chapter 14: That'll be twice

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My eyelids felt heavy but somehow I managed to open them. I found Alec leaning towards me with a worried expression on his face.

All the things which happened came rushing back to me. The doll, the laughter, how I fell and then the blackness consuming me.

"Are you okay? What happened? " Alec said.

I realised that I was lying on the bed so I tried to get up. But, i felt exhausted. Seeing my hopeless efforts Alec helped me up.

The world spun around my eyes. I don't know why that was happening, maybe because my lack of sleep or maybe because of something entirely unknown. Alec caught me by my arm to steady me.

" you should just lay down" he said.

"No. It's.. can you get me a glass of water please?" I asked.

He immediately stood up and returned with a glass of water. I gulped it down and significantly felt a lot better.

"Are you going to tell me about what happened? " He asked desperately raking his hand through his thick dark brown hair.

After telling him everything the last time, I still couldn't completely trust him. My mind was debating whether to speak the truth or simply lie. But the concerned look on his face won and I gave in.

I told him everything about the doll about how it disappeared about how it showed up right now in his house. I also told him what happened last night even though it could be my imagination, but I did.

"And I'm the only person who knows about this," it was more of a statement than a question. The solemn expression on his turned to one of the tensed ones and clenched jaw didn't make it better.

" yes." I muttered.

He let out a loud exasperated breath and took my hand in his.

" Look don't get this in a wrong way but you need to tell this to your mom, she needs to know and besides maybe she can help out in some way." He said.

"When you say she can help me out, you mean she can take me to a doctor? " I asked.

He didn't understand me, and who was I fooling, why will he understand me. It was not him who experienced it. It was not him who has been dreaming. And afterall he is just one of my classmates or a new friend. Well for the latter one, I do have some doubts. Who will actually want to be friends with a mad person.

"You think I'm mad!" It wasn't a question. I knew he thought that I am.

"No, ofcourse not!" He said squeezing my hands. I jerked my hands out of his.

"I don't think that you are mad, that'll be the last thing that I'll consider. But I do think that you need someone to help you out. And don't ever think that I think you're going crazy. I'll always be here for you" He said.

I wanted to believe him .I almost believed him. But finally I didn't, I didn't believe that he understood me that anyone will actually understand me.

Would you have believed if you were at his place? My brain asked.

I didn't need to think a lot about it. I knew the answer right away. I wouldn't have believed. Especially since I hardly believe in god. I did believe that there is some kind of energy, some source which made this world, but a blind belief that god is always watching and there will be an afterlife in hell or heaven.

No I didn't.

Am I actually going crazy? I thought.

I didn't realize why and how but I burst into tears. That will be the second time I cried in front of him. Trying to put on brave look I wiped away the tears only so that fresh tears can take their place.

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