Hanging Around Town

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10:00 AM

You were sitting on the edge of your bed, watching Hells Kitchen with your cat. Both of you were staring at the screen, bored out of your mind. Suddenly you got a text notification from Miu.

"im coming to ur house to pick u up. b ready in 15 mins lolll'

You groaned loudly, not wanting to leave your bed, but alas, you had to. You threw on a pair of black ripped jeans and your (F/C) shirt. And since it was the middle of December, you decided to throw on a hoodie to keep you warm. The outfit wasn't much but you did look pretty good.


You were sitting on your couch, scrolling through YouTube watching various amounts of cat videos until you heard a loud knock at your door.


You knew immediately that it was Miu standing at your front doorstep so you grabbed your things and opened the door.


"Oh hey (Y/N)! Didn't see ya there! Lets go already! I wanna go do some shopping!"

And before you could even get a word out of your mouth, the pink haired inventor dragged you into a black and red SUV.

Mondo was in the drivers seat, Leon was in the passenger side blasting Panic! At The Disco with his AUX cord (specifically the song, "I Write Sins Not Tragedies"), Nagito and Keebo were sitting at the very far end of the car watching YouTube together, and Miu was sitting in the backseat with Kokichi in the middle.


Your face heated up at just the thought of him. Last night, you spent about an hour telling yourself over and over again that up"you weren't in love" or "this relationship is totally platonic and nothing more" God- you felt like the main character in a trashy highschool Disney movie.

"Hey (N/N)!!!" Kokichi greeted you as he hugged your arm. For a whiny little teenager he was quite the physically affectionate person..Well to you at least.

Kokichi rested his head on your shoulder and played some games on his phone. As for you? You were sitting there, your face as red as a tomato. You looked out the window to hide your blushed face until you got another text notification from Miu.

'LOL. I totally ship you guys!!! HHAHVS'

You looked at Miu as she began smirking at the two of you.

'Iruma- we're not even together. just friends '

'yeah sureeee that's what they all say. 😝'

You meantally face palmed and rolled your eyes. Miu was extremely stubborn for a high schooler but fun to hang out with nonetheless.


You were sitting in the car for about an hour. On the way to the mall, you decided to take a nap on the way there. In a way, it was peaceful.

Well you WERE taking a nap until you felt a hard slap on the back of your head from Miu.

"Wake up dumbass, we're here!!"

You dramatically groaned as you took your seatbelt off and stepped outside.

This. Mall. Was. HUGE.

It was probably even bigger than that "Togami" mansion place or whatever the hell its called.

You grabbed all your stuff from the car and started walking towards the entrance.

"So..what does everyone want to do? I'm completely fine with anything you guys pick-"

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