Chapter 6

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The amount of time you spent with Rooster was almost unnatural though it felt like you were always supposed to be together. "Can you pass me the candy?" You asked as you searched the covers for the box you wanted. The entire bed you two sat on was covered in snacks and wrappers. Time was beginning to enter the early hours of the morning as you continued on strong with your weekend movie marathon. You had two weeks left until the mission deadline. You were spending as much of his down time together to forget about it. It was the unspoken thing that was always on your mind. Would this be the last few days you had of him? You shook the thought from your mind as he handed you the gummy candy to your satisfaction. "Thanks" you beamed and he wiggled his eyebrows playfully at you in response. His own mouth was full. You both ate way too much but couldn't find a way to stop. The lights were off and the cold air hit your skin lulling you into you comfort zone. The late hour wasn't helping your ability to stay awake. You realized you hadn't spoken in a while. Looking to your left you found Rooster lying flat on his back with his eyes closed. You smiled to yourself softly as you curled up on your side and fell right asleep after him. An hour later you opened your eyes to readjust your position. His breathing next to you was even and deep. He was at peace. He was absolutely exhausted from training but all he did was make an effort for you. You nestled in closer trying to stay warm and shelter your body from the blasting air conditioning. The intoxicating smell of his cologne wafted into your nose as it relaxed your body. The soft material of his naval sweatshirt adding the extra touch letting you know you were safe. He mumbled something softly as you fell back under the spell of sleep. Rooster groaned as he knit his eyebrows together. His mind was a battlefield. "Wait!" He urged through slurred speech. "Wait!" He insisted louder. His breathing was not at ease anymore as he struggled to fight through his nightmare. "Dad!" Rooster's eyes peeled open as a thin layer of sweat formed in his brow. He was trying to recover from being inches from him. Finally with him again. Just to have him ripped away from him once again. The sinking feeling in his chest became more apparent and more painful.

"Roose" you mumbled as you lifted your head out of his armpit.

"Mm" was his reply. He was reeling. Your lips formed the shape of a frown.

"You want to ta-" you started to say.

"Nope." He quickly cut you off. The word came out thick out of his mouth. He was holding back tears. You placed your hand gently on his chest. His heart was still pounding.

"Breathe deeply Bradley. It'll pass." You whispered the instructions as you tried to empathize. You had been there a time or two yourself. His eyes shifted towards your gaze. Your bodies illuminated by the tv light. "Does it happen a lot?" You wondered as you absentmindedly played with his hair in your fingers.

"Only when I'm stressed." He breathed out. "When I'm really stressed." He reiterated.

"You're going to be ok." You reassured him not knowing that that was in fact the truth.

"Duchess." He practically moaned your name as he touched your cheek gently. Your breath caught, his touch was sending you into overdrive. "I should go." He decided after a moment of staring into your eyes.

"Are you stupid? It's three in the morning. You might as well stay here. You can finish all that snoring you were doing." You teased, earning a chuckle from Rooster.

"Now I know you're lying." He laughed.

"It's a miracle I could get any sleep myself!" You kept going, liking the sound of his laugh. It was much better than the alternative.

"They're working me hard! I'm exhausted!" He defended himself.

"Yeah yeah" you rolled your eyes playfully as you snuggled into his side. You both let out a deep breath feeling relaxed despite the absolute assault your heart was making on you. The pounding felt so intense you were scared he could hear it.

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