Drinks and Chess

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Porsche held Kinn's hand tightly as they entered Hum Bar, head ducking down ever so often when he met Tae or Time's eyes. Being able to be so close to Kinn inf front of people they knew was still very new to him, and he was not sure whether he would ever get used to it.

Yok greeted them warmly at the entrance, her eyes sweeping past Porsche and Kinn's entwined hands before looking up smugly, no doubt proud of all the advice she had given him. Porsche was sure that her fridge and cupboards at home were still well-stocked with all the goodies from the hampers she had received from him.

"Has Tia arrived?"

Tae and Time had been extremely insistent that his twin joined their celebratory outing, Porsche just knew that it was mostly out of nosiness at being able to speak to 'the legendary mafia boss' on casual terms. Tia had agreed quite happily, but told that she would just meet them there, having needed to finish up some work first.

Yok huffed fondly, her hands on her hips.

"She is here, and Porsche, she is definitely your twin."

Porsche cocked his head in confusion before Yok waved her hand for them to enter. His shoulders rolled comfortably as he entered the bar, a wave of warmth washing over at the familiar smell of alcohol and cigarettes. His mouth fell open before twisting into a scowl when Yok gestured her hand towards where his sister was.

Tia was tucked away in a booth at a corner of the bar. She wore a simple short black halter dress that somehow shimmered gold, there was a gold cuff on her right upper arm, it had two similar siblings on each of her wrists. Multiple gold earrings hung from her piercing, the light bouncing of the starlike diamonds causing them to glitter each time she moved. Her hair hung in loose large curls. Her wine-red lips pouted slightly as she gazed around the room bored, having not seen them yet.

Her outfit was not what bothered Porsche, although he had to squash down the protective brother instinct to yank Kinn's blazer off him to cover her.

What annoyed him was the multitude of men and women that surrounded her table, despite the fact that she was not paying attention to either of them. Her table was littered with various bottles ranging from the usual house reds to top-shelf whiskies, colourful cocktails dotted the table as well. Tia's eyes flickered to one of the cocktails at the end of the table, and Porsche felt second-hand embarrassment flood his being as people fell over each other to get it to her.

"She did not pay for a single thing on that table---Tia!"

His sister perked up at the mention of her name, a smile breaking through the ice-queen expression she had on before making her way towards them. Multiple hands extending for her to use to navigate safely towards them. The man whose hand she took briefly to step off the raised ledge smiled smugly at the rest of those around him, He bent down to try and whisper something in her ear, but she had already taken her hand and the rest of her away from him, moving towards their group.


She wrapped her bejewelled arms around Porsche tightly, smelling strongly of strawberries and vanilla.

'I hope you did not have to wait long."

She opened her mouth before Time answered.

"It did not look like you were too lonely here."

Tia snorted before moving to follow Yok who guided them to a more private area of the bar. It was only then did Porsche realise that it was not just her dress that glittered, but his sister glittered as well... a faint shimmer on her skin as she passed under the strobe lights.

"Oh please, they hold nothing to the company I was expecting."

She lazily winked at Tae who laughed, his eyes filled with amusement.

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