I'm not scared of you/Chapter 9 ♥️

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Casey's POV:

So I'm currently driving Me,Finn,Bil,Gav,Jules,Nai,Mario and Clauds to the mall. Me and Billie didn't feel like getting surrounded by Paparazzi today so we just rented out the mall for today so nobody should be here.
I just pulled up to the mall and I see a Grey Mustang already here. That's weird Nobody should be here. Once everyone got out of the car I saw three people who I never thought I'd see again Ariana,Brandon and saige. I was in complete shock. "Miss me?" I heard the voice of a monster that belongs to none other than Ariana Fucking Grande... "I told you I'd find you sooner or later" She says slowly walking towards me with A knife...? "Hey, back up" Billie warns her stepping infront of me. "Hi princess" None other than Brandon Says walking towards her. "Hey buddy, Back up" I say pushing her to the side. "What are you gonna do about Pussy" I noticed that Saige was... Holding a Camera... What if she gonna do with that...? Then it clicks in my mind Ariana has a pocket knife in her hand, Brandon has a gun in his pocket and Saige if recording. They are trying to get me to lose my temper so they edit it and post it to ruin my reputation. "Hey, this gone far enough" I yell at them. I noticed that Saige set the Camera down and stood beside Ariana. Just as I thought things couldn't get any worse I heard a car door shut. I looked at who stepped out the car it was... Pete My Ex Best friend he's the dude that Ari cheated on me with... Pete has always been a strong and Muscular guy even stronger than me and he still is "So this can go One of Two ways..." Ariana started as Pete began walking up to Billie and Put the gun up to her head. "NO LET HER GO" I yelled. "So either you get back together with me or your little Girlfriend dies" Ariana say's. I have never put my hands on Ariana and I still won't but I will put my hands on Pete and Brandon. "Hey bro, let her I go" I say slowly walking up to them "Back up Bitch!" Brandon says with a gun in his hand pointing it at me. I can tell he wasn't actually gonna do it so I lunged at him which caused him to punch me. Everyone began to run towards us but I then quickly yelled "NO EVERYONE GO IN THE CAR" "BUT WE WANNA HELP" Wyatt said. "THE MORE THERE ARE OF YOU THE EASIER IT'LL BE FOR THEM" I yelled causing everyone to obey and get in the car since my car it bullet proof. You see I know your thinking, Why won't I let everyone help? It's because I'm the strongest and everyone else is weak and they don't work out. So they will try to kill everyone that's in the car which will make me weaker because I love everyone in that vehicle, So it will catch me off guard then that's when they attack me. Once I made sure everyone is in the car I charged at Pete and Punched him in the Jaw causing him to Groan in pain and drop on the floor. I quickly grabbed Billie who was crying and pushed her in the car and locked all the doors so now it was just Me,Pete,Ariana and Brandon to be honest Saige was always a Pussy so she dropped the Camera and Ran off Most likey going to her house. "I see you made your choice" Ariana say's as she handed Brandon the Pocket Knife. You see Ariana threatens to hurt someone but she won't so she Won't get in trouble. I was never upset that Ari cheated on me I always suspected it because she always Smiled at her phone, Always ditched me, Continuously pushed me away. The thing that hurt was it was with my Best Friend, He knew I was dating Ari.I got snapped out of my thoughts by Brandon, He pinned me to the ground and since I had on shorts he cut me in my leg causing me to Whimper in Pain. I got up and limped over to him And Kicked him in his nuts With my opposite leg. Looks like he's not having kids. Anyways, he dropped on the Ground and I sat on top of him and punched him hard Continuously. Once I had he had cuts and bruises all over his face I punched him one last time which caused him to faint. I slowly walked over to Pete and said "I thought we were friends, You broke our promise 'Friends forever And nobody can come between us'" I said. "Well you thought wrong" He says pulling out his gun. I looked at the car and see Ariana already inside the car. Damn she moves fast. I heard multiple gun shots go off so I quickly did a tuck n roll as he tried to shoot me. I thought about to do then it hit me. We are surrounded my trees. I can climb up a tree knowing Pete will follow me then I can charge at him and grab the gun then Jump down. So I quickly climbed up the tree like a squirrel but expect I'm getting dirty getting dirt and mud everywhere on me. "Awh don't run, We are Best friend" "I'M NOT SCARED OF YOU!" I yelled at him as he started climbing the tree. Pete is really dumb does he know he can just easily shoot me?
He finally made it up the tree and said "Well your mom is!" He yelled catching me off guard. "What?" I asked him was that a 'yo mama' Joke? "She faked her death, SHE NEVER WANTED YOU" He yells the last part as a I felt my eyes start to sting. How could she... She lied to me I wonder if dad knows... "LIAR" I yell at him not knowing what to believe anymore. Is my whole life really a lie...? "How long did you thing you'd survive against me? Longer then your mother did? Longer than Taylor?" He questions me. So basically Taylor is my friend was fought to save my life when I got jumped at a party. People said she's dead and Got shot by the People who jumped me... I never liked Party's but she begged me to go and I caved.  If I wouldn't have caved this wouldn't have happened. "I'M NOT AFRAID OF YOU" I yell at him. He does a low growl, What the Fuck is he? A damn Lion? "DO YOU HEAR ME? I'M. NOT. AFRAID. OF. YOU!" I yell at him Causing me to charge towards him. BAM! I got shot again, but this time in my ribs. I never got shot in my ribs before so it hurts like hell plus my outfit was shorts and a sports bra with Jordans. Even though I was bleeding like hell and it hurt like a Bitch I charged at him for the gun. I successfully grabbed it and I slipped off the tree and landed... Yup you gussed it On my ribs. I started to cry in Pain. I haven't cried since Ari cheated on me. Everyone got out the car and ran over to me But then I heard Siren's. It was a police car. "PUT YOUR HANDS UP" I heard them yell making me drop the weapon and surrender. They started to cuff me but Billie Jumped out the car and spoke up "She did nothing wrong!" "Ma'am Imma need you to lower your tone with me" He warns. "NO THIS IS BULLSHIT YOU CAN CLEARLY TELL SHE GOT SHOT" She yells. "WAIT LOOK A CAMERA" Finneas yells. "OH MY GOD, YEA CHECK THE CANERA IT WILL PROVE MY I'M INNOCENT" I say as I see a red light meaning the camera is still recording. Claudia Runs and hand him the camera as he watches the Video.
"Ma'am I'm sorry for this misunderstanding" he Says releasing me form the handcuffs. "Wait, It's her to, She cheated on my with Pete and she made this whole plan, also he threatened to kill Billie who is my Girlfriend" I say Pointing to Ariana who is now scared for her life, Then pointing at Pete who is already handcuffed, Then Brandon who is slowly waking up.
He arrested the Three and said that they will have over 50 years in Jail. Suddenly everything goes Black...
(A/N: Sorry guy's Cliffhanger, But I needed some action but the next Chapter should be out within the next 2 days. Luv u guyssss Byeeeee )

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