The Golden Bear Statue

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Aiko's POV

Team 7 was sitting down near a trail and forest as we were looking at a map to see where the thieves that took the golden statue went.

Kakashi stated while pointing at a spot on the map, "According to our intel, the thieves who took the golden statue are either traveling on land through this forest path, or sailing by boat and will land here." He pointed at a river at the last part.

He pull his finger away causing us to look at him, "We're going to split up into two teams and lie in wait for them. In terms of balance, I guess I should go alone and the four of you will be together."

Naruto tilted his head, "What do you mean by that? Are you saying Sasuke needs all the help he can get?"

That made Sasuke snap his head at him, "No, you're the hindrance. I'm not up to your level yet, but surely 4 to 1 is too much. Why don't you take Naruto off my hands? Subtract his skills and we'll be more even."

His statement made Sakura smile with stars in her eyes since she thinks that Sasuke wants to be alone with her.

I sigh, "Sakura, I'm going to be with you as well you know."

She glare at me and said to Kakashi, "How about you take Aiko as well, she's on the same level as you."

I look down and said, "This is not about having a romantic date with the person you're obsess with. It's about working together to catch the thieves."

She just glare at me more which made Sasuke hold my hand and pulling me in, "Aiko's right. Sakura, if you're not going to work with Aiko then I guess that you should go with Kakashi as well. Aiko and I would be fine by ourselves."

Naruto then glare at Sasuke, "You got to be kidding! Why would you subtract my skills and I bet that you just want to be with your girlfriend by yourselves!"

Sasuke look away, "Because you have nothing to add to and Aiko and I work well together. You and Sakura would just be in the way."

Sakura smile at Sasuke, "What are you talking about? Aiko is the one that would be in our way."

Sasuke glare at her while Naruto yell at him, "Nani?!"

Kakashi gesture me to sit next to him which I follow and he hit his lightning barrel onto the ground, shocking Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura.

They slowly turn to him, twitching while he say, "I'll watch the pier. And you four will keep an eye on this path in the forest. If the thieves appear, notify me immediately. Do not take them lightly. Our mission is to retrieve the golden statue. We must proceed with utmost caution."

We all nodded and Kakashi continued, "If the thieves appear on my side, I will send a signal with this." He picked up his lightning barrel and explained, "When this lightning barrel is tossed into the air, it will release one thunderbolt. Once you verify it, rush straight to the location."

Naruto pointed at Sasuke, "You better handle that with care."

Kakashi look at Naruto, "Now remember. You are not to act alone."

Naruto just glare at Sasuke.

~Time skip~

All four of us was hiding in the trees to see if the thieves were going to be on this path. We then saw a group of people with horses and it seems like the one in the front was the leader.

The horse went to the edge which crack and the horse was falling to the edge while the person tried to pull it back up.

The leader then look at the horse and shoot out this blue sticky substance which wrapped around the horse's neck and pull it up.

-DISCONTINUED- Stuck in Naruto (Sasuke love story) Where stories live. Discover now