Super Duper Party Planners

64 3 1

December 16th

10:00 AM

2nd Period

You sat down at your desk with a loud groan. It had been a few days since Kokichi last spoke to you, let alone even looked in your direction. You were overwhelmed all night thinking about what you did to make him so angry but nothing particularly came to mind.

Usually by this time of the day, you would have already gotten two detentions and a scolding from all of your teachers for all your pranks but..nothing. You weren't motivated enough. This was the first time in months that you weren't with your best friend. Your partner in crime. But who cares anyways? You swore on your life that you'd never talk to him again and you stood by that statement.

You looked out the window of the classroom, completely zoned out from whatever your teacher was blabbing on about until you suddenly felt something hit the back of your head.

'The hell?'

You looked down on the floor and found a folded piece of paper at the foot of your desk. You picked it up and opened it, revealing a short note inside.

"Meet me at the table in the front of the cafeteria after class -Leon"

You shrugged your shoulders and gave the red headed boy a thumbs up.


As soon as your class was over, you packed all your things and headed down the hall to find Leon. What could he possibly want from you?

You walked into the ginormous cafeteria and found him sitting next to two (semi) tall guys. One having hot pink/magenta hair paired with a beanie over top of it and pearly white shark teeth, and another boy with dark skin and dark brown beautiful dreadlocks tied into a low ponytail.

"Yo (Y/N)! Over here!" Leon said as he waved his arm around in your direction. "These are my bros! Kaz and Hiro!"

You sat in a seat besides Leon as the trio of boys gave eachother a smirk.

Before you could even question about what he wanted, the boy with dreadlocks spoke up.

"Sooo...a little birdie told me that you have a crush on a certain someone in our school!" He said as he emphasized the 'birdie' while looking at Leon.

Unfortunately, you knew exactly what "crush" he was talking about.

"Alright look, I don't know what this emo boy told you guys but I do NOT have a crush. He's a liar." You rebutted.

Leon smirked back at you and let out a small chuckle. "Haha. Liar. The irony of that."

Your face instantly became a deep shade of red.

"I don't have a crush on that stupid purple kid, Kokichi!" You muttered from under your breath.

"Hey, nobody ever said a thing about Kokichi (Y/N)!" Kaz teased and you instantly became embarrassed.

"Whatever dude...but even if I ever did have a crush on that weird panta boy, it wouldn't matter because we're uh...kinda in a fight.."

"Ohh! So that's why you two havent been speaking. That explains a lot now." Leon replied.

"Yeah. I guess it does." You rolled your eyes and crossed your arms. "I made a promise to myself to never speak to that purple haired bastard ever again."

"Damn. You seem really angry about all this dude." The dark skinned boy patted your back.

"Anyways, I actually wanted to talk to you because Sonia is having this HUGE party at her mansion on Christmas Eve and I was wondering if you wanted to come! And plus, Miu is kinda forcing me to ask you. She said that 'we virgins need to party more." Leon said while doing his best impression of her.

You thought about it for a few moments. Did you really want to go? There would be a lot of people...not to mention he would probably show up and make you feel all depressed again...

"Uhh...Sure! I don't see why not!" You replied with a fake smile.

'Damn it why did I do that?!'

And if almost on cue, the familiar lunch bell had rang and the cafeteria slowly emptied one by one.

"Alright then! I guess its settled! I'll catch you after school bro!" Leon enthusiastically said as he gave you a high five, walking to his next period with Hiro and Kaz.

You let out a lengthy sigh as you got up and made your way towards your Biology class, not to mention that you quickly noticed Kokichi glaring daggers at you from behind with a stupid mischievous grin. He still had that sane unrecognizable look..You could never tell if this dude was happy, angry, or a mixture of both. His emotions were all lies.

'Yeah maybe going to this party would be a bad idea...'

((765 WORDS))

(Also IK the chapter Title makes no sense but it's 3 in the morning and I'm tired 💀)



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