Quiet As A Mouse

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December 14TH

12:40 PM


A loud bell echoed across the cafeteria, announcing that lunch was officially over. You noticed a crowd of people push through the exit doors to get to class on time.

You grabbed your trash and threw it away. You scanned and searched the lunchroom for Kokichi but for some reason, he was nowhere in sight. You two would usually go everywhere together so it wasn't like him to get up and leave like that.

...You felt a slight pain in your chest.

You shrugged your shoulders, not thinking much of it until you felt a light tap on your shoulder.

You turned around, only to find Shuichi carrying books in his hands and looking a bit nervous.

"Ah, (Y/N)! Would you like to walk to class together? I-I can't seem to find Class 37 and I might need some guidance..I mean it's alright if you don't want to I was just asking!.."

Seeing as though Kokichi wouldn't show up to walk with you any time soon, you agreed and started walking Shuichi to his class on the second floor.

"I apologize for being so clumsy (Y/N). I swear this school is like a big maze." Shuichi chuckled a bit as a light pink blush dusted across his pale face.

"It's alright Saihara. I know my way around these halls and you'll get used to it too. I'll see you after school." You gave him a light punch on the arm as you walked to your next class.

As you were walking, you spotted Kokichi next to a vending machine buying his signature grape Panta™. You ran up to him to say hello but...it was like he didn't even notice you. He didn't even spare you a passing glance.

"Hey Kokichi!"



Still no response. It was like he was ignoring you.

"Uh...Alright then. I'm heading to class. I'll see you there..I guess."

And still with no response, he shrugged his shoulders and left you standing there once again.

That burning pain in your chest was back.

Was he angry at you? Or was this just another one of his confusing pranks? You might never know. Oh well..

You walked to class and got scolded by the teacher for being late once again.

"(Y/N)! This is the 3rd time this month You have been late to class! Please find a seat and try to be a bit early next time."

You let out a small groan and rolled your eyes as you placed your bag down on the floor next to your desk.

But the moment you sat down in your chair, you instantly felt the sense of someone staring at you from the very back of the classroom.

You whipped your head around and looked at the very back corner of the room. You saw Kokichi staring out the window with his feet planted up on top of the desk looking completely unamused.

'Alright this is getting weird. Even for Kokichi. I feel like I should talk to him after school..'


4:00 PM

The last bell for the school day had went off. You grabbed your things and dashed out of the classroom, desperately trying to find your violet haired friend. You needed an explanation on why he was ignoring you all of a sudden.

Fortunately within a couple of minutes, you found him sitting on a bench in front of the school playing some sort of video game on his phone.

You walked up to him and once again, no comments.



At this point you were getting pretty ticked off. I mean, this is your best friend were talking about. Your crush. Your partner in crime. And all of a sudden he's just dismissing you? You wanted answers.

"Alright, I don't know what this is all about Kichi but you're making me really worried over here. You've been basically ignoring me all day."

The only thing you got in response was a mere "Hmph" as he continued to play on his phone.

"So are you really not gonna say anything?!"


You were done with his antics and was getting really annoyed.

"Jesus Christ Kokichi! Why do you always have to act so—

He suddenly spoke up and cut you off.

"Childish? Yeah, I get that a lot! Thanks (Y/N)" Kokichi crossed his arms and stared deep into your eyes as he gave you a sly and sarcastic smirk.

What the?...

Fuck it. If he wants to brush me aside then so be it.

"Fine then! If you want to act all stubborn then go ahead and be my fuckin guest. See if I care anyways!" And with that statement you walked home. By yourself. With nobody by your side. And you only could suspect that Kokichi did the same..

The moment you walked through your front door, you felt a burning pressure in the back of your eye. Your heartbeat quickend as you felt warm tears fall down your face. You're pretty sure you just lost your best friend over something that you didn't even know you had done. You were confused on why he was so angry at you.

Kokichi was as stubborn as a mule and the only way you would ever get through to him was to fight fire with fire.

And that's exactly what you did.


892 WORDS!

Sorry if this chapter was a little short. I try to make all my chapters at least 1000 words but I kinda lost it near the end lmao. BUT IT'S GETTING GOOD I PROMISE-

Remember to vote and comment to boost my stories!

Have a nice day yall and I'll see you guys in the next chapter! -Vix 💜



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