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The click of a gun caused me to silently groan as I sank down onto the plush leather... how could one be so stupid?

My gaze lifted and stared at the barrel of a gun that was aimed at my face, trembling slightly as Kan's hand shook. Now I could see why Korn was placed as the Head, Kan was too emotional, and had an ego too brittle that he would point a weapon at the Head of one of the world's most influential crime families.

I tilted my head and a soft rumble was soon heard, the lights above us flickering as more guns were drawn. Fiat walked right up to me with another tablet, guns trained on him and guns trained on them.

I waved dismissively as I took the tablet.

"Oh, don't worry about it. That was just me testing the lighting system of your building."

I fiddled with the buttons on my screen and smiled as the lights dimmed in the room, making the red laser lines even clearer. They were thin enough that under the guise of light, they were almost invisible. Tankhun yelped and tried to move away from it, his eyes glazing over as he realised that the little red dot was following his every move. Anakinn remained stoic, his eyes trained hard on me, not even flinching at the little dot right over his chest. The only slip of emotion was when his eyes darted to Porsche, worrying furrowing his brow ever so slightly at the replica point that was on his chest. Maybe he was worthy of my brother...

"My apologies for the shock, I do promise that the snipers are only here to ensure that no one does anything stupid..."

My eyebrow raised as I stared at Kan, lips curling as he slowly lowered his gun. The power trip sending pleasurable tingles down my spine. This man had been grasping for power his entire life with his family, taking out his failure on outsiders... well, I guess he lost in that arena as well.

I leaned forward once more, wickedly enjoying the little journey the red dot made as it moved from his heart to between his eyes, the helplessness pouring out of them as he struggled to maintain the façade of nonchalance. I made a show of toying with my tablet, running my finger up and down the screen doing absolutely nothing... not that he needed to know that. There was something extremely heady in knowing that you could end a person's time in the land of the living with just a word from your lips or a click of a button.

"Four days, Kan... think about what you could possibly lose if you delay. Now leave!"

He spluttered at the audacity of an outsider kicking him out of his own family home. Turning to look at his older brother who remained silent, anger flashing past his eyes before he turned in his chair, moving with as much dignity as he could. I wiggled my fingers as he walked towards the door, my guards not too kindly slamming the doors shut right behind him.

You could hear a pin drop with the silence that enveloped the room now, numerous pairs of eyes trained on me.

"If you want information, Khun Korn, I suggest that you tell your guards to leave us alone... save for Arm, Pol, Chan, and Porsche."

It spoke of the years of experience that Korn's expression did not even flinch at the fact that I knew the name of his bodyguards or the fact that I had basically given him an order in his own home.

I smiled sweetly before waving the tablet in hand, emphasising the treasure in my hand. My father told me that Korn was fond of using chess metaphors in his speeches, always going on about how you had to make sacrifices for the final goal... so was it going to be his pride? Or would it be the information that could break his precious kingdom?

"You heard her."


"Khun Ko—"

Now it was his turn to slam his hands against the marble, silencing his sons and guards. There was a tense silence before the unnamed guards filtered out, the guards that stayed moving closer towards their charges.

I leaned back, pleased before snapping my finger, the sniper laser points disappearing seconds after.

Fiat stood guard at the door, joining a few of my own people who were going to make sure that no one enters or leaves this room without my permission. Tin pressed a finger against his earpiece, no doubt listening to Praew.

"The scramblers are all in place, Khun Alexandra. The room is solely yours."

I stretched my arms upwards, sighing as I felt the soft cracks down my spine before picking up the table and walking around the table.

Eyes followed me around before I stood behind Anakinn, his back straightening while Porsche moved closer to stand between us. I pouted slightly, Anakinn was my brother's... something, what good would it do to hurt him...much.

I huffed before slumping gently against Porsche, tilting my head downwards to rest my head against Porsche's shoulder.

"The jetlag is absolutely killing me."

A private jet could only provide so much comfort.

"What the hell do you think you are doing?"

Porsche's tone was clipped and short... how rude, especially since I had just taken a twelve-hour flight to clear his name and save his whatever they are the moment's family. I lifted my head and pushed at his shoulder.

"What the hell am I doing? What the hell did you do? Wait...never mind I know what did now, but it was not fucking pleasant receiving information that both you and Chay were taken out of an exploded warehouse! The both of you could have died!"

My voice broke slightly as I spoke the last sentence. I could joke and throw my power around now, but those few minutes when I waited for more information about my brothers after the warehouse exploded nearly killed me. I had just found them, and I had almost lost them... there would have been nothing that could stop me from burning the Theerapanyakul Family to the ground if they were killed in that explosion, not saying that people weren't paying with their lives in the extremely near future.

Porsche's eyes softened as he cradled my face between both of his hands, smiling as I cupped my own over his. It was amazing that we had entered this world minutes apart, but yet this is the first time we had shown any physical affection towards the other.

"I am right here, Tia. I am safe and well right in front of you."

I took one of my hands away from his and smiled at him sweetly before flicking his forehead. He jerked back and scowled before I wrapped my arms around his neck, nestling my face at the crook of it.

"I am never trusting that statement coming from your mouth ever again."

He chuckled, moving to tighten his arms around my waist. My little bubble of happiness ruined as I felt a pair of eyes burning into my very soul... possessive bastard.

"Porsche... do you know, Khun Alexandra?"

Korn's voice was tentative, but threatening... oh my god, he thought Porsche was a mole for me. I turned to face him as Porsche stuttered, one arm still around his waist. The remaining Theerapanyakul guards kept their hands on their weapons, though hesitant (with the exception of Korn's personal lapdog). That was good, my brother had people who trusted him.

Anakinn had his fist clenched on the table, the whites of his knuckles visible. His eyes boring burning holes at the points of contact between Porsche and I. Tankhun on the other hand intrigued me, his eyes were glittering in amusement as though we were a scene in his favourite drama, a plot twist about to unravel... who was I to deny him that reveal.

I gripped Porsche's jaw and pulled it down to press our cheeks together... I could practically hear Anakinn's teeth grinding.

"Don't tell me you can't see the family resemblance, Khun Korn?"

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