Diamonds and Cake

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I clicked my nails against the marble table, ignoring the soft tugs as Khun played with my hair. I moved to favour playing with the rings that sat on the first knuckles of each finger of my right hand. They were specially designed by my mother that if I splayed my fingers out, fast and forceful enough, the underside of the ring will flick out to form an extension of my nail, resembling claws. It cemented the symbol of Fenrir that made people tremble with fear.

We were once again in the private meeting room, the grace period was up and I wanted to be given what I was due. I had just lulled Chay to sleep before Fiat came to deliver a message that Kan requested an audience with me.

Korn sat at the head of the table and insisted that I sit on his right since Kinn was not available, the disappointment that his heir was off on a romantic date with my brother not as well hidden as he thought. How utterly foolish... he wanted to keep his son an emotionless piece of stone that only knew how to spill blood and rule, but it was human nature to love, and if you keep preventing them from doing so the more they will crave it. This is why my family strived for balance, we could love as we please, but we knew how to remain focus on the larger picture as well. Grade A parenting, Korn... you managed to ruin three sons.

Khun insisted on joining the meeting, parading in with a floor length black glittery coat and bright white suit underneath. Korn tried to dissuade him, but he was insistent that he wanted to be present to see the minor family be shown their place.

"Uncle, I thought the Theerapanyakul prided themselves on punctuality?"

My voice drawled out... I had already been here for fifteen minutes. I was still in the clothes from when I visited Kim, and as gorgeous as they were, all I wanted to do was to take a nice long hot bath and spent a little time with my brother on his birthday. But I was stuck here waiting for something which I knew was not coming.

"Alexandra, my brother must have a good—"

"Khun Kan's representative has arrived."

Chan's voice rang through the room causing guards from both sides to shift, hands slowly drifting to where they kept their guns. Khun's hand slamming down on the marble caused them startle, hands now on the handles of their weapons.

"Representative? Uncle could not even bother to come here himself?"

I merely raised an eyebrow and continued to flex my fingers, I could feel Korn's eyes assessing my expressions.

The doors opened and a mousy little man entered the room, a case in hand... and no Vegas. He bowed as low as he could before stepping in front of us.

"Khun Kan expresses his deepest regrets in not being able to be here in person—"

"Ha! He is probably too frightened of the wolf in our home!"

I wrinkled my nose fondly at Khun's statement before quickly sweeping my eyes across Korn, mildly surprised that he did not seem offended that this eldest basically called his brother a coward, but seemed rather proud...

"I see that you are without Vegas, I do not suppose that Kan took my mercy for granted... did he?

It truly was fun to watch people squirm.

The messenger quickly bowed as low as he could, I had to admire his flexibility since it almost looked like he was folded in half.

"Khun Kan has never had that intention, Khun Alexandra. He sent me here because he is currently busy in trying to find Vegas, and asks that you please take consideration for his worries as a father to please give him more time."

Did Kan really think that the concerned father act would work? My fingers stopped playing with my rings, and I looked down at the quivering man, he had still had his face to the ground.

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