Chapter 9

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"Take a deep breath." Rooster advised as you gripped your helmet with white knuckles. The sounds of the gunshots were loud. They were front and center in your mind. Rooster stood behind you in his flight suit helmet on and ready to go. "Today I'm your wingman. Whatever you need I'll do." He spoke softly in your ear making your smile appear despite your trauma. The two of you stood in the hot sun outside Maverick's hangar. Rooster kept a hand on your shoulder to keep you steady. "Now what scares you the most about flying?" He asked. You took a large gulp as he guided your footsteps towards the aircraft. The memories began to flood behind your eyes. The fire. The screaming. The loss.

"The last time I was in the air. I lost my dad right in front of me." You stated, your voice hollow. "I crash landed." You finished as you took a shaky breath. Rooster moved his hand down to yours and held it as you stood closer to your plane. When Bradley was shot down it didn't seem so scary to you but now this seemed almost impossible.

"How loud are the gunshots?" He wondered, checking in on your status.

"They're loud." You replied simply trying to maintain normal breath.

"That's alright. You can do this." He reaffirmed. He took your hand and laced his fingers with yours. Slowly he guided your hand upwards as you touched the metal. Your hand began to tremble.

"I can't do this!" You squeaked as you began to panic.

"Take a breath. You can do this." He stated calmly. He held your hand steady as you fought the hyperventilating that was soon to come. Breathe. The shaking became worse dropping you to your knees. Rooster placed a gentle hand on your back. Unknown to you, Maverick was watching from the shade in the hangar. He dropped his head, he was hoping this would be the chance.

"Rooster we've been at this for days. I'm never going to fly again." You sighed. You put your head in your arms and curled into a ball.

"I don't believe that for a second. I'm right here with you. You're safe." Bradley tried to bring your spirits up. He got down on his knees next to you. "Duchess." He tried to get your attention. "Look at me babe." He demanded softly. You lifted your head and faced him. Even behind his sunglasses you knew the sincerity was lingering in his eyes. "I'm never going to let you fall." He promised. Your heart felt as it was too full to beat properly. His words gave you the strength to get back on your feet.

"Ok I'll try again." You agreed.

"How loud are the gunshots now?" He wondered.

"They're quieter!" You admitted with joy. They had never been this quiet before.

"Let's get into the cockpit." He guided your shaky body up the ladder. You sat at the main controls. It all seemed familiar to you but so foreign at the same time. You reached for your engine toggles once Rooster was firmly in the backseat. As soon as your hand touched it you gasped. Flashes of the fiery crash were behind your eyes. Tears quickly filled the space. You breath came short as you felt an intense pain in your chest.

"Rooster!" You called out.

"Duchess I'm right here. You're safe. I'm safe. When you're ready turn on your engines." He instructed you softly. You did as he said and felt the familiar surge of adrenaline rush through your body. You missed this. The canopy closed and you stared the taxi way down with a focus you didn't think you could manage. Roosters voice came across your comms. "How loud are they now?" He asked you.

A small chuckle escaped your lips, "I can't hear them over the engine" you called back to him.

"That's what I'm talking about." You could hear the smile on his face. It was all coming back to you. Within seconds you were in the air and cleared for the air space.

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