To the Tower

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Sasuke's POV

I felt Aiko fall against me as I caught her in my arms as everyone already left to continue the exam.

"Aiko!" I call out but she was unconscious. 

I put my hand on her forehead to only pull it back quickly as it was burning hot. 

"Sakura! Aiko has a fever!" I said and she told me to lay her down. 

I lay Aiko down on the ground as Sakura soak and clothing with cold water from the river near by and place it onto her forehead. 

"What happen Sakura?" I ask her and she looks down. 

She answers, "After you pass out from when Orochimaru gave you a mark. He wouldn't leave us along so..." 

She pause and I stare at her waiting for her to continue, "So what?" 

"Aiko told me to leave with you and Naruto." She said and my eyes widen as I clench my fists. 

"Why would you leave her with him?!" I yell and she quickly puts her hands in front of her as I stop. 

She stutter, "I d-didn't had a choice. I quickly deny her but she order me to and transport me away." 

Naruto came over after hearing me yelling and ask, "What's going on Teme? Why are you yelling?" 

I grab my face and pointed at Naruto as he look to where I was pointing and panic, "Ehh?! What happen to Aiko-chan?!" 

He grab onto my shoulder and shake me which made me glare at him and pull away. 

"Ask Sakura! I was unconscious like you!" I said and he look at Sakura. 

"While I was treating you guys, Aiko was battling Orochimaru until I heard her scream from the distant." 

"Do you know why she scream?!" I quickly ask her. 

"It sounded like she was in pain but I couldn't go after her since she told me to watch out for you guys." She replies. 

"So you don't know why she's in pain?" Naruto questions but she shook her head.

"While we were battling that sound team, I was watching her and found out why she was feeling pain." She said.

"What's the reason?" I ask quickly and she looks at Aiko's neck. 

"Orochimaru did something to her." She answers.

I quickly look at Aiko's neck and I spotted something that was cover by her hair. 

I quickly move her hair out of way, only to widen my eyes when I saw a familiar mark on her neck. 

My teeth gritted, 'Dang it. He got you too didn't he? That's why when I woke up, I felt some weird connection with you.' 

Suddenly I remember something back at the land of waves when her dragons treated her. 

I turn to Naruto and Sakura, "Hey, do you think that the dragons can heal her? Like what happen last time?" 

Their eyes widen in realization as Sakura said, "You're right. There's a possibility." 

She quickly turn to Aiko and spoke, "Um dragons that are friends with Aiko... if you can hear me, can you guys heal her? We can't continue this exam without her and she's really important to this team. She's our friend and we hate seeing her like this so please..."

Naruto and I watch from the side as Sakura was talking to Aiko's body until there was a glow surrounded Aiko's body. 


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