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A sigh escaped my lips as I ran my finger over the mouth of the champagne glass in front of me, my lips twisting into a sneer as the layout of Bangkok came into view.

Bangkok, one of Thailand's most raved tourist traps and top destination for lovers...oh how the government managed to paint over all the rot and decay that laid teeming below the surface. My other hand trailed to the exposed skin of my thigh, shifting the silky emerald material to the side to run my finger over the raised skin that hid carefully under the material. I would have never stepped back into this city if it were not absolutely crucial.

My musing was interrupted as a flight attendant walked up to my seat, pink dusting her cheeks as she looked me in the eye. A smirk pulled at my lips as I leaned back against the leather chair, my head tilting backwards to expose my neck. The pink seemed to darken as I raised an eyebrow at her.

"We are landing shortly, Miss Adulyadej."

My smirk transformed into a small smile as I passed her my empty champagne glass, it widened as felt her fingers tremble as my own brushed against hers. It fell the moment I felt the vibration of my phone against the thin marble table, my nails clicking against it as I picked it up to look at the screen.

From: Xenia

The fireworks are prepped and ready, Alex.

The show will go on with no problem.


I ran my tongue across my teeth as I smiled before stretching my arms to stare contently at the buildings below me. It always amazed me how those, so close to the bottom, thought of themselves as gods... how could they be in-charge of so little, but ruin so much... it truly was pathetic.


Two lines of men and women dressed in sharp black suits waited for me as I descended from the jet, the clicking of my heels against the steps echoing through the private hanger. I waved my hand as they bowed, gesturing for them to get the vehicles ready and to gather the rest of my belongings from the jet.

For the first time since I arrived, I smiled genuinely as my father's most trusted aide walked towards me with a tablet in hand.

"I hope you had a comfortable flight, Miss Alexandra."

I scoffed before taking the tablet.

"The flight couldn't rid the ache of having to return to this place, Leo."

His eyes held a look of pity for a fraction of a second before they returned to their professional state. He was one of the few who knew about my past, but knew well enough to never mention it unless given permission by myself... not even my father or mother could pry it from his throat.

"All the information in regards to the under-the-table dealings between the Minor Theerapanyakul Family and the Yogi-Kai Yakuza Clan as well as the Romano Family are all stored on this tablet. They have been undercutting our family for 1 month and the Major Theerapanyakul Family for two years."

A short laugh escaped my lips as I shook my head.

"Korn had two whole years and still could not find evidence of the source while it took my lovely cousin ten minutes after the alert came."

"Miss Xenia has always been efficient, Miss Alexandra."

I hummed in agreement before glancing through the layout of the Theerapanyakul's attempt at Mount Olympus, a little fortress that was going to crumble because of familial greed... an utter disgrace.

"Our casino in Japan has been experiencing a dip in the usual high-roller clientle--"

"Because they are being redirected to another's with more favourable odds on the tables while Yogi-Kai get a few extra coins in their pockets."

"Yes, and the heroin we have been receiving from the Romano Family has been steadily dropping in quality, but not obvious to detect outright."

"Our clients are spoiled and entitled with money to burn, if they are good for anything, it is knowing what a good product feels like. The Romano Family has been charging us the same while tainting our supply, but strangely enough... the druggies in the Theerapanyakul area seemed just fine with it, some even say that it has got even better."

"Your father has asked that you minimise the theatrics as much as you can, Miss Alexandra. The clean-up the last time was not...favourable to say the least."

"He is very well-aware that a statement has to be made, Leo, and he knows exactly how I feel about those who betray us."

I did not wait for his response before walking towards the sleek Jaguar XJL that stood out against the black SUVs surrounding it. One of the guards scrambling to open the door for me as I smiled at him gently, it was not as if I was going to shoot him if I had to wait an extra few seconds.

The cool leather felt pleasant against my golden tanned skin, a lovely reprive from the scorching heat of this country. Leo moved to start the car, its purrs joined by its bretheren as we prepared to set out.

"I heard there was an explosion at the warehouse--"

"Porschay suffered minor injuries while Porsche was reported to have escaped it just fine. Our sources state that the Theerapanyakul suffered two key casualties; Big, the former head bodyguard of Anakinn, and Ken, another bodyguard assigned to Anakinn. The latter was found to be the mole."

I pursed my lips as I ran my fingers over the gold ring that sat comfortably on my index finger, moving across the bumps on the surface caused by the emerald jewels.

"Does Porsche know that you are in the country, Miss Alexandra?"

My fingers moved to trace the other ring that sat lightly in the valley between my breasts, slowly moving to weave through the thin gold chain. It truly was a beautiful piece, a shame that it only remained on my finger for three months.


The sharpness in my tone relayed to Leo that I wanted the subject to be dropped. My nails digging into my skin as I picked at the chain, the pain doing nothing to ease the guilt that gnawed at my heart.

"We will be reaching the Theerapanyakul Family's home in twenty-five minutes, our sources have reported that an urgent family meeting has been called and will begin in ten."

I shook my head to refocus my thoughts, my dark brown curls brushing at the skin of my arms and back. We would arrive a little later, but I do love to make an entrance.

"Tell the tech team to arrive there in fifteen, I want all of their surveillance cameras to be ours by the time I enter the building. Get them to set up a safe-zone, the moment I give the signal, I want no one but me to be able to control everything in that building, no recordings of what I am about to do held by anyone but me."

I met Leo's eyes and raised my eyebrows at the pride shining through them.

"Two units have already stationed themselves in the surrounding buildings and have canvassed the area as you have ordered. Mr Xerxes has managed to purchase and compile all the leaks that orginated from the family, your tablet should be receiving them in a few moments, Miss Alexandra."

I nodded, the efficiency of it all almost making me want to purr like the engine of the jaguar.

It was time to remind Bangkok of who truly owned them.

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