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"Bitch! I got my leave slip" my best friend onika yelled to which I closed my eyes and sighed at her outburst at my work desk.

"I see that onika" I said not giving her a glance.

"Sorry" she whispered "aren't you finished working.. Its like five o clock" I typed away aggressively on my keyboard still not looking at her.

"Five literally just came nik " I said rolling my eyes, she came around and rest her elbows on my desk putting her head in her palms. I finally glanced at her after staring at my screen for what felt like hours and saw her cheesy smile.

"What?" I asked with the cock of a brow and she giggled like a little child.

"Your gonna get dick this vacation" my eyes widened at her rude mouth.

"Nik!" She burst out laughing rising from her resting position and held her belly. I quickly packed my bag annoyed at my friend, was it wrong to not have a dirty mouth while you were in company uniform or was it just me.

"But it's true I sense it with my spider senses" now its my turn to laugh, she was literally a crazy person. I grabbed my bag and head out of my small office locking it with onika following close behind me.

Alot of our colleagues were jealous of the fact that onika and I had gotten our vacation leave at the same time little did they know that its because were worked in different departments and I had cleared up about a months worth of work so I was free.

Onika and I worked at a law firm I was a business consultant and she was our boss personal assistant, I was practically my own boss but I still got paid through someone via profit split, the bigger the client the bigger the profit split which was always 75 percent.

"Bye larry" I waved at the young nerd sitting behind his desk typing away at his computer, his head snapped in our direction and he gave us a braces filled smile.

"See yah" he waved and onika and I waved back. We didn't interact much with the other workers because for some reason they did not like us. We made it to the parking lot and hopped into my 2018 blue Lexus.

Onika immediately plugged her phone up to the aux card and started scrolling.

"Must you always play music?" I was tired, dirty and hungry so I was a bit grumpy luckily onika was used to it.

"Yes... First of all Friday just dropped a new hit and that shit is popping" my eyebrows drew together in confusion as I drew up my handbrake ready to drive off.

"Friday?" She gasped from the passenger side and turned to me dramatically.

"Bi- you know what just listen I made you heard this man ten times over" I shrugged still oblivious as to who she was rambling about because I don't know no Friday. She swiped her finger on the screen and clicked on what I assumed was a song.

It started with a little afro beat and a very smooth and premium sounding voice started to sing I bopped my head to the tune and glanced over at onika who was glaring at me.

"Whaat?" I drawled laughing.

"Okay okay I think I remember his voice" I lied. she folded her arms across her chest.

"Name one song" I held my head straight ahead focusing on the road as if I didn't hear her.

"Aliyah!" She whined.



I dropped onika off at her apartment to go pack for our trip and to sleep over at my house for the night. Yes we were literally leaving the day after we got our leave, both of us got a month and a half off work because of our high performances and how much money we brought into that company. I went up the stairs to my apartment and unlocked my door walking inside.

My brown cat was sitting behind the door waiting for me and I scratched behind her ear while I struggled to take my work shoes off.

"Hungry?" I said kneeling down infront of her and she purred against my skin. I always left enough food for the whole day when I left for work and enough water plus I clean her sand box everyday. For my trip however I was gonna have to leave her with my neighbour Mrs. Gret and luckily her house was filled with cats that woman loves them so much, said they kept her company ever since her husband died so rose would be in good hands.

I got up from kneeling position and went straight for the kitchen to start dinner onika was coming over and I was starving. I served rose her dinner and started on mine which was some brown stew chicken and white rice a recipe my mom had taught me because she is Jamaican.

I made enough for two and left it on the stove to keep warm while I went and go shower, onika texted me that she was on her way and I was surprised at how fast she got ready which was pretty obvious by the way, I couldn't lie I was pretty excited too. We saved up almost the whole of last year for this trip and haven't taken a leave in about two so we were pretty excited.

I have never been to Miami before and heard that over there was a bomb. I got out the shower and got comfy before going for my dinner.

The door to my apartment started to pull and I knew it was none other than onika herself. She was struggling with about three suitcases to coke through the door and I couldn't help but cackle.

"Kikiki..." Onika mocked pretending to laugh.

"Its not funny come help me!" I put my hands up in surrender and went over there to help.

"Girl what are you carrying in this?!" I exclaimed putting the heavy suitcase by the couch.

"You do know that we're spending almost a month in Miami right" she sassed and I deadpanned.

"Haven't you heard about washing before" she rolled her eyes and began typing away at her phone while I went back to sharing our dinner. This was going to be a long trip.

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