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After Ms. Dupree's and Tia's outburst, everything was chilled for a while. We all met different family members, chatted, laughed and if course ate.

I felt the need to use the bathroom and excused myself. It wasn't hard to find as Friday had directed me but also warned me to be careful. We weren't welcomed here.

I hurried, used the toilet and washed my hands. Just when I was walking out I bumped into someone and fell backwards hurting my elbows in the process.

I looked up to see none other than Tia in her most evilest form, she even had a security guard.

"Fuck off" I growled, helping myself up off the ground.

"You have no idea who your messing with do you?" She asked, her voice cold as ice. I remained silent. Not from fear of her but her security guard as he looked big and ready to take orders.

"You came into Friday's life and started ruining everything" I had my phone in my hand so I secretly double pressed the volume button to activated video recorded, I had set it like this a long time ago as it was convenient.

Didn't know I would ever be using it in this situation. The back camera was facing her, thank God the flash was off.

"You became a nuisance, couldn't you take the hint!" She yelled pulling out a knife, oh this bitch wanted to kill me!?.

"What hint?" Came my voice for the first time, her guard blocked the door and I gulped.

"Wasn't you being kidnapped warning enough and need I remind you?" Her eyes looked crazed and ready to kill but at least I got the confession.

"So it was you, you bitch" I muttered and she smirked inching closer to me, knife in hand, her knuckles clenched around it.

"Wasn't it obvious"

"Your gonna kill me then what... Friday will hate you for it" I said careful with my words, trying to kill time. Hoping someone missed me or wanted to use the bathroom at least.

She chuckled "he will never know"

"Aliyah!!!" I heard someone yell from the door, Tia's head whipped around and I took this as an opportunity to lounge at tia. I tackled her to the ground, we both fell with a thud and the knife bounced out of her hand and my phone flew under the bathroom cupboard.

She started throwing hands and shoving me off, hitting my nose in the process. Onika was using her bag the beat the guard but he body slammed her on the ground, I heard the air leaving her lungs and it got me mad.

Tia tried to slip from under me and reach for the knife but I yanked her back and punched her in the face, she cried out but managed to land a kick in my stomach, I dropped back far enough for her to grab the knife.

I lounged forward trying to make a run for it but was blocked my the guard, he held a smirk on his face and I let out an ear curdling scream, hopeful that someone would hear me over the music.

He grabbed me and spun me around just in time for tia to stab me in the stomach. The sharp pain only brought a gasp from my lips, I looked down at the object that was handle deep in my belly then looked up at tia who was now backing away from me.

"Catch her" I heard her command not even realizing that I was falling backwards. The guard caught me before I landed in the floor.

Shit. I think I'm gonna die. I looked over at onika who was knocked out on the floor, blood running from her nose.

I think the knife pierced somewhere vital. I felt my life rapidly being pulled away from my body. Dammit, will Friday ever know what happened to me?

I started to become hazy, unaware. My body felt light indicating that I was loosing blood fast. I felt my body being lifted.

Black dots started showing and I cried out from the pain of someone yanking the knife out of my stomach.

"Die bitch" I heard a voice mutter.

"Take them to the back, I'll call dad... I keep any one from co-"

"No!!" I heard the scream of someone, but I didn't know who.... Everything was starting to blur out.

"Aliyah! What did you do!!" My body landed on the floor with a thud and I heard footsteps running away in the distance before another pair of hands scooped me up.

"No.. please, stay with me baby" I heard the voice sob, Friday?

"Please, baby.... Baby wake" he cried rocking me back and forth, I smiled to myself. Well at least he knows how I died and he'll get justice.

I started to fade away, loosing, sight and mind. Slowly leaving, everything deaf around me. Cool, calm.

"Aliyah!... Please!"

"Please... God why!?"

"Don't leave me!"

Then nothing.

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