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Eddie's POV:

"Henderson, you and I both know I do not Meta-Game and I do not give spoilers for the next session of Hellfire," I said holding up a hand as I see Dustin, Mike, and Lucas practically squirming with anticipation. Their eagerness for the next session was honestly amusing and fun, seeing as I had purposely left more suspense in this last campaign before we went on Christmas break.

"Eddie, dude, c'mon, it-it's gonna be weeks until we can meet again!" Mike said in frustration, throwing his notes down on the table in front of him, receiving nods from Dustin and Lucas.

I raised an eyebrow and tilted my head, before looking around the theater room we used for sessions. I stretched my hands on the throne beneath me before looking to Gareth who piped up, "You three do understand this is way campaigns run. Eddie is the DM, he makes the rules. Plus we've never met over break before," He said before crossing his arms.

Dustin ran his hands over his face hard, causing his skin to be red, "Eddie, what if one of us hosted?" He said, nodding enthusiastically, looking to his other two friends for some back-up. Mike and Lucas nodded, obviously beginning to brainstorm who would host.

I stand up and begin to pack up the boards and pieces from the session, not wanting them to fall into peril or the janitor's trash bin over the long break. I do this silently, feeling the tension brew from the boys as the wait for an answer. 

Before I get the opportunity, a knock can be heard at the door before it is thrust open by none other than Steve 'the hair' Harrington himself. He was the former king of high school and we never got along, but for some reason he and Henderson actually are good friends. Behind him, I recognize Robin Buckley, she's a band nerd.

The one thing I can say in Steve's favor is that he seems to be an actually good friend to Robin. He doesn't look at her as if she's prey and he's waiting to strike. It seems he is a pretty decent guy when is comes to her. I had to dock him point since he's been taking out just about half of all the girls in the school since he has graduated. He makes a set of grand hand gestures and then points at the three younger guys.

"Why?! Why did I agree to be the babysitter? The ride? You guys said you would be outside a half hour ago! I was worried sick? What if you got kidnapped? Or frost bite?! Robin back me up here," he said as he began to pace back and forth, looking at the floor. He looked like a disappointed mother and Robin looked like the father who was there for back-up when it came time for the discipline.

Dustin groaned and shook his head, "Yeah but we were just cleaning up and talking to Eddie." He then looked down at his watch and made a face, "Shit it really has been thirty minutes. I should have radioed in." He said, trying to dispel Steve's motherly rage.

"Radioed! RADIOED! Henderson I swear to god I am gonna smother you if you give me another heart attack! Plus we've missed the beginning of the movie and the girl who works at that counter is into me. Into me!" He says before storming out.

At that moment Robin finally spoke, "In his defense, I do think she is into him and his last few dates have been awful. You should have heard about the girl he took to Lover's Lake and when they were about to-" she began to ramble before cutting herself off. She shook her head and then pressed her lips together, "Not appropriate Robin, not appropriate." She says before ushering us all to follow Steve who was waiting at the door with his arms crossed.

Dustin offered me a smile from over his shoulder, "So we can talk about if we are gonna do a winter session?" I smirk and give him a tiny nod, not wanting to delay Steve anymore. I found it odd how worked up he got about Dustin, but after the mall fire I think everyone has been a jumble of nerves waiting for the next thing to happen to this cursed town.

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