Chapter 7

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You sat on the floor hyperventilating thinking the worst had happened to him even though you knew he was safe on base. In your mind he was in an F-18 taking on enemy fire. There was a series of rapid knocking on your door. "Duchess!" His voice said urgently. You got to your feet instantly causing yourself to feel dizzy. You swung the door open with rage and fear mixing together inside of you. He looked you over taking in your emotional state. He knew exactly what triggered you. After spending nearly everyday and countless hours telling each other pretty much everything while your friendship grew. You even knew how many exploits he had before you and how they mysteriously stopped once he knew your name. "I'm so sorry Duchess. I overslept I'm ok. I'm right here and I'm ok." He stated his voice level and low.

"Yo-you can't do that! You can't just not show up!" You squeaked in between gasps.

"I know. I know! I'm sorry Duchess." He apologized sincerely. He took a step forward to put his hands on your arms. He knew how much touch calmed you down.

"Maybe Maverick was right. Maybe he was right." You mumbled.

"That's not true." Rooster disagreed shaking his head.

"Look at me!" You demanded and he snapped his eyes onto you. He didn't look happy. He was in emotional turmoil. "Look at me Rooster. I am falling apart! I can't stand to think of anything happening to you. I can't breathe. I can't think. I can't function! Maybe Maverick was right to try to keep us apart." You admitted. Rooster sighed throwing his hands in the air.

"Well what the fuck do you want to do?" Rooster asked coming closer to you. His tall frame almost intimidating to you.

"I don't know" you whispered. The tears ran freely down your cheeks.

"Don't do that. Don't cry. Don't let the fear take over and ruin this. What we have is good. It's good Duchess." He practically begged. He was on the verge of tears.

"I'm doing my best" you defended yourself.

"Try harder!" He pushed on your emotions.

"Damnit Goose I'm trying!" You yelled back at him. You had way too much to process and you felt as if you would throw up. He took a step back from you and you covered your mouth in shock when you realized what had come out. He began to exit the house and your panic came back. "Bradley wait!" You called after him. He was storming off, his long legs too long for you to catch. "Rooster!" You yelled on the top of your lungs but he kept walking into the night. Far from you. "Fuck!" You screamed into the air.

The door opened revealing an extremely surprised face. "Is he here?" Rooster asked desperately.

"He's just out back." Penny stated in shock as she opened the door to him. Rooster walked through the house to the small backyard. There Maverick laid in the hammock staring at the stars deep in thought.

"Maverick." Rooster practically spat announcing his presence. He was not in a good state of mind.

"Rooster what are you doing here this late? You have an early start in the morning!" Maverick insisted.

"I know." Rooster sighed as he sat down on the patio. Maverick got out of the hammock and saw Penny lingering in the kitchen. They exchanged a look as he approached the upset man.

"What's going on Bradley?" He inquired. Rooster finally took his head out of his hands and looked at Maverick.

"It's Duchess." He began to say.

"What happened to her?" His voice went dead serious.

"We are a mess." Rooster explained in no particular order. Maverick tried to keep up. "I was late today. We had plans. I was late. I overslept." He stated in short sentences. "I got there and she was in a full meltdown. Because I was late." Rooster strung together. It then dawned on Maverick what was happening.

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