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The next morning we were tasked with deep cleaning I-Land. The system started playing a variety of K-pop songs as we cleaned the second floor. It was great hearing different songs rather than Chamber 5 over and over again.

While the others were cleaning different rooms and such, Niki and I were cleaning the dishes that have been accumulating. "Yah, Niki! This still has oil on it," I said as Niki handed me a plate he had washed.

Niki shook his head, "No, that's just water, Noona."

I looked at him skeptically as I completely dried the plate with a towel and ran my finger over it. I frowned at Niki feeling the oil on my finger, "Niki, you actually have to scrub it!" I laughed as I watched Niki just run the sponge over another plate once before holding it out ome.

Niki pouted, "Can you just do it then, Noona? I'll dry them?"

"Aish, this kid," I muttered as Niki handed me the sponge.

Halfway through our cleaning, the gate turned, allowing us to start cleaning the inside of it as well. "I brought the dusters!" I said happily, joining some of the boys with multiple dusters in my hand that I found in the closet. For the weeks we've been here, including part one, we've never opened that closet. So we were all rathered surprised to find all the cleaning supplies in there.

"Guys, we have to be careful with this, remember?" K said. "Don't spill water anywhere."

"If water gets on here, we can't go on stage," Jungwon said lightly spraying the walls with a cleaning solution. "We'll be stuck here."

"There's always the terrace," I pointed out, dusting one of the cameras.

"Parkour!" Daniel cheered.

"No parkour!" Heeseung insisted.

"Hanbin hyung! You can't get it wet!" Jungwon and I turned away and we both gasped when we saw Hanbin wet-mopping the floor of the gate. The one place we definitely couldn't get water on.

"Hyung, you can't get it wet," Daniel explained.

Hanbin smiled sheepishly, "Ah I can't? Sorry~"

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"Guys, let's play a game," Heeseung said as we all sat down for lunch. The staff had come by and dropped off individual pizzas for all of us. I grinned looking at my mine. My mouth was literally watering.

"Image game?" I suggested.

"Oh, that sounds fun!" Daniel agreed, as did everyone else. "What's the first question?"

Heeseung hummed, taking a sip of his soda, "Who has the most different image now compared to the beginning?" He asked. "One... two... three!"

I pointed at Heeseung while everyone pointed at me. I frowned, "Me? Eh? Really?"

"Wait, wait, let us explain!" Sunoo said, putting up his hands. "For me, it's because at the beginning you were so like quiet and timid, you know?"

"And then on stage, you were really charismatic and powerful. It intimidated a lot of us," K added as everyone nodded.

I titled my head, "I'm still those things, aren't I?" I pointed out, taking a bite of my pizza.

Jungwon shook his head, "Of course, you are, Chae, but you also have this side of you," He said vaguely gesturing to me. "Once you started getting comfortable around all of us, you talked a lot more and joked too. A lot more bubbly and open."

"Ah, I suppose so," I relented. "Next question?"

"You ask it," Jake suggested.

"If you had a younger sister, or you know, if you actually do, who would you want to introduce her to?" I asked. "I'm curious about this!"

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