Chapter 5

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A large sneeze left your body leaving you reeling. Your head was pounding horrendously. "Ugh" you moaned in complaint. You had managed to come down with the flu over the past week. You blamed Rooster even though it wasn't his fault but you had spent almost everyday together in some capacity. He had finally been able to rejoin his class in the air and was doing fairly well according to Maverick. Everyday Mav stopped by and brought soup and food for you to eat. He also knew you wanted to know how things were progressing in class. You put your hands in the pocket of the oversized grey sweatshirt that you had on. Another round of chills racked your body as you shivered. "You should go. I don't want you to get sick!" You protested through a gravely voice. Rooster walked in wiping a glass dry as he cleaned the kitchen. He knit his eyebrows together.

"Not gonna happen." He stubbornly said. You wiped your nose with another tissue.

"this sucks!" You complained as the second movie played. You had been watching movies for a few hours now since Rooster forced himself into your house. You sneezed again not able to catch it in time in your tissue and sprayed all over the sweatshirt. "Im sorry I'll clean this before I give it back to you." You promised and he chuckled.

"Don't worry it's yours." He waved you off.

"But it's your Top Gun sweatshirt!" You insisted.

"Don't sweat it Duchess." He mumbled as he forced a smile down. He returned to his cleaning as he picked up the kitchen. You had begged him not to but he insisted you were too sick. A knock on the door broke your thoughts as you got up to answer it. You swung the door open and found a group of people outside. Their smiles disappeared when they noticed the crazy mess you called hair.

"Thanks guys." You sighed as they cracked a smile.

"We came to make sure you were ok." Coyote stated bashfully. Payback, Coyote, Bob and Fanboy stood before you. You smiled wide, they caused your heart to swell. You had never felt so close to people around besides Maverick before. Rooster came and stood by your side with a proud look. "Thanks boys I really appreciate it. I've been in good hands." You beamed at the man next to you.

"That's good to hear." Fanboy wiggled his eyebrows at you causing you to roll your eyes. You stuck your middle finger up in response.

"It's not like that... she's a Duchess remember?" Coyote giggled.

"Have I told you how much I hate you?" You poked at him.

"Only all the time!" He laughed.

"Alright alright boys. She needs her rest." Rooster said dismissing his friends.

"Don't go to bed too late!" Payback winked as they began to disperse. You walked back inside and fell down on the couch. Your body was exhausted from the slightest bit of effort. There was a knock shortly after you closed your eyes. "I've got it" Rooster announced as he put down his towel, "I thought I kicked your sorry asses out." He joked as he opened the door. It went silent. Instinctively you popped up to investigate.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Mavericks voice wafted in the doorway. You went cold.

"I could ask the same thing." Rooster retorted. Maverick stepped over the threshold holding a container full of your favorite soup no doubt. He had come by almost everyday since you fell ill to make sure you ate. "Mav." You breathed out. Your body was in a state of shock when you stood up to distance the two men from each other. Maverick looked you over noticing your attire.

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