Deck The Halls! (Finale)

64 4 2

December 24th

Christmas Eve

4:00 PM




You were quite rudely awakened to the sound of your phone going off. How dare someone disturb your precious beauty rest!
You took your phone off the charger and noticed that Leon had been blowing up your phone for about 10 minutes. You let out a short sigh and lazily texted back.



dude im literally up

ur still coming
to the party right??

yeah ig. Why wouldn't
I be? lol

K. I don't think Kokichi is
coming btw. He said he
had a 'secret' meeting to
go to or something like
that lmao

Oh yeah and I'll be
at ur house to pick
you up at 5.
We're still going to a mansion so
dont wear anything emo 😔

thats pretty ironic
coming from you Leon 🤨

lmaoo whatever dude ✌️

XxHotDudexX is offline

You groaned into your pillow before lazily and (quite literally) dragging yourself out of bed to get dressed. You looked in your closet to find a pretty/handsome outfit to wear.

To be completely honest, you disliked Christmas a lot. Sure, the festivals were fun and the candy was tasty, (not to mention all the free stuff you get). But hearing the same 4 songs everywhere you went got old fast...

that damned Mariah Carey...

You never really understood that "christmas sprit" stuff. But then again, you couldn't pass up a good party, right?

You browsed all the unfolded and messy clothes in your closet until you found a dark red/long sleeved shirt with a pair of baggy jeans and a nice warm (f/c) hoodie. It wasn't much but at least it was comfy.

You threw on the top and the bottom and flopped onto your living room couch, turning on the TV and watching (f/s) to pass the time.


You were scrolling through your phone looking at memes until you suddenly heard a honk from outside your window. You dashed out of your apartment, locking your doors and hopping into Leon's car.

"Wow (Y/N)! You are looking good!" The redhead said while smiling at you and flashing a small finger gun at your chest

"Thanks Le. To be honest, this was the 'fanciest' thing I had in my closet." You returned the smile while he started up the car.
"Hey, where's the rest of the guys?" You questioned.
"Ah, don't worry about it. They all carpooled together. Nagito's car couldn't hold two more people so I just came and got you instead!" Leon replied.

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