Chapter 3

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Pennys house came into view faster than you thought your feet would carry you. Penny was out front pruning some roses in her garden when she saw you run up to her front step. Her eyes went wide as she took in your state. You attempted to catch your breath but it never came. Your hands were shaking as you tried to wave hello to her. She had seen you like this before and hated it every time. "He's in the back." She said pointing a finger in his direction. "Mav!" She yelled to get his attention. You walked shakily to the backyard knowing he was most likely laying in the hammock. You turned the corner and found him lying with his eyes closed.

"Mav-Maverick!" You squeaked trying to get under control. Your vision had begun to blare in flashes. A loud explosion echoed in your ears causing you to audibly scream as you put your arms over your head. To the ground you went as quickly as possible. A soft touch was on your back letting you know it was safe. Once you looked up you saw the blue eyes of Maverick staring back at you.

"Shit kid. That's a bad one." He groaned trying to stand you up. "What set you off?" He wondered rubbing your back as you calmed down. Just being next to someone who understood made you feel better. Pete carried many scars with him.

"Payback." You answered swallowing your breath.

"What the fuck did he do?" Maverick growled.

"He was just talking to me. We talked about flying." You explained slowly coming back to reality.

"I see." He sighed realizing that it wasn't intentional.

"No one knows." You mumbled, "well Rooster knows now. He kind of caught me mid freak out." You admitted feeling empty now that the feelings had passed.

"What the hell were you doing with Bradley?!" He exclaimed.

"I ran into him as I was leaving the bar." You huffed. It wasn't a crime to see him! Right?

"Please try to stay away harder than that." Maverick groaned rubbing his tired eyes.

"That's impossible i work with him everyday." You shot back sarcastically earning a scowl. "You know what I mean" Maverick demanded softly. You sighed in frustration, "you know what I'm tired Mav. I'm gonna go lay down." You dismissed yourself walking away feeling ultimately distressed. The short walk home tired you out. Too many thoughts. Too much to feel. Falling into your bed, you instantly fell asleep.

It was around midday when your eyes opened again. Briefly you checked your phone for messages. You knew your absence was covered, Maverick knew you never got out of bed the next day after an attack. He would no doubt cover you with the admiral. Softly sleep lulled you back in as you tried to forget your past. The unforgettable past. You hated that it still haunted you. A knock on the door took you by surprise. It was far too early for Mav to come and check on you. Normally he would bring by dinner and make sure you ate before leaving to be with Penny. You ignored it and tried to go back to sleep. Another knock. You groaned. "Go away!" You yelled at the intruder.

"So you are alive" you heard the all too familiar voice echo into your bedroom. "Go away!" You stated again. Another knock. "Rooster I mean it!" You warned. He just continued to knock obnoxiously on your front door. "Damnit!" You cursed as you eyed the pistol sitting out on your bedside table. It was awfully tempting. After deciding against using it you slowly got up and went to answer the door. He stood there in your doorframe his head nearly reaching the top. You sighed feeling exhausted by the exchange already.

"You gonna let me in?" He asked.

"No." You answered back sarcastically. Slowly you unlocked the door and walked away allowing him to enter.

"Nice place" he commented as he looked around.

"Thanks. I'll be back I've gotta pee" you grumbled. Your mood was sour. It always was when you were recovering from your PTSD induced anxiety attacks. After relieving yourself for longer than planned you walked out to the living room to find him still there. You groaned.

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