chapter 7- feelings ( part 1)

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My heart was thumping against my chest .. I was still screaming I squeezed my eyes shut I was so so so frightened..

I was sure that whatever it is .it isn't good . Everything about it is wrong.

The feelings those negative vibes all were indicating that something was wrong..

Things are wrong here ...

There was never a day in this house in this town that I felt good.. its not that I'm new to this place .


Its about the feeling that something isn't right that something bad is going to happen.

I was frightened and I knew that my whole body was trembling. Shivering with fear...

Someone was saying something but I didn't want to listen.. I knew I was crying I could feel the wetness on my cheeks.




Someone was calling my name..calling me .. but I refuse to give my attention to it. I didn't want to

See or hear

Anything. I've seen enough heard enough of those threats those warnings..

And today it was no dream no nightmare. This was real ..

....In the real world....

Allison... Allison

I was shaking. But no it wasn't because that I was frightened ... yes I was trembling but this ...

Someone was shaking me.. I was brought back to reality .. I could feel those hands on my shoulders shaking me. Trying to bring me back to reality. But I won't look.


No wait..

I know this voice. I've heard it before...

Today.. I've hea......

Alec... it's alec..

"Allison come on what is wrong "

I slowly opened my eyes to see Alec's

Worried and confused face staring at me..

I didn't know what to do . What to say..

I wiped my face with the back of my hand still sobbing.

I stood there looking at my feet..

alec placed his hand under my chin and tilted my face so that I was facing him.

Meanwhile another tear rolled down my cheek.

"Allison . What happened here? Why were you screaming ? Why are you crying"

I didn't know what to say to him.

Should I tell him the truth??

Will he believe me?? Or will he just start thinking that I've gone crazy??


"Nothing. I don't know.. it's nothing . Just forget it"

I tried to move away but alec kept me at the place. It was then when I realised that one of his hand was resting on my waist.

" NOTHING won't make you scream like that.. NOTHING won't make you cry.. Allison come on tell me . You can trust me. ."

Can I really trust him..??

But I needed to let this thing out I needed to share it with someone or else one day I'll surely burst out.

I took two deep breaths calming myself .. and when I looked up I saw him watching me intently as if he was trying to figure something out.

" It all began with a nightmare the day when I came to this place......"...I started..

I told him everything. Each unusual encounter. The haunting story which I was living!

Alec listened each and everything with patience. Those brown eyes were soft looking at my face when I finished.

" did you tell this to anyone.. your mom?"

I didn't want her to be worried about me.. besides I thought that it was all my imagination until today..!!"

I whispered.

"Its okay.. nothing will happen to you.. I'll always be here"

He said pulling me into an embrace.

Suddenly his phone started ringing. He took it out to see who it was..

It was Justin..

With all this nuisance we forgot that we had to go to watch a movie.

"I'll let him know that we won't be coming over for the movie"

"No .. don't. We can still be there in time "

" It's okay allison.. they'll understand"

"No. Please I want to go atleast I'll be away from this place for sometime"

He nodded .

Finally I gathered myself up combed my hair left a message for mom about where I'll be.

And with that I left with alec towards the theatre. .

Author's note :

I hope you all enjoyed reading this..
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Allison stuart at the side people :D

The cool character icon is made by @PurelyAwkward thankyou :)

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