You try to rescue Robin (Your POV)

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I came over to Robin's house on Saturday afternoon just to hang out. We were watching a movie when we realized there was no more pop. "Hey Y/N, I'm going to run down to the store to get a few things, I'll be back." He started heading out.

"Wait, I'll come with you. The grabber is still on my mind you know." I started putting my shoes on, then the phone rang. I answered it, and it was my mom. She was asking what time I'd be home. I looked over at Robin and told him I'd catch up. I reassured my mom that I was going to be home around dinner. When she was done giving her motherly speech, I hung up then went after Robin. When I got to the store, I saw a man shoving Robin into a black van. I started running towards the van as it started to drive off. I wasn't far behind it when it started driving away. The van stopped, I ran faster, trying to save my boyfriend's life. Just before I could reach for the handles on the doors, the van backed up, knocking me out.

I woke up in a bedroom with the windows covered with both curtains and aluminum foil. The door was locked. I started banging on the door when a man in a mask opened it. "What is it?" He asked.

"Where's my boyfriend?" I asked, trying to sound intimidating rather than scared. "Oh you mean the black haired boy? Don't worry about him. I won't hurt him." I didn't believe him at all so I glared at him. "How do I know you're not lying?" "You have my word my dear. I won't hurt your boyfriend." He tried to shut the door, but I began to fight him. I stomped on his foot. He yelled in pain. I tried to punch him in the stomach but he grabbed my wrist then held a knife to my throat. He tried to slit my throat, I felt the knife pierce my neck, he lost his grip on me and wound up cutting my collar bone. He punched me in the face and I blacked out again.

When I woke up again, I was in a dark room. It had gloomy gray stone walls, a window with bars on it and a mattress. I tried to sit up, but my hands were bound with duct tape. I pushed up on the ground with my taped hands, but my head hurt so much that I slipped. I looked around the room, looking for Robin. He wasn't here so I began to cry. I was crying so hard, I didn't hear Robin come up to me. "Y/N! How did you get here?" He asked, helping me sit up. "I came after you at the store. I saw the grabber putting you in the van, so I ran after him. He backed into me, knocking me out."

Robin's eyes widened. "Son of a bitch." He says, ripping the duct tape off my hands. "You're cut!" He says, looking at my wound. "Yeah, he tried to slit my throat." Robin took off his bandana and pressed it to my chest. "That Hijo De Puta! I'm going to kill him." He pulled me close to him and held me. "How are we going to get out of here?" I asked. "I don't know Y/N, but I'm sure we will find a way." He started swaying side to side, still holding me. I started crying because I was so glad he was okay. "It's okay Y/N." He started stroking my hair, then kissed my forehead.

We fell asleep on the mattress. I was cuddling with Robin. When we woke up, the grabber came in with a tray. He set it down, then just stared at us. "What do you want?" Robin asks. "I just want to see you. The girl tried to save you." He says, pointing to me. Robin put his arms on me protectively and pushed me behind him. "Who is she?" The grabber asks. "That's none of your business." "She's your girlfriend, isn't she? I heard her say so earlier. It's sweet." The grabber stared at us, then left. The door was unlocked. We both took a bite from the eggs and since nothing happened to us, we finished them. We both took notice of the phone on the wall, but it was disconnected. When the grabber came back, he stared at me and me only. It was scaring me and Robin could tell.

"Stop it!" Robin says, moving me behind him." "It's adorable. I've never really taken interest in girls, but that one, she's a real treasure. She showed love by coming after you. I wondner what else she'd do." His voice got deeper and more scary sounding. He left, and the door was still unlocked. "We have to get out of here, Robin!"

"I know. Listen, the door is unlocked. If it's still unlocked tonight, we'll wait until late at night, then we'll make a run for it." I nodded in agreement. I hugged him tightly. I saw the grabber come back with a knife. He raised the knife, so I turned just before he could stab Robin. I screamed in pain then started to cry. Robin's face was as white as snow, filled with fear and shock. "NO!" I heard him scream. The grabber turned the knife, widening the wound, then removed the knife. I fell to the ground. Robin held me. "Let's see what love does now." The grabber says leaving.

Robin was crying. "Y/N, look at me, look at me." He placed a hand on my cheek. "You're going to be okay!" But I was bleeding rapidly. "Listen Robin, I'm not going to make it. I want you to know that I'm so grateful to God for giving you to me." "Don't talk like that," Robin says still crying. "I promised your family that I would protect you!"

I put my hand on his cheek in return. "You did! You always did. Now, it's my turn to protect you." He cried more. I let one tear roll down my cheek. "Y/N... I love you." Robin says tearfully. "I love you too." I said, my voice shaking. "I love you too." Once that last sentence left my lips, so did my last breath. I closed my eyes. The next thing I new, I was standing over Robin and my own body. I saw other boys. I tried to get Robin's attention, but he didn't seem to hear me. "You're a ghost newbie, he won't be able to hear or see you." A punk-looking ghost says. Robin was sobbing his eyes out, I wanted so desperately to hold him. The grabber came back. "Looks like she loved you enough to die for you!" Robin looked up at him. "I'm going to get you for this! I hate you, you Hijo De Puta!" He just laughed then left. "I'm going to get out for you Y/N, no matter what it takes." He says, his sobs dying down. He kissed my forehead. Then carried my body to the mattress. He said the name "Y/N" that must be my name. The grabber came back later to take my body away. That night, the door was unlocked. Robin went for it. The other ghosts told me that the grabber was going to kill him. I tried reaching out to him by calling the phone, but he didn't hear it. Robin went upstairs. Just when I thought he would get out, I heard him screaming. If only I could go up there and get that asshole to leave my boyfriend alone, I'd do more than end his life. Only minutes later, Robin appeared as a ghost. "Robin?" I asked. He was covered in bruises and cuts. "Y/N? Is that you?" He asked. "I think so" I said. Even though we didn't remember our names, we recognized each other. We hugged. It was sad to know that we weren't getting out. The other ghosts explained that every time a new kid was brought here, they tried to reach out to them through the phone, but they couldn't hear it ring. Robin and I vowed that we would help them communicate with the next victim in order to help us move on. I may be dead, and my boyfriend may be dead, but at least we're together.

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