Lesson One

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Porsche wanted the ground to open up and swallow him whole, he continued to stare at it hoping, but alas, nothing happened.

"Kinn said he loves you, correct?"

He could feel Khun Korn's eyes boring into his very being causing him to shift slightly before taking a quick glance at the gun P'Chan held extremely close to him.


He knew Kinn struggled with voicing out his feelings, but he remembered the way that Kinn touched him that night at the minor family home, the scorching trails of heat he left on Porsche's skin as he worshipped him. The way his eyes looked into his with the utmost sincerity, begging for Porsche to accept his apology. The smile on his face as Porsche reciprocated his touch, the sinful way he panted his name... he could feel the love basically pouring out of Kinn.

"And do you love Kinn?"

Khun stood there with his hands in his glittery emerald green pants, his voice holding none of his usual child-like bravado. Porsche's eyes flickered to Kinn who looked at him with uncertainty in his eyes as though he believed there was a chance that Porsche would say no. He wondered what he would have to do to repair the damage that Tawan dealt to Kinn... to assure him that he was worthy of being loved unconditionally, that it was possible for someone to care and protect him without want for anything in return. It might take a lifetime... but that was something that Porsche was willing to take a chance on.

"I love him."

The tension in the room eased just by a little, he could feel Khun relaxing at his words. His heart swelling as he spotted the small smile on Kinn's lips. Everyone seemed relatively happy with his response except for Khun Korn, whose face was still impassive.

"There are no rules that state---"

A loud bang was heard as the wooden sliding door was roughly shoved to the side, Porsche almost cried with relief as he say his sister stride in... looking nothing like the mafia head she was.

She wore a soft oversized pastel green sweatshirt that fell mid-thigh, the sleeves so long that only the tips of her fingers were visible. Her hair was soft and in large unruly curls that cascaded to her navel. The icing on the cake was the fluffy white slippers that she wore, making no noise as she moved to perch herself on the arm of Porsche's chair.

"If we are talking about love, shouldn't the Heads of both families be present?"

Her tone was pleasant as she ran her fingers through his hair. Porsche was aware that Tia was aware of his situation with Kinn, he had more than once gushed (though he would never admit that, even at gunpoint) about the surge of new feelings that he felt towards the mafia heir, but he was not too sure whether he should feel happy or sad that she interrupted Khun Korn while he was deciding the future of his and Kinn's relationship.

"I was not aware that the Adulyadej Family placed interest in Porsche's love-life, Khun Alexandra."

Tia waved her hand playfully... this was the person that he knew, but after watching the scene that unfolded yesterday, watching Tia so carefree and playful was quite unsettling.

"The Adulyadej Family, not really, but me? Of course! And if it matters to me, technically it will matter to my family.... My mum and dad send their regards by the way, do expect a gift soon as a show of thanks for hosting me."

Porsche was going to get whiplash from the way she jumped topics.

"Please do go on with what you had to say before I rudely interrupted--- Chan, put that gun away, it is not like anyone here is going to harm the others. If this is some kind of meet the parent intimidation, I can have my own guards stand around Anakinn with their guns out, but that would not be very nice, would it?"

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