Your One Month Anniversary (Your POV)

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I spent the whole weekend home because my parents wouldn't let me leave. They were afraid that this grabber person would snag me. This was the first time that my parents heard of the grabber, or so they say. Who says my grandmother didn't tell them about this guy? Whatever, I guess they thought they were protecting me or maybe they knew that I had already heard about the grabber. Nonetheless, I was anxious all weekend. I was worried about Robin. You never know where this grabber is or what he's doing to his victims. I didn't want to know.

On Monday, I left my house early to stop by Robin's house. When he was walking out the door, I was relieved. I ran up to him and hugged him. "Is everything okay Y/N?" He asks, rubbing my shoulders.

"Yeah, I was just worried all weekend about you because of the grabber." He pulled me back into our hug. "Don't you worry about that, Y/N." We stood there, hugging each other until his mother came out. "Robin, you'll be late for school cariño! Obtener yendo!" "Okay Mamá, see you later." He grabbed my hand and pulled me along. 

"You know what day it is?" I asked him, clinging to his arm. "It's Monday." He answers, being sarcastic. I gave him a look. "Just kidding, I know, it's our one month anniversary. And before you ask, I have something planned for us on Friday night." This was interesting. 

"Really? What is it?" I asked sounding excited. "It's a surprise." He smiled at me. I should have known that would be his response. We walked into the building, and to our lockers. I accompanied him to his locker, then left for mine. He kissed me on the cheek. "See you in math class." He says. After he walked away, I blew him a kiss. I turned around and started making my way down to Mr. White's class when I ran into Moose's girlfriend again. Not this bitch. I hate this girl. 

"Where do you think you're going, Y/N?" "To my class. Now move." I tried to go around her, but she blocked me again. I had books in my hand so I couldn't just shove past her like I would when some other dipshit blocked my path. I stomped on her foot instead. She was too busy hissing in pain to stop me as I walked past her so she just called me a dumb bitch as I walked down the hall. Little did I know that Moose saw the whole thing. At lunch, I sat with Robin, Finney and Gwen as usual. I told them about my encounter with Moose's girlfriend. "Why is that bitch always onto you like that?" Robin asks. "I don't know." "If she fights you, Y/N, she doesn't stand a chance. She needs that snobby rich attitude beaten out of her." Finney, Robin and I giggled. "I'd be glad to do so." 

Throughout the week, Moose's girlfriend and I kept getting into mini arguments. After school on Thursday, she actually grabbed my back pack from behind, stopping me in my path, and threw it on the ground. I turned around and she was in fight mode. "Let's finish this once and for all you little slut." She says. Other kids start surrounding us, chanting "fight, fight, fight." I got into my fighting stance I learned from Sensei Luker, and waited for her to make her first move. If there's anything special I learned from my sensei, it's always wait for your opponent to move first, so you know how you should fight. She threw her fist, I caught it then punched her in the stomach. She backed up, then came at me with a kick. I diverted her kick to the side, causing her to trip. When she had her back to me, I spun and kicked her in the face. My famous flying tornado kick wasn't going to be enough. I stepped back, stepped forward, jumped and spun in the air, making a perfect circle. I kicked at the last second, nailing her in the chin. She fell. I landed on my feet like a cat, then did my famous karate chop to her collar bone. She was groaning in pain. As I began to walk away, I saw Finney, Gwen and Robin. Gwen and Robin looked impressed and proud but Finney looked uncertain.

"That was badass Y/N, I've never seen anyone jump that high!" Gwen said. "That was amazing! Whoever trained you in Karate, they did a great job." Robin added. "Thanks, his name was Sensei Luker, he's one of the top sensei's in the nation. He taught Taekwondo for 10 years before teaching Karate. Now he's been teaching marital arts for a total of 25 years." Finney looked at me. "I just hope that all of that fighting doesn't come back to you. I know how Moose is when it comes to his girlfriend." "I can take him, Finn." Robin and I giggled. "She can, you know. She's one tough girl." Robin adds, putting his arm around me. When we got to my house, Robin and I kissed each other on the cheeks, then I went inside. I watched him walk home through the window until I couldn't see him. I called him a few minutes later. His mom said he made it home just fine. I've been calling about it all week. 

Friday was the day. Robin and I were walking to school together as usual, then we noticed we had company waiting for us. It was Moose and his girlfriend. Moose held out his hand, pushing his girlfriend behind him as he approaches Robin and me. Robin did the same, pushing me back into the crowd that was forming. "I wanna have a little talk with your whore there." Moose said, making a head gesture towards me. "What did you call my girlfriend?!" Robin asks angrily, stepping forward. "I called her a WHORE!! She's a wild animal who beat up my girlfriend. Us men, we don't let cheeky little sluts mess with our women." "That's right, we don't. That's why I'm going to take you down. You've put my girlfriend through enough since she started school here. Now, I'm going to put you in your place." The crowd around us starting reacting to their comments. "Keep your little whore away from my girlfriend!" Moose says. "Keep your girlfriend away from Y/N! Or else." The crowd started chanting "fight, fight, fight" just like yesterday with Moose's girlfriend and me. I saw Finney and Gwen run up to the scene. I was too far on the other side of the crowd to get to them. Moose threatened to pound Robin, which he tried, but of course, MY Robin had the upper hand, the whole time. When Robin kicked Moose, that was the nicest Roundhouse kick I've seen! It was so awesome. Once Moose was on the ground, Robin started hitting him repeatedly. I was laughing. I saw Gwen and Finney leaving. Once Robin was done giving Moose a taste of his own medicine, he and I left together. 

"You are incredible!" I said, wrapping my arm around Robin and leaning on his shoulder. He wrapped his arm around me too, and that's when I saw his knuckles. "You're bleeding!" 

"What? Nah, I'll be fine. He got what he deserved." I held his hand the rest of the way to school. I recommended that he sees the nurse to get it wrapped up, but he said that the nurse will just talk to the principal about it and that's not something we need now. I asked him if he'd at least bandage it himself. "Yeah of course." We went inside, then our separate ways to our lockers. "I'll see you later." He says. He kissed me on the cheek, then I kissed him on the cheek, and we left for class. 

After school, Finney helped Robin with his math homework. When Finney left around 4:00, Robin's mom came home. She made a special dinner which was done by 6:00. After dinner, she had a special dessert made. It was amazing. It started clearing up outside, just in time for Robin to lead me outside. There was a record player out there. Lights were hung up around the patio and flower pedals on the ground. It was so romantic. Robin started the record on the record player. It was "Somebody to love". Robin approached me with his hand out. "May I have this dance, madam?" "S'il vous plaît." I responded, taking his hand. He wrapped his arms around my waist, I wrapped mine around his neck. We slow danced to the song. When it was almost done, he leaned in. I leaned in too, then our lips collided, just as the song ended. We looked each other in the eyes, smiling big at each other. We were so in the moment, that we continued to dance with the stars, lights and moon in the background. His mom must have restarted the song. We didn't look back at her. We just stared at each other and kept dancing against the night sky. 

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