The Eight-tailed Jinchuriki

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A/N: Sorry for the long wait but I have some news. Starting today, I'm probably going to update only once or twice a week now because school is starting soon for me and I'll be very busy. Hope you don't mind and understand. 


Aiko's POV 

Right now currently, Sasuke and I was sitting on a skeleton as I was playing with his hair while he was thinking back when Itachi massacre their clan. I heard footsteps so I turned to see to Tobi walking towards us but Sasuke didn't turned to him. 

"He was crying at that moment. I thought I had imagined it." Sasuke spoke up. "I didn't realize..." 

It was silence until he said to Tobi, "It seems what you told me was true." 

"So what will you do?" Tobi asked. "I was planning on giving you Itachi's eye but when I got there, his body was gone. Wonder why..." 

I got slightly tensed when I saw him turned to me but kept a straight face while Sasuke's body tense up. 

"His body was gone?! Where is it?" He asked. 

"Don't worry. I buried it where your parents were. Luckily I wasn't caught but anyways... the eyes are right here." I lied and made the jars of Itachi's eyes appeared. 

"I had to get it because it can get into the wrong hands. Like a certain elder." I narrow my eyes at the thought of that asshole. 

Sasuke nodded in thanks, "Thank you but I'm not going to have Itachi's eyes transplanted in me. What Itachi wanted to see, and what I will see hereafter, will be completely different. I can't do as Itachi wished me to do. I will restore the Uchiha clan in my own way. With Aiko's help." 

I slap his head, "Now's not the time! We're still young you know!" 

'Besides... I won't be able to help you if I'm going to be gone.' I said in my head. 

He smirked, "Fine. But it will happen one day." 

I roll my eyes, "Right. After you're done with you're crazy plans that involves a certain village getting destroyed." 

"Don't worry. That'll be done soon." 

"How about I give you some advice? Go after Danzo and beat the shit out of him. Have you seen what he has underneath that wrap up bandage around his fake ass injured arm. It's fucking disgusting." I cringe in disgust. 

"What is it?" 

"Oh... you don't want to know. You'll find out." 

"Tch. Fine. I'll go after him first." 

"Yes! I'll help you." 

He quickly denied, "No." 

"What?! Why?!" 

"Because... I need to avenge my clan on my own." 

"Come on! At least one attack?" I stared at him while trying to convince him with the pleading look on my face. 

He tried to look away but gave in, "Fine. One attack but I get to do that rest." 

"Deal." I give him a kiss and pulled back. "Now. I'm pretty sure that we have a meeting right?" 

I turned to Tobi who nodded, "Yes. I'll see you there." 

He flashed away while Sasuke and I jumped down. 

I sigh, 'We need to try to get Killer bee since he's the jinchuriki of the eight tails. Luckily he left a decoy to have them think that's him. I can't tell them or else Madara's plan is going to be complete soon.' 

-DISCONTINUED- Stuck in Naruto (Sasuke love story) Where stories live. Discover now