Robin low-key tells you you're beautiful (Your POV)

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Two weeks after my date with Robin, I feel more comfortable with being in school and talking to him. I was at my locker when I heard him come up behind me. "And here you are!" I turned around and we hugged. "What should we do for our date this weekend?" He asks. I smiled. "It's supposed to be clear, I thought if it was, we could stargaze? If not, then I thought we could go to the Air and Space Museum. It's only 2  years old and it sounds really cool." "Sweet. I can't wait." He put his arm around me as we walked to math class together. On our way down the hall, one of Moose's goons pulled my hair from behind. Before I could defend myself, Robin punched him in the stomach, then the face. The goon fell, hiding his bloody nose from the crowd. "If you ever touch her again, all hell will break loose." The goon, known as Buzz stood up. "Get out of my sight." We kept walking. "Wow, that was incredible." I said, clinging to his arm. He put his arm around me again as we walked into Mr. Johnson's classroom. 

At lunch, the two of us sat with Finney and Gwen as usual. We were talking about how Robin took down Buzz. "He really had it coming. Us girls really hate it when guys mess with our hair." Gwen and I giggled. "No one is going to lay a finger on my girl for as long as I'm around." Robin says, looking at me and holding my hand. We were giggling until a girl came up and threw milk in my face. "You bitch, you're the one who kicked my boyfriend!" "What the hell, that was three weeks ago!" I said, rubbing the milk out of my eyes. "Hey fuck you! He had it coming, he pushed her!" Gwen says, standing up to her. "What's a little girl going to do about it, huh?" She looked back at me. I had just gotten my sight back when she threw the carton at me. "Okay that's enough!" Robin approached her. "I won't hit a girl, but also won't sit here and watch my girlfriend get milk thrown in her face and tolerate it. Get lost!" He started raising his voice. She rolled her eyes and walked away. "And don't come near her again you bitch!" He watched her leave, then came back to me. Finney had given me napkins to help get the milk out of my eyes and hair. "Are you okay Y/N?" Robin asks. "Yeah I'm fine. These kids have some mighty tempers." "Don't worry about her. She's a rich girl, so she thinks she owns everything." Gwen says with a snarky voice tone. "Yeah, she's not the nicest girl around." Finney added. 

Robin and I planned on walking home together, but we'd take our time. At this point, his mom and my parents know that since we're dating, so they know that we hang out as often as we can after school. We took a little detour to a field where we did some of our homework. We put our books away after an hour, then we started talking. The sky was blue, but we had clouds heading this way. We were just talking shit about Buzz, Moose and Moose's girlfriend and laughing about it. After telling Robin about Tyler, we were talking shit about him too. It started to rain, so I suggested that we head home. "Wait." Robin says. "Let's stay a while." He brushed a bit of my hair behind my ear. He wrapped his arms around me slowly, but it tickled. I pulled away smiling. "Don't tell me you're ticklish." He says, walking up to me. "No!" "You are a terrible liar Y/N. Come here!" He started chasing after me. I playfully screamed as he caught me. We fell to the ground, he tickled me a bit and got me laughing. After words, he helped me up. We started heading home, running as fast as we could. When we got to my house, I kissed him on the cheek. He rubbed it as if it were some kind of treasure. "See you tomorrow?" I asked. "Yeah, see you." I handed him an umbrella. "Thanks Y/N." I watched him leave. "Y/N, close that door, will you? It's starting to rain on the carpet!" My mom calls. I looked at him one more time. He waved, I waved back, then I closed the door.

Friday couldn't come soon enough. It was clear, just like I predicted. After school, Robin and I did our homework together at school, right outside the building, then went to my house. My parents were finally comfortable with Robin, and it made me happy. He had dinner with us, and we watched scary movies until it was dark enough to see the stars. "Hey, it's dark out, come on!" I grabbed his hand and brought him to the back patio. We set up some lounge chairs and stared at the sky. "Wow, you were right. Looking at the sky makes me wonder what's out there, you know?" "Exactly. I love clear nights. Back in Boston, my best friend and I would do this as often as we could. She had a telescope and we'd try to spot planets." "Did you find any?" "We found Mercury. That was it." "Sounds cool." "It is. I'd give almost anything for a telescope like that." "If it weren't so expensive, I'd get you one." I giggled. "Don't worry about it. I'm sure I'll find the right time to get one." We were silent for a while. "You know, looking at the sky right now is opening a whole new world for me. I see what you see. For you, looking at the sky must be just like looking in the mirror." I looked over at him in shock, but a good kind of shock. "That's very sweet of you to say, Robin." He looked back at me. "You're honestly the most beautiful girl I've ever met. He reached his hand out to mine, I took it, and we continued to stare at the sky together.

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