Chapter 3/Movie ♥️

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Friday, Match 23, 2022
Casey's POV:
Good Morning, I set my alarm to wake me up at 9:15A.M. so I could
Clean up, Chill and still get ready.
With that being said I just got out of the shower, I washed my hair and Brushed my teeth. I am now choosing outfit for today.

Still Casey's POV:
So Its 10:25A.M. and I just finished cleaning up my room.

 and I just finished cleaning up my room

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This is what my room looks like... Oh yeah you see  Guitars because I like to Sing and Write Music...But Nobody knows except Gavin and Jules....
Casey POV still:
It's 11:35A.M. and I'm walking to Wyatt's room to get ready to go. I knocked twice. About 9seconds  later Wyatt opens the door. "Hey Wywy, we should leave now to pick  everyone up" I said. "Yea, and stop calling me "Wywy". Wyatt said as we entered the lime green vehicle. "No, I like, I called you that since we were 3" I replied. "Fair point, Anyways let's goooo" Wyatt said in a goofy voice.
We pulled off the first stop was of course The O'Connells ."Go inside and go get them" Said The Green eyed boy  who looks exactly like me . "What, Why me dude?!?!" I replied as my heart started racing.
"Because I saw the way you look at Billie. Your In loveeeee" The blonde haired Idiot said in a teasing tone. "Shut uppppp" I said mocking him as I step out the car. I slowly approached the door as I'm nervous to see Her... Billie Eilish... I slowly knocked on the door 3 times.
Finneas opens the door and said "Hey Case, How are you?" So basically "Case" is a Nickname Finneas gave me when we were 2. "Good, what about you dude?" I asked. "Same old Same old" he replied with a chuckle causing me to chuckle "Hold on, lemme get Billie." Finn said earning a nod from me in return.DILLY FUCKING EYELASH GET YO ASS DOWN HERE BEFORE WE LEAVE YOU!!!" Finn yelled from the bottom of the stairs causing to break down laughing. "IM COMING YOU FUCK NUGGET, CLAUDIA DOWNSKI COME ON BITCH!!!" Billie yelled. At this point I was in tears on the floor laughin. Billie and Claudia came down stairs at the same time. I was still crying and laughing. "HURRY UP BITCHES, WE STILL GOT TWO MORE STOPS TO MAKEEE" Wyatt yelled from inside the car. We all laughed but I was still laughing from Billie and Finneas.  I managed to stand up and get in the car. About 20minutes later we pulled up to Gavin's house. "MOVE BITCHES LET ME OUT THE CAR I NEED TO SEE MY FAVORITE GAYBEE BESTIEEE" I yelled jumping out the car. I ran up to the steps and knocked rapidly. Finally Gavin opened the door "AHHHHHH MY FAVORITE GAY BITCH IS HEREEEE" Gavin yelled. "PURRRRRR BITCHHHHHH" I yelled. "Alright come on let's go bitch" we both said at the same time "Purrrrr sister come on" Gavin said as we start walking to the car. We entered the car and everyone looked as like we were on drugs, Which is understandable but still. "What the fuck is y'all looking at, Especially you Wyatt you see us act like this all the time" I said half joking half serious causing everyone to break out into laughter. "So you do speak" Billie asked "Only to people I like" I replied not even looking at her. "So you don't like me?" Billie ask's "I don't know, I work for you" I replied finally looking at her. Nobody can hear our conversation because the music is blasting loud as fuck, and yes I let my idiotic brother drive my car. "Can we at least be friends... You talk to everyone a lot but barley talk to me... I wanna be your friend..." Billie says with sadness laced in her voice while I just shrugged not knowing how to answer that. "Oh, it seems like you don't really like me... I'm sorry if I did anything wrong..." Billie says as her voice cracked I can tell she's trying not to cry. "Look Bil, You did nothing wrong, It's just I've been in the military for a long time. And I've been cheated on. My ex was Ariana...Grande... As a kid people used to walk all over me, So I swore to never let that happen again. So I started going to the gym and working out..." I said trying to sound as if that didn't have an effect on me. "What in the hell... The Ariana Grande... I thought she was cool, I guess not... I'm sorry you had to go through that" Billie said. "It's ok" I reply bluntly.
I soon realize a familiar house as the car ride slowly came to an end. "Come on Bestie let's go get our other bestie" I told Gavin "Yea come on bitch" he replied. Gavin knocked and the door immediately flung open.
Timeskip after the Movie
Still Casey's POV:

So we ended up watching "It" the scary movie. But for Me,Jules and Gavin didn't really find it scary because we watched it a million times. Also we ended up having a sleepover at my house. We all slept in my room it was a King size bed so we all could fit on the bed.

 We all slept in my room it was a King size bed so we all could fit on the bed

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So this is what my house looks like. I have a lot of Money because I used to be a Photographer in 2017-2019.
(A/N: So sorry Ariana, I literally love her music and stuff I just ran out of people to use 😭😂 I love you guyssss ♥️)

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