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Porsche huffed as he passed various guards, ignoring their stares, he was a man on a mission and to hell with what they must think of him.

Today was supposed to be a good day, he just sent his baby brother to his interview exam, knowing that he would get in without any worry because how bright and talented Chay was. It was one of his proudest moments to see Chay near the entrance of his future university, knowing that all the bartending, the loan-sharks, the underground fighting, and even the bodyguarding allowed Chay to fully pursue his dream in music. Tears brimmed slightly as he drove away, looking at the sky knowing that their parents would be proud too.

All that fuzziness was gone when he returned to find his boyfriend nowhere in sight, no text and not even the bodyguards knew where he was. Was it not customary for a boyfriend to let his significant other know when they were going out, especially if said boyfriend is one of the most targeted people in Thailand.

Not only that, but his sister was nowhere to be found either. Tia had told him that she had a meeting and could not accompany Chay, but she did give Chay a little ruffle of the hair and promised to take him to whatever music store he wanted afterwards. It warmed Porsche's heart to see them slowly getting closer with Chay actually leaning into her touch and smiling gently at her... it often made Porsche wonder what their lives would have been like if she had never been taken from them.

He was directed by the tenth guard he asked that his twin was in the kitchens which made him paused because what would a mafia boss want with the kitchen staff. He quickened his pace to get to his sister, wanting to waste no time in getting to the bottom of his missing boyfriend.

"Do you understand what I am saying?"

Porsche peaked from the door to see Tia surrounded by an assortment of kitchen staff who were looking at her with extremely serious eyes.

"Yes, Miss Alexandra."

Porsche slowly moved to reach her when something whizzed past his head, he yelped and turned to see a knife sticking out of the wall, and turned back only to see his twin facing him, a playful smirk on his face.

"You could have killed me!"

Tia shook her head, waving her hand to dismiss the staff who bowed deeply before scurrying off.

"If I actually thought you were a threat, that knife would be lodged in your throat instead of the wall. What in the world do you think would be the end result of you sneaking up behind a mafia boss?"

Porsche gestured wildly, unable to explain himself verbally before grabbing her hand and dragging her out.

"Kinn is missing, and we need to see Arm—also what were you doing in the kitchens?"

She laughed and smacked his arm, the coldness of her rings biting his skin slightly.

"Oh, I was missing some of the food that I usually have when I am home, so I was asking the kitchens if there was any way they could make it here."

Porsche hummed before stopping outside the weapons vault, ignoring his twin's snickering as he dragged her in.

"Arm, Code Red!"

Once again ignoring his sister's laughter. He felt slightly proud of himself that he had made friends who were so loyal to him that they went along with this new system.

"Sir, yes, Sir!"

Tia continued to laugh at how seriously they both were taking the situation, which was extremely valid to Porsche given the gravity of it.

"I thought you were just humouring Khun when he gave you the idea of colour coding Kinn-situations, never did I think you would take it seriously."

He once again ignored her in favour of fiddling with various buttons that allowed him to listen in on the microphone that had been placed in all of Kinn's suit jackets for security reasons... and now for spying reasons.

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