Chapter 23: A glimpse of the past

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My mother was stunned after I told her about all those encounters in this house. She was worried for me and was angry because I didn't tell as soon as they happened. No matter what the situation was she didn't step back from scolding me.

After she was finished lecturing me she told me that she had been experiencing paranormal activities too, But when she mentioned that it didn't stop whenever she she steps out of this house, the hair at nape of my neck stood at its ends.

Yes, I've once experienced it outside of this house but only once. And it was definitely not like what my mother has seen. What she experienced was very different from what I felt and saw.

After what happened tonight my mother didn't let me sleep alone in my room so her and me now lay within the same room. It took her only an hour to go off to sleep. And after a while I gave up too and drifted away to another night of nightmares.


When my eyes fluttered open, I found myself sitting in a car, zooming through a dark road.

When I turned towards the wheel, I saw...

A lump formed within my throat and my eyes welled up with tears. There sat my father looking as healthy as ever.

Oh, how so desperately I wanted my father come to back into my life, to sing me to sleep like he used to, to play with me, to scoop me up in his arms and turn me around and around and around and never stop.

My vision blurred and I put my hand over my mouth to contain the sobs.
I closed my eyes for a moment.

I again looked at him tears streaming down my face.

"D-Dad, " I finally managed to say it almost as a whisper.

I sat there still but he didn't react in any way. He looked out ahead at the road, humming with the song on the radio. I was so confused, I couldn't figure out what was happening at the moment.

Where was I? How was this possible? Isn't my father dead?

But he is just there, sitting right next to you!

"Dad?" I said again but to no avail.

I extended my hand and rested it on his forearm and shook it slightly. But he wouldn't budge, it was as if he was transfixed. It felt like a video clip on some computer screen put on replay and I'm just a bug which sits there on the screen, watching everything, listening everything but is unable to completely reach there.

I looked around desperately to reason, but all I could think was that my dead father was sitting right beside me.

I glanced out from the window to see the trees sprint by. The road was deserted, there was no other vehicle one the other than ours.

A few minutes after I again said,

"Dad? Please. Just look at me once" I said, whimpering.

But again, he didn't respond. He looked out ahead at the road, once in a while glancing out from the window at his side.

Suddenly, he started coughing. He slowed down his car and reached out to pick up the water bottle at his side. The moment his fingers touched the water bottle his forearm was sliced open. My mouth fell open at the terrifying sight. Goosebumps formed all over body. I dragged my eyes from his arm and towards his face to see his expression mirroring mine while he cried out in pain.

He pressed his foot on the breaks immediately after that, but the car didn't slow down instead it accelerated forward the speedometer rising with each second. Both of us stared at it wide eyed unable to analyse anything that was happening.

Then my father reached out to pull up the hand break but it was somehow stuck.

My heart drummed loudly, adding to the tension. I wanted to vomit right there but couldn't bring myself to. The car seemed to suffocate me. I wanted to jump out of the car and fill my lungs with fresh air but I didn't I was frozen. The radio was now cut off automatically and I was clearly able to hear the panicked, heavy breathing from my father.

I turned my head to look at his face, tears flowing down my cheeks. His forehead was scrunched up together. His face expression didn't reveal anything which I could understand.

What was it? Confusion? Concentration? Fear?

The next thing which happened was my father cursing under his breath before he started clicking his seatbelt to free himself.

But unlike what happens in normal circumstances the seat belts tightened around his abdomen, crushing him back into the the seat. He fought the belts trying to pry it away from his body, but it only caused it to tighten as if it was only possible digging deeper into his torso.

By this time I had finally recovered from my shock, I leaned towards my father to help free him from the seatbelts.

I clicked the button again and again but it was of no use. So I tried to pull away the belts away from his body but it was like pulling away a part of his own body.

I looked around to find something sharp so that I could cut the belts but didn't find anything. Tears kept on falling down my face making it difficult for me look inside the car.

I kept on pulling the belt away from him then all of a sudden I felt my hands touch something wet I looked at my hands to find them covered in blood.

"Oh my god!" I gasped.

No no no! I can't let him go again, please god.

I looked at him to see that his mouth was parted and eyes were wide open.

"Dad, please.." I cried.

I had never felt so helpless, I wanted to help him, to make him feel at ease but I didn't know what to do!

"Uuurrghh!" I screamed out, defeated.

My father suddenly took a loud breath and audibly let it out almost as a sigh before his eyeballs rolled towards the back then his eyelids fell shut and his body went limp. His head falling at the side.

I sat there staring at him, I didn't know how to react. What was I supposed to do? Call out to him? Scream? Beg for someone to help? But there wasn't anyone to ask!

And the next thing which happened was the car taking a sharp turn, tires screeching because of friction, and the then the car hit into the street lamp post.

The last thing I remembered was covering my face with my arms from the glass splinters.

I woke up screaming next to my mother who looked at me shocked.

"MOM! Mom, D-Dad we need to help him please, please I- " I said holding her hand.

I saw her worried expression changed to a shocked one, after she recovered she hugged me tightly and rubbed my back soothingly.

"Shhhh baby, I'm here" She cooed.

"But Dad " I started tell her that he needs us but she cut me off and cupped my face to say,

"No Allison, your father isn't here, he doesn't need any help and even if he does need our help we won't be able to help him. He is beyond our reach. Do you understand? It was just a dream, and an inexplicably dreadful one!"

Her words stung to me like thorns, Those words brought me back to the present and I cried myself in my mother's arms before falling back to sleep again.

Author's Note: I hope that each one of you liked this because this chapter was the most difficult one to write ( I don't know why :p)

And oh my god! This story now has 23k reads and 1k votes!!!
Unbelievable! Thank you so so much :D

I love you people so much :*
Stay happy!


Thank you for reading ☺

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