chapter 18: Hope

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It has been two days since mom left for her trip with her colleagues.

I tried to call Mr. Martinez but it was of no use, his number was constantly switched off.

There was nothing to work on, nothing that could turn me towards a particular direction.

I shuffled through the boxes kept in the basement the third time, but there was nothing. Then suddenly the lights went out and I was left in total darkness. It was as if I living my nightmares. Oh yes! Those nightmares never stopped, it was like they were playing with my fears and my happiness all at the same time.

Sometimes, just like this moment I was left alone in darkness, left to ponder myself on irrational thoughts. And then sometimes my mother would appear smiling or a blurry glimpse of my father or both. I see them, smile and cautiously stumble towards them and just like a kidnapper attracts a kid with a lollipop and drags the kid away, my parents dissappear the instant I reach that point and then the real nightmare begins when you're left again in total darkness alone, and the fear creeps in numbing my body and then suffocating me slowly making it unbearable for me to stay alive, so I let go of my life and try to fade away towards death, but it doesn't even want that so it pulls me awake again into the real life to torture me the next night.

It took sometime for my eyes to adjust into the darkness but it didn't help. I had to feel my way towards the stairs.
Then suddenly, the lights flickered and a cold force pushed me backwards and I stumbled backwards landing on my hips knocking out some things in the corner.

My heartbeat quickened and I took deep breaths trying to calm myself down. I have been experiencing these things the moment I stepped into this house but I can never get used to it. It's always frightening. I waited for the lights to stop flickering. While I sat there on the floor. Something on my right side caught my attention on the floor. Under a dirty, old wooden table there was some kind of a book which was peeping out from under it. I dragged myself over to it and pulled it out.

It turned out to be a photo album. I opened it shuffling through the photos. I didn't recognize anyone ofcourse.

' It must belong to the previous owners' I thought.

There were only two women and a baby girl in all the pictures.

I was flipping through the pictures, when one photo caught my attention.
My heartbeat fastened. All of a sudden the room felt chilly, it became very hard for me to breathe. It was a photo of one of the women and that baby girl but they didn't catch my attention. The doll did. That little girl was clutching onto that same that I found in my room.

I tried to get up holding onto that album but then light went out and a cold force threw me backwards. I didn't realize I was crying until warm tears started flowing down my cheeks.
I was panting to catch some oxygen but it was very difficult to breathe and crying was making it worse. Trembling and stumbling on my wobbly legs I again tried to get up, thankfully this time nothing opposed me. I placed my free hand on the wall to stop myself from falling. I slowly and carefully made my way up the stairs.

Finally reaching the living room I sighed in relief and let my eyes adjust in bright light. I immediately turned around locked the basement.

Walking upstairs to my room I sank down on the floor opening the album onto my lap. Fresh tears started flowing down my cheeks. I never wanted this. Yes, i wanted ansewrs but this clue terrified me I had no one to talk to. I have never so felt helpless before. I wanted someone to comfort me to tell me that it's all my imagination. I closed the album shut and pulled my knees toward my chest, resting my forehead onto my knees. I cried my heart out.

It would have taken an hour for my eyes to dry out and my sobs to die down.

"I don't want stay here anymore," I mumbled to myself.

My throat felt sore and my eyes were burning after crying so much. I gathered myself from floor and went to the kitchen for some water.

Cold water relieved me a little. I dragged a chair and put my head onto the dining table. I tried to shut my mind completely, to not to think anything but this cruel mind doesn't let me. Subsequently, my thoughts faded away and sleep took over me.


I was jolted awake with my cell phone ringing in my jeans pocket. I quickly took it out and saw it was my mother.

It was 2:00 in the morning. I slept for around three hours sitting. I felt a lot better though.

"Hello mom?" I said answering the phone.

" Allison, are you alright?" My mother's trembling voice said.

"Y-Yes mom I'm fine, what's wrong? Are you alright? What happened? " I said.

Oh god! Please let her be okay. I prayed silently.

"Yes I- I am fine" she replied.

"Mom, seriously please tell me what's wrong, and don't say nothing because 2:00 am is no time for you to check up on me!" I said.

I can stand anything but I can't stand anything happening to my mother. She is my life, my everything.

She let out a heavy breath, then said,

" Um I just got a very weird dream and suddenly woke up, and the first thing that came in my mind was you. I got worried, I've never been away from you and that dream just freaked me out. "

" I am fine mom, really. What did you dream about? Do you want to talk about it? " I asked her.

I started wondering if she was having similar dreams that I usually have.
The situation was getting really very weird now. That picture album, that doll and these nightmares. We were so good far away from here. It was really hard for me to accept anything about ghosts, I mean okay it may not be ghosts but then how did I see that same doll and I had never seen a doll like that in my entire life.

" No, I am okay, now that I know that you're fine. It's already two in the morning, I am really sorry I disturbed your sleep. You have your school tomorrow, you should sleep."

Sleep is something I need at the moment. I don't want to think about this entire escapade. I want to sleep with the hope that I won't have a nightmare again.

" Stop saying sorry for something like this. I would have done the same thing, just because you are my mother doesn't mean that you can't freak out." I retorted.

She let out a weak laugh and said,

" Okay, but Please take care of yourself, I'll talk to you in the morning. "

" Yes, I will. And you take care of yourself too and stop worrying so much. I love you. Miss me. Good night" I said.

" I love you too, sweetheart and I miss you so much already. Bye, sleep well. "
She said.

I went upstairs to my room to get some sleep, hoping that my mother will be fine, hoping that I won't have any nightmares today. Hope.
I laughed at the word. Well, we'll see if it'll keep me alive or drag me towards my death.

Author's Note: I hope you liked reading this chapter. Please share your views about the story, because I really really need your support and want to know what you think, because accept it or not your support really encourages me to write.

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