New Secret Place

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A/N: This is going to be a short chapter 


Aiko's POV 

Some days have pass and it has been so boring since all we do is train, missions, and sleep. I was laying on my bed, flat on my stomach and was complaining while Sasuke was sighing. 

"I'm bored! I don't know what to do! How many days do we have to wait?!" I whine and shove my face into the comforters. 

"Aiko. Be patient. Only a few days left. Orochimaru is getting weaker and weaker so it'll be soon." Sasuke tried to comfort me. 

I could tell the dragons were getting bored as well and I wanted to do something fun and productive since there's barely anything to do in this hideout. 

My eyes grew sad as I said, "I miss my secret place. It was so free there but I can't risk getting seen by the Leaf." 

Sasuke sat on the bed and patted my head, "You know... with your special abilities and the dragons. Maybe you can build your own secret place." 

My face perked up as I immediately sat up, "You're right! I should of thought about that! I need to find a place!" 

I got out of bed and was about to exit the room until Sasuke said, "I'll come with you. You might cause trouble." 

I cross my arms and raise a brow at him, "I can take care of myself." 

"I know. I just want to get out of this hideout as well." He admitted and I smile before nodding. 

"Okay. You can come." 

We both exit the room and was about to head out until I heard a voice, "Where do you two think you're going?" 

We both turn and roll our eyes at the sigh of Kabuto. 

"This hideout is boring. We're going to go train outside since there's more things to practice on when we're out there." I lied as Kabuto fall for it and nodded. 

Sasuke and I immediately left and went around the forest. 

I was trying to think of what I should build so I turn to Sasuke, "What should the theme be? The last one was cherry blossoms." 

He shrug, "I'm not sure. Something that all the dragons would like and have their own special place like the last one." 

I nodded and we continue to look around the area for a place that tall and big enough until we tumble on a really big and tall mountain. 

"Wow. That's huge!" I look up at it, 

'Terra come out!' I summon her as she appears. 

Sasuke and I hop onto her back as she flew us all the way to the top to the point, we reach the clouds. I was laughing with joy since it was an amazing feeling. 

We eventually reach to the top as I look down to see that there were more mountains behind it. 

"Okay, this is the spot. Terra, can you make a huge space between the mountains?" I ask and she roars before glowing green. 

I heard rumbling as I look down to see mountains shuffling apart as rocks were shattering until there was a huge hole and gap inside the mountains. 

There was a small place in the middle as Terra flew us down and we hop off, onto the floating rock. 

I nodded in approval, "Good. Now let's make this place more comforting. Terra you can grow some plants and trees in this area." 

She growl and flew away to some places while growing some plants. 

-DISCONTINUED- Stuck in Naruto (Sasuke love story) Where stories live. Discover now