

What was taking them so long? Was calling a healer that hard that no one is rushing back at them with a healer? Where were those useless servants?

I'll make sure to kill every single one of them if they–

"Your highness! The healer is here!" a frightened voice yell in alert to the two men.

The maid's running form along with the healer stopped in front of Claude and Felix, "Greetings your highness. I am honore–"

"I do not need your name right now as you are still useless" Claude cut the healer's introduction "You are to heal the princess and if you aren't successful in doing so."

His eyes had a glint of murder as he made eye contact with the now scared healer.

"Your life will be the price, I will wipe you out of this world along with your bloodline."

As if that wasn't enough motivation for the healer to usher them in a room so that he can start his business.


"What are you going to do about those who were gossiping about Princess [First Name]?" Felix asked as he followed the still enraged Claude who was making his way outside the palace.

You were already in a room and is getting treated, it was a relief to know that you'll be safe soon enough. But still Claude didn't really forgot about what happened before every single problem unfolded right in front of him.

Careless servants was enough to get him sick to the core, he wasn't going to let it slide. He was going to murder each and every single one who thought ill to you.

"They are to be killed" he reply, the blonde male halt in his tracks when he's now in front of the kneeling peasant.

Claude smirked.

"What happened tonight is something that I won't forget as all of you are the reason why, did you really think that I'll forgive you and leave all of you off the hook?" his calm but deadly voice reached their hearing.

The servants shivered in fear as they try to make eye contact with the emotionless knight behind Claude, even Felix wasn't giving them a chance. And knowing that, they were doomed.

What hell would they be into? Just what the hell would this monster do?

"Please your highness! Spare us, it was our mistake to begin with. Please have mercy and let me and the others make up to the princess!" one of the maids plead.

Her co-workers gaped at her desperate figure, they slowly became pale at the moment. Claude wasn't having any of this, it'll only rile him up more and because of someone's stupidity.

Half of the servants are now laying down on the cold floor, wet in their own blood. The others that were spared watch from their side with horrified looks, their comrades now dead because of a foolish act.

Were they next? If only those who died didn't cause any trouble then no one would have to meet hell immediately, no one would have to be traumatized after this experience.

The remaining servants stiffened in fear when Claude's jewel blue eyes snapped to their attention "I know some of the peasants working in my area are innocent, those who are worth to be punished died right before your eyes as a reminder of what would happen if a mistake like this will happen again in the future."

He then turned his back on them and began walking away with Felix trailing behind him.

"Call someone to clean the pathetic bodies, and tell their families about what happened tonight. If they were to complain and say anything, tell them that I will have their bloodline stop as a compensation for the sin their family member did under my grounds."

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