chapter 2 -Beginning

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My eyes shot open and I sat upright, trying to take in my surroundings.

"Holy shit. That was quite a nightmare." I muttered under my breath.

It was then that I realized how much I was sweating. I turned to see the clock showing 7:00 am. I got out of bed to get ready for the first day in my new school.

"Lis, get up and get ready for school." my mom called out from downstairs.

"Yeah, mom. I'm awake." I replied.

Thinking of how my new school would be, I bathed and dressed up for my first day.

I grabbed my bag and rushed downstairs. I shoved some food into my mouth because my mother was already out in the car waiting for me.

As soon as I was inside the car my mother sped towards my new school.
St. Vladimir High School.

"Mum, slow down. We still have time to reach school in one piece!" I told her.

"You might not be late, but I am. I've got to run some errands for the house before I get to work." she said.

I felt bad for her, but I was also proud of her. After my father died she was always trying to fill the void left by him. She was so strong that she never let me feel the absence of my father. She never let me see her pain. She always did her best to cover up her tears.
She never asked me to grow up and be responsible, which others might have done in that situation, but not my mom. She always told me to live my life to the fullest . So, she was the only one who took care of everything. That's why I sometimes call her my superwoman.

A smile tugged at my lips at the thought. "I love you mom." I said to her.

"Aw, I love you too darling." she replied and pulled the car to a stop in front of my new school.

Seeing the school building in front of me I felt nervous.

My mother must have noticed this when she said,

"Aw, don't be nervous. Now you are a big girl. You can do this, just go out there make friends. It won't be that difficult, will it?" mum said and slightly squeezed my shoulders.

I smiled to her and slid out of the car. I waved her goodbye as I entered through the school gate.

All right new school, here I come.


Author's note:
So this wasn't a scary chapter but isn't it just a start . This chapter was just to tell you about her parents. I hope you enjoyed reading . And I'm sorry for my mistakes .
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