You're moving to Denver. Part 1 (You're POV)

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Packing up to move was a lot of work, and I'm not excited about moving to a new school or leaving behind my friends. To make things worse, my sister is staying behind since she's going to college here. I was born and raised in Boston, I've only been to Denver to visit my grandparents. The last time I was there was when my grandfather died, about a year ago. My parents decided that it will be good to live near my grandmother so we can help her when we need to. My oldest sister, Dorothy will be there a few times a year since she lives in Garden City. Catherine said she'd visit from Harvard when she can. Nonetheless, I'm going to miss my sister and my best friend, Meg. Meg and I grew up together, we're like sisters. She promised to write daily, and our moms told us we could arrange a visit after school ends. That should be fun, if she comes to see me, I can show her around. That's something to look forward to. It's our last night here in Boston, we're flying to Denver tomorrow evening. I was helping move boxes from the living room when Catherine pulled up in her Ford Mustang. She honked and waved at me. My mom came to the window where I was standing. "Go on Y/N, your dad and I will finish." I put the box I was holding in the truck and got in the front seat of my sister's car. 

"What are you doing here? I thought you had a bunch of school work to do." I asked as she started driving. 

"I stayed up late last night so I could get everything done. I wanted to hang out with you before you guys left. So, I thought we could go to the mall. Maybe you'll see something worth taking with you either on the plane or for just, whatever." My sister loves to spoil me, that's part of the reason why she showed up out of nowhere. 

"That's great, but Mom says I shouldn't be getting new things. You know how she is." Catherine sighed as we approached a stoplight. 

"Yeah, but we're likely not going to see each other for a while and plus, it's not going to be comfortable on that plane, so at least get yourself a sweater or something like that. I'll even pay for it." 

"You need that money for school, college isn't cheap." I tried to give her a look, but she just stared at the road as she pressed the gas pedal. 

"No, but you're my sister. Family always comes first." Of course she'd use our family motto on me. That's Catherine for you. "Is Dorothy picking you guys up from the airport, or are you guys renting a car? I know Dorothy said that she and Austin were getting a hotel." 

"Our flight lands at 11:25 Boston time, which is 9:25 Denver time. She might not be awake, but she said that she'll come by our new house and say hi, even help us settle in. As for the car, Dad says the station wagon is waiting for us at the house." 

We pulled into the parking lot and got out of the car. Catherine pointed out a blue sweater that had a soft inside. It was about $12. She paid for it, then handed it to me. I tried it on, it was very warm and it's definitely something I could wear if it gets cold on the plane. Catherine and I stopped by a makeup store so she could look at lipstick. Both of my older sisters have a thing for makeup, but I never cared for it. I handed Catherine a crimson color. She smiled at me and tried it on. She was posing like a model as I giggled. "It's just lipstick silly."

"Oh come on, don't tell me you don't love the color." We both giggled. "Come on, let's go check out some other stores." We spent maybe 2 hours at the mall before we saw the time. "I bet Mom's going to wonder where you are since it's almost dinner time."

I sighed, I didn't want this evening to end, but nothing lasts forever. We walked back out to the parking lot and got in the car. The sun was starting to set. At around this time tomorrow, my parents and I will be at the airport. When Catherine pulled into the driveway, the moving truck was leaving. "That must be the last of the living room stuff." Catherine nodded in agreement and followed me inside. The house was empty, aside from the rented dining table, couch and beds. Catherine was about to leave until Mom told her to stay. After dinner, Catherine stayed as long as she could. It must have been around 9:00 when my parents decided to send me to bed.

"I know you're not in school, but you're still 13. Off to bed with you dear." My mom kissed my head, followed by my dad. Catherine gave me a big, tight hug. "I love you sis. Stay strong." She says. "I love you too, Cat." When she let go, she wiped away a tear. As I was heading towards my room, she kept an eye on me and I don't think she left until she couldn't see me. I heard the door close. I laid on my rented bed and stared out the window. My curtains were gone so I could see all the stars and moon that the size of my window could show. I love looking at the night sky. There's so much to wonder about by just looking up. I can't believe I'm moving tomorrow night. I want to see Meg one more time. I kept thinking about Meg until I drifted off to sleep. 

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