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Eddie's POV

"Guess I'm crashing here with you sorry lot," I say before plopping into the couch with a sly grin plastered on my face.
Dustin smiles and nods his head, already listing things he wants to show me before he bolts to his room, muttering something about getting it ready.
Lydia raises an eyebrow at me and smirks, "Have him in bed at a reasonable hour, I'm potentially going to use him for free labor tomorrow. First I think I'm gonna get changed..." she says before stopping slowly.
I see her then look out the window and before she bites her lip
"Something wrong?" I ask, feigning cluelessness.
"Oh uh...All my clothes are currently getting snowed in so I guess I'll sort myself out," she says before blushing. I see her scurry down the hallway to Dustin's room, throwing open his door. I hear him yell and her attempt to quiet him down.
I hear a few thuds and moments later she comes out holding something in her hands. She then goes into the other room the one I am guessing is now hers, slamming the door.
Dustin dashes back to the living room, his chest heaving as he motions for me to follow.
I roll my eyes, feigning annoyance but honestly it was amusing that he wanted to show me his nerd cave.
I heaved myself off the couch and went down the hallway, passing Lydia's room hearing her humming even through the closed door.
I finally arrived in Dustin's room, taking note of the tank in his room and his large tech set up.
This kid seriously can use all of this?
I walk over to some of the Knick Knacks on the shelf and study them, but my mind began to wonder off and settled on nonstop wondering about Lydia.
Was she seeing anyone? Is she into dudes? Is she into me? What is her game? What does she do?
"Earth to Eddie?" Dustin called out to me and I snap back, looking over at him.
"What were you thinking about?" Dustin questions, suspicion coating his voice.
"Oh! Uh....D&D!" I say thankful I found something to say to him.
He smiles and takes in an excited breath, "Dude I think we should do a session over the holidays! It would be so fun." He pauses before he crosses his arms. "Also, I gotta talk to you about something. Something deadly serious."
I look over at him. He started at me intensely, so I braced myself for the inevitable 'stay away from my cousin' speech.
"I want Lydia to join D&D. I know she was poking fun at you earlier, but she was the one who got me into it so, I'm saying I want her in. Mike and Lucas will back me," he says with unwavering confidence.
I let out a sigh of relief before rubbing my face, pretending to mull it over. I even begin pacing, muttering things under my breath, causing his composure to crack a bit.
"Alright, but her and I will have to discuss character work when she has the time because if she isn't serious," I begin to say before I hear Dustin pipe up.
"She is, I promise you she is!" He says in a pleading tone.
"We'll see," I say before heading out of his room.
I look through the house until I locate the bathroom, quickly rushing in and closing the door behind me.
I look around the bathroom, searching quietly.
No window. Fuck.
I let out an audible groan and decide to return to Dustin's room, pausing at Lydia's door.
"Claudia, it's fine, it's really fine. I don't need anything," I hear Lydia almost cooing
"Honey, I know but I just want to help."
"Claudia I already told you, I'm doing really well and I'm happy to be here." I hear Lydia begin to explain to her aunt.
I hear the floorboard creak on the other side of her door and I hurry back to Dustin's room, not wanting her to catch me eavesdropping.
Dustin has plenty of activities to delve into and I gladly take the distraction.
As Dustin is explaining his computer set up, his mother comes in to wish us goodnight. I can see her study me, almost nervous.
I give her a small smile and thank her again for allowing me to stay.
She nods and urges Dustin to go to sleep soon. I allow Dustin to continue to explain. I then hear him yawn and take my cue.
"Alright, I think that couch is luring me with its siren call," I say as I stretch my arms above my head. Dustin nods and hands me some clothes that I may or may not be able to even get on.
I laugh and take the clothes pile to the bathroom, examining the size of some of the items.
I ultimately decide to wear my own clothes to sleep in since 9/10 times I wear them to bed anyways.
I let out a sigh and twist the rings on my fingers, letting my mind wander again.
I know that I'll get to talk to her about Dungeons and Dragons, but I don't know what else I could say to her, especially after whatever the hell possessed me in that car.
I scoff at my own self doubt.
Jesus. I must be tired or crazy because I just met this chick.
I turn off the light in the bathroom and go back to the couch. A sheet has been laid over it and made up very nicely, better than my own bed.
I spot Claudia bringing in more blankets and I chuckle, "Thank you Ms. Henderson. It was very nice of you to do all this."
"Oh the blankets aren't too much. Lydia made the couch for you." She says setting the blankets down with a gentle pat.
I bite my lip and glanced at the door I knew Lydia was behind.
So she's also sweet to others besides Dustin.
I then crawled onto the couch, wanting to find a position to sleep in. Even when I got comfortable my mind continued to race. Turning over and over.
It was odd not being in my trailer. Not being in my bed or on my couch.
The silence of this neighborhood is deafening.
I can't take it.
I huff and climb off the couch before rifling around in my jacket until I find the familiar mint box. I continue to search for my lighter before I feel it in my palm.
I go to Henderson'a garage door and open it.
Oh the garage is heated. This is bliss.
I kick a milk crate over and sit down on it, opening the little metal box to reveal my personal stash.
This might help me to relax and stop thinking for at least a few.
I begin to attempt to light up, but the lighter must be out of gas.
"Fuck," I groan with the joint in between my lips.
I hear a quick clink and a spark, seeing a zippo lighter held out in front of my face by black painted nails.
I am too stunned to speak for a moment but then I hold the joint to the flame, inhaling before I have the strength to look up at her.
I see her looking down at me and smirking. Her hair is much messier and she looks like she's been tossing and turning too.
I look down and feel my face light on fire. She's wearing a flannel, buttoned all the way up, but...she's got no pants on.
I look back up at her almost alarmed and she looks down at herself and rolls her eyes.
She lifts the shirt, causing my heart to leap into my throat before revealing a pair of sleep shorts I can only guess are Dustin's.
"Jesus did you think I came out here half naked," she bites her lip to stifle a giggle. She then tucks her hair behind her ear to reveal the cigarette she had hidden on her.
"Great minds think alike," I choke out before coughing smoke. She lights her cigarette before leaning on the wall, watching me.
"Do you smoke with Dustin?" She asks in a very pointed tone.
"Jesus no!" I say standing up to look at her, flustered.
"Alright, alright," she says holding her hands in front of her. "I just would rather him not start doing this kind of stuff early. Get all messed up like me." She says, her voice dripping in honey and sarcasm.
"Dustin probably invented the D.A.R.E program himself," I chuckle, taking a long hit and looking down.
I can feel her eyes on me and I look up ever so slowly. She then begins to move and push herself off the wall, coming closer to me.
I tense up as she continues to close the distance between us.
The smoke in my lungs begins to scream at me to breathe out and I finally give in.
I let the smoke come out of my mouth, turning my head to not blow it in her direction.
Her hand grazes mine before she pauses, waiting.
I look over at her, her painted nails lightly still grazing my hand as her eyes gesture down to mine.
"Mind if I...?" She asks softly and I nod. She hands me her cigarette and she takes the joint, inhaling gladly. I take a quick drag and stare at her, feeling amused now.
"So Miss Lydia Hart, the loving cousin, smokes?" I raise an eyebrow and gesture dramatically.
"Honestly, I've been so stressed out over this move I've become so much worse," she laughs as smoke curls out of her mouth.
"Stressed? How come?" I ask, watching her continue.
"Because what if the other kids at school don't want to play with me," she says rolling her eyes.
"Cmon, you don't want to tell me?" She shakes her head with a smirk. "Fine I'll tell you something about me."
She leans forward and for a second all I can do is watch her. I shake off the nerves and wave my hand in front of me, as if casting a spell of silence.
She giggles and I continue, "They call me Eddie 'the freak' Munson. I am not the typical geek in search of a higher platform or waiting for evolution to help me up the food chain because honestly I'd rather be acknowledged as a freak then looked at... I mean really looked at."
She nods and leans back into the wall, tilting her head back to exhale smoke, exposing her neck.
I clench my teeth for a second, trying to focus.
"To be honest, I used to love visiting here because no one knew who I was," she says in a breathy voice. "I could be anyone, be with anyone, and then face no consequences. But now I'm here and have to live with the fear that I'll be this disappointment to Dustin or Claudia or even someone else."
I feel my expression soften and I shake my head, "I think the people here will fall in love with you." I say before I can stop the words coming out of my mouth.
"Those poor fools," she smirks and tilts her head down to look at me.
I hold eye contact with her for a long time, feeling the tension between us... and something else.
I can't even understand, but I feel this force tugging me to her. I've never felt that way, not since my parents...
"Eddie..?" She asks tilting her head.
"W-What?" I snap back to reality.
"I was asking if you'd like to go inside and sit, maybe have a drink?" She asks in a soft tone.
"Drink and sit sound good," I say with a smile.
"Drink and sit," she confirms, turning to walk in the house. I see her reach behind her and take my hand and I almost gasp.
Eddie. Cut. It. Out. She's being sweet. She's isn't thinking. She doesn't even know you.
We enter the living room and she makes her way around the couch, plopping down with our hands still entwined.
"Do you know your holding my hand?" I chuckle.
She then looks down and blushes, "Oh I'm so sorry, that's so weird of me to just grab you I just get touchy when I-"
"Yeah..." she admits, beginning to loosen her grip on my hand.
I tighten mine on hers, wanting to keep her hand with me while we sit.
She giggles, "Eddie, I have to go get us the drinks if we are gonna drink them," she whispers in a playful whine.
"Well where is it?" I whisper back.
"I have a bottle in my room," she says softly, leaning into my ear.
I shiver before letting her hand go, "You go and I'll meet you there."
She nods and begins to creep towards her room. I run to the kitchen and grab the first clean glasses I can find as well as a few sodas from the fridge before following her quickly.
I pause before I get to the door, not wanting to seem too eager.

I push the door open to see her holding a bottle of rum, sitting on her bed. I could see the floor boards having been moved out of place to grab this however year old bottle.

I bite my lip, before looking around to see what was in her room. All I had was the bed and a dressing table, with a mirror along the back.
There was a wire set up for a phone in here as well, but nothing was there at the moment.

"Homey" I said with a smile.
"I know, I miss my room, it had so much spunk." She says gesturing to the lack of things in her room.
"I'm sure all the stuff getting snowed in from your car would help a lot." I laugh, sitting on the floor in front of the foot of her bed.
She then slides down to the floor to face me, putting the bottle between us.
"So...what's your deal?" I ask her as I twist the cap off the bottle.
"My deal?" She scrunches her nose.
"Yes your deal." I say with a very affirmative eyebrow raise.
"Are you asking if I'm seeing anyone?"
"No I meant if you fancy yourself into guys...girls?"
She lets out a snort, "You're asking if I'm into girls!"
"No Eddie, I'm into guys. I've kissed my fair share of women just to be certain," She teases and takes a soda, cracking it open to fill her glass partly.
"I just wanted to know..." I pause before asking my next question.
"And no, I'm not seeing anyone." She says setting her glass down.

Is she psychic? But wait no like actually.

"You?" She asks, tipping the bottle of rum into her glass.
"I'm into girls, haven't dabbled with guys to have the same certainty you do, but yes into girls. And uh no I'm not seeing anyone," I say barely forming the words as my hands try to nervously make my drink.
"Do you like it here?" She asks, touching my hand softly.
"I do...but the people don't like me much sometimes," I admit, blushing.
"Well I like you so far."
"Thank you, Darling."
"This is where you're supposed to say you like me so far too," she says, giggling softly. I watch her lift the cup to her lips.
"Yes Lydia. I like you too." My fingers brush her leg again.

After a few more minutes of talking I can see Lydia's eyes begin to droop and her words get more slurred.
She drove all day today she's exhausted, and now under numerous influences.
I clear the cups out of the way before pulling her towards me. My hand takes her arm and wraps it around me, allowing me to pick her up Bridal Style.
I feel her gasp against the skin of my neck and I almost drop her, feeling my body shiver.
I move towards the bed, laying her down beneath her covers, tucking her in and moving her curls away from her face.
She looked so tired. Like she hasn't had a real sleep in weeks.
I go to work, hiding her alcohol and putting away all the remnants of our impromptu party.
I look over at her again, seeing her drift closer and closer to sleep.
I shut off her light and close her door, being careful not to make any noise. Pausing, I lean my head back against the door and let out a long sigh.

This must be so tough for her. I don't even know if I could imagine leaving the life I knew at 18. Hell I'm 20 and couldn't hack that.

I make my way back into the living room, not feeling any more relaxed.
Frankly, I needed something to do, or eat, or watch, but I settled on the most uncomfortable of all my options.
I put back on my shoes and my jacket, tying my hair back into a low ponytail before silently opening the garage door.
I looked down at the keys I had successfully stashed from driving her car earlier.

This was gonna be a long and tasking night.

Author's Note:
I will be spell check in the morning, I was working a stretch at work so this was written in between whipping up coffees lol.
This story will be updated on a more consistent schedule very very soon.
This story is a bit of a slow burn, but I already have so much planned.
Any comments, questions, concerns or even errors for me correct let me know!
I also want to thank you for taking the time to read what I have written
WC: 2969

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