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~Early morning~

Sasuke's POV

I woke up early as I look up at the ceiling while Aiko was still sleeping while laying on top of me until I remember how Orochimaru wanted me to get up early for training since he was going to teach me a new jutsu.

'Should I wake her?' I thought and decided that I should so I shake her gently.

"Aiko, wake up. We need to train." I said as she groans and roll away.

"Noooooo." She complains and I sigh.

"Come on. Orochimaru is suppose to teach me a new jutsu." I said and immediately she sat up with wide eyes.

I got confuse as she said, "Today?! Oh right... I forgot."

"Forgot what?"

"The reunion."

"What do you mean by reunion."

She sigh, "Naruto and Sakura."

My eyes widen, "They're coming today? It's been 3 years."

She nodded, "I know but did you seriously think that they would stop looking for us?"

I pause, "You do have a point. But get ready."

She gets out of bed and went to the bathroom to change while I put on my shirt, rope, and my sword.

She got out of the bathroom ready as we exit to the training room. I expected Orochimaru to be there with Kabuto but there was no one.

"Tch. They're late." I look around the dark room and sat down, pulling Aiko on my lap.

"I knew that. They probably encounter Naruto and Sakura to prevent them finding us." She said.

"Hn. They should give it up."

"That's not how they are. They're stubborn especially when is comes to the two of us. But anyways, how's are you with training? Are you almost done?"

I nodded, "Almost. Just need to work on some more lightning jutsus and my curse mark. It's almost time."

"Good. He give me the creeps. But anyways, what're your plans after that?"

"Look for Itachi and kill him. But it's going to be hard for us to do that by ourselves. We need to form a team." I explained and she looks like she's in her thoughts.

She them smiles, "I know who can be in our team."

I raise a brow at her, "Really? Who?"

"Remember when you went on that mission to bring back those prisoners that escape?"

I look back to when that happen and nodded as she continues, "Well, you had help remember? The girl with red hair and with glasses. Karin Uzumaki."

My head lean back in annoyance, "Really? She's a fangirl though. She thought that I have a thing for her because I save her so that I can find the prisoners easier."

She patted my chest, "I know that. But, she has extraordinary sensing abilities. If you want to find Itachi, then she can help you."

"Fine. I'll just keep calm around her."

She nodded, "Good. Next is Suigetsu. The one that can turn his body into water. He's good at fighting and is hard to kill because it turns into water. He also has good kenjutsu. You also told him before about killing Oreo so might as well let him join.

I nod in approval.

"Finally, is Jugo. He had the same curse mark as you and control it. I've visited him before because I had to go to the Northern hideout once. I must say, at first he's would want to kill you but I was able to show him that I can keep him in control and we became close since then. I haven't visit him in a while but I'm looking forward to it."

-DISCONTINUED- Stuck in Naruto (Sasuke love story) Where stories live. Discover now