It's Spring Break, and your sisters are in town (Your POV)

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Catherine came down to Denver from Boston for her spring break, and Dorothy is staying at grandma's house. Even though my spring break was last week, I still loved the idea of coming home to see my sisters. One day, I decided to tell them about my boyfriend. I thought they'd be happy, and I guess they were, but they also seemed serious about it, like they wanted to talk to Robin. Oh no, not them too. I already went through this with my parents, I don't want to go through it again with my sisters. It was going to happen one way or another, so I talked to Robin one day at school.

"Should I be concerned or something? You don't seem excited about introducing me to them like you did with your parents." He says, realizing that I was staring into space completely motionless. I jerked myself back into focus.

"No, of course not." I lied. He could tell, he raised an eye brow at me. "Okay okay. My sisters are both really protective. You should have seen what they did to Tyler. I swear, Dorothy was going to get arrested." 

"What happened?" 

"You really want to know?" I asked, raising an eye brow at him. 

"Yes, I do. I want to know what I'm in for. I faced your protective parents." 

"Catherine pulled a switchblade on Tyler near the school. It was violent. After that, Tyler was afraid of her. He wasn't afraid of me until I hit him for the first time. Dorothy grabbed him by the neck and threw him backwards. After all that, our parents were about to disown them, but instead, Catherine got me into my old dojo." 

"Wow. That's some crazy ass shit right there. So, do they know that I'm coming over on Friday?"

"Yes, I told them everything." 

After school, I walked home with my boyfriend as usual. We took our time because Friday was rapidly approaching. Two days from now to be exact. I was nervous about introducing Robin to Catherine and Dorothy. Tyler was a dick, and they gave him what he deserved, but Robin is my boyfriend and I love him. I don't want my sisters to hurt him, threaten him or anything that will draw him away from me. When I approached my street, Robin and I went separate ways, my way of protecting him from being seen by my sisters before Friday. I went through the front door to see my sisters in the living room with my mom and grandma. Dad was still at work. 

"Hey Y/N, how was school?" Dorothy asks. 

"Good." Dorothy nodded at me. Catherine was examining me, as if she were looking for wounds or signs of harm. I don't understand why, because Robin wouldn't hurt me and anyone else that would has gotten a taste of my karate. When you're trained by Sensei Adam Luker, you will never lose a fight when it matters most. 

"Are you sure? You don't sound like your normal self." Catherine adds. 

"I'm fine. Just promise me, both of you, that you won't ruin this for me? I really, really want this to work. I love him."

"As long as he takes care of you, our baby sister, we'll all get along just fine." Dorothy says, Catherine nodding in agreement. Son of a bitch. I don't know why they have to freak out like this. 

I wasn't sure how I was going to do this on Friday. I woke up on Thursday with a nauseating feeling in my stomach, it must be anxiety. Robin tried to help ease this anxiety all day as much as possible, but I couldn't get it off my mind. 

On Friday afternoon, Robin was waiting at my locker. We walked out of the building together, then down the street towards my house. When I opened the front door, I saw my sisters standing tall and stern with their arms crossed. Robin was standing right beside me. They turned their scary gaze from me to him. "So. You're Y/N's boyfriend?" 

"Yes, that I am."

Catherine and Dorothy looked at each other. "Listen kid, our little sister means the world to us. The last time a boy hurt her, we almost made him disappear. We're not afraid to go through with it this time." Dorothy says, leaning over in his face. I cleared my throat and gave her a serious look after she turned to me. 

"Just take care of her. I don't want to see a single bruise, cut or scratch on her." Catherine says, leaning over in his face next to Dorothy. 

"Ladies, I give my word that Y/N will be safe for as long as she's with me. It's clear that you love her and care about her. I love her too. I wouldn't want her getting hurt either. So I will take care of Y/N, I promise." 

My sisters looked at each other, nodded towards Robin then stood up. Dorothy held out her hand. Robin shook it, then Catherine did the same. They left, and since it was awkward enough here, I didn't want to be here. I took Robin's hand and dragged him to the field we were at when it rained. 

"Jeez. Your sisters are violent, Y/N. I wouldn't need to see the family resemblance to tell that you were sisters." 

"Yeah, sorry about that. They are interesting souls." 

"It doesn't matter now, they have my word and so do you." He tucked my hair behind my ear then wrapped his arm around me. We walked around the field just thinking about how this evening went. We heard cheering, there was a baseball game going on nearby. We decided to go see it since we weren't doing anything. 

"Hey, isn't that Finney?" I asked, pointing to the pitcher. 

"Yeah, yeah that's him! I can't believe he didn't tell me he had a game tonight." We approached the fence near the concession stand in order to see him better. 

"Go Finney!" I shouted. It almost distracted him, but he pitched really well. The batter actually got out since he got 3 strikes. The next batter came up. Finney seemed focused. Robin and I got closer. Finney almost got this batter out too, but on the 3rd pitch, that ball went flying. The other team won, but Robin and I were proud of Finney anyway. The other team was chanting Bruce's name. "Hey Finney, don't worry about it, that was a fantastic throw." 

"Thanks." He says, not making eye contact

"Don't worry about it buddy, you'll get them next time." Robin says, slapping his shoulder. He started walking away with Gwen and his dad. We started walking away ourselves. As it was getting dark, we went our separate ways for the night. The next morning, the disappearance of Bruce was all over the papers. The Grabber had struck again.

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