You Meet Robin

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I was on my way to school the next morning. I was kind of tired, but that's what happens when you don't give yourself enough time to adjust. On the bright side, it's only a two hour difference. I sluggishly but accidentally bumped into someone, a boy. A tall boy. He shoved me to the ground. He grabbed one of my ankles and dragged me. I snatched a nearby rock and threw it at him. That bought me enough time to get up. He grabbed my hair and tried to yank me down. "HEY!" Someone yelled. I heard footsteps running up to the scene. I punched this guy in the face, kicked him in the knee, the groin, then I did my famous flying tornado kick. He landed on some grass, and I saw him bleeding. I picked up my stuff, looked at whoever was screaming, and saw that it was him. The cute boy Dorothy and I saw yesterday. I got nervous, so I just walked away. I met up with a girl from the school. She showed me around, and helped me get into my locker. I put my stuff away, then she walked me to my first class. My teacher was Mr. White, my history teacher. I didn't see that cute boy walk in so I don't think I have this class with him. Oh well, there are 6 more classes left to go. 

My next class was math. I'm really good at math, half of my classmates back in Boston called me a genius but the other half called me a nerd. Whatever. I had Mr. Johnson. I stood in the back, trying not to be noticed until that cutie walked in. Oh my gosh, it's him! The students took their seats and pulled out a bunch of books. There was only one seat open and it was right next to my new crush. What are the odds? "Before we begin, we have a new student with us today." Everyone stared at me, I swear I was blushing." "Y/N, would you like to tell us about yourself?" I slowly made my way to the front. I glimpsed at the cute guy, he was smiling at me. "Um. Hi, my name is Y/N, I just moved here from Boston. This is actually my 2nd day here, we flew in on Sunday. Um. I have two sisters, Dorothy and Catherine, and I know karate." When I said Karate, I looked over at that cute boy. He raised his eyebrows and smiled as if he were impressed. "Karate huh? What belt do you have?" "Black" I said shyly. The cute boy smiled even bigger. "Very well Miss Y/N thank you for sharing. As for the rest of you, please be respectful to Y/N and make her feel welcome since moving to a new school can be difficult. Y/N, you can take that empty desk right there, next to Robin." He pointed to the empty desk next to my crush. Robin, his name is Robin. I sat down next to him. "Hey." He says. I looked at him. "Hi." "That was pretty cool out there, I've never seen anyone do a flying kick like that. You said your name was Y/N?" "Yeah, that's me." "I'm Robin." He smiled at me, I blushed hard. Did I just give myself away?

After class, I looked at my schedule. I had Mr. Anderson for science next. I wanted an excuse to talk to Robin so I asked him where to find room 215. "Down the hall, take a right, then it's the second door on your left." "Thanks." "Sure thing. Listen, I was serious about that kick I saw, that takes guts. I'm going to sit with my friend at lunch if you want to join us." He was nervous too, I could hear it in his voice. "I'd like that." I said, smiling at him. He chuckled. "Then I guess I'll see you later. I'll find you." "Great. Bye now." I started walking down the hall, feeling half nervous, half excited about what just happened. After I turned right, I ran into the kid I hit earlier. "Hey bitch, look what you did to my face." He pointed to a bruise on his cheek, next to his ear. "I'm going to get you for this. You better watch your back." "Whatever, just get lost asshole." I walked by him, but he pushed me. I didn't fall, but I stumbled forward. I glared at him, and in return, he flipped me off. What a bastard. If I weren't in school right now, I'd be kicking his ass all over again and I'd make that bruise bigger. I found room 215 and I went through another round of introducing myself. I met sat next to a girl named Donna. Looks like I'm not the only girl here who's got her eye on someone. She's looking over at a boy nearby. After class was lunch. I followed the rest of the students to the cafeteria. I paid for my lunch, then started looking for Robin. He waved at me from across the cafeteria. He was sitting with the boy that Donna was looking at and a girl with braids. I went to go sit with them.

"Finn, this is Y/N. She's the one who kicked Moose in the face earlier. Y/N, this is my friend Finn, and his sister Gwen." Finn smiled and nodded shyly, but Gwen had no problem reaching her hand out. I shook her hand. "So, you moved from Boston, and you're a black belt in Karate." 

"Yeah, my friend Meg was continuously getting bullied, so I started protecting her. With all that practice, I earned my black belt in no time. I was the toughest girl in school." The others around me looked impressed, especially Robin. 

"Sick! That's amazing. Moose will definitely be thinking twice before he messes with you again." The three of them laughed. "Moose hit Finney last year." Gwen added. Finney looked at her as if he didn't want her to mention it. I looked at him. "I'm sorry to hear that. Moose kind of reminds me of Tyler. He's a dick, and he's the reason why I become the toughest girl in school." 

"Wow. You know, you're my kind of girl, Y/N." Robin says, smiling at me. "Maybe we could meet after school sometime? I'd like to get to know you." I saw Finney and Gwen low-key giggling. "I'd like that." I responded. "Great. I look forward to it." "Does Friday work?" "Friday is great, I mean, yeah, sure." I giggled myself. He sounded nervous. "Super! I guess, we'll meet up by the entrance after school." "Yeah, sounds like a plan." Nice. I'm surprised he likes me back, this has never happened before. I felt my heart pounding. This is too good to be true. 

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